Leaked Nvidia G92 specs

I hardly believe any of this. Just look back on all of the false rumors about the 8800 and the 2900 specs just months before their release, yet we had known about them coming for some time.
Man wtf? Just wtf lol. So I guess I will get the 8800GTS 640MB version now instead of the GTX. Then wait 2-3 years and get some video card that has like 1.5m transistors on it or something. Amazing what nanites can do huh? :eek: Also I would'nt wait for "better" quad cores. Four is way enough to handle anything. Why would you wait for a better quad core when most apps (including future ones) run very fast on the intels?
The 7900 GS I chose is supposed to be better then this BFG one right guys:

The XFX has:
Core: 600
Memory 1.6Ghz

BFG has:
Memory: 1320

The reason I ask is because I've been reading the benchmarks of the 2600xt where in the BFG 7900GS OC out outperforms it.

Also the weird thing is on the stores site the normal xfx 7900 gs is more expensive. It's 119,- instead of 105,- and it has a larger cooler, anyone know what is up with that.
I think I have the XFX!
FFS i just got my BFG 8800 GTX OC in the mailbox and now they come up with this. Well im not waiting anymore to play games on full graphics so im happy, besides, a card twice as good as 8800 Ultra wont be needed, no games require that, not even in the near future. Oh and getting SLI 8800 meets up with the 9800 which im doing soon. The thing that annoys me is that the 9800 is cheaper than the Ultra when its twice as fast, rediculus for those who just bought an ultra lol
UT3 may, they said that it'll be another year before there's hardware that can play the game at absolute max settings (all settings, res, AA, AF)
eDRAM die for "FREE 4xAA".
This has been in the Xbox 360; I guess it's making its way to the desktop.

But on a side note, I knew the 8x00 cards were just a stopgap to coincide with Vista due to their terrible performance in DX10 apps, and the new generation supposedly having twice as much performance.
I knew there was a reason why I bought a EVGA 8800gts 320mb for only 180 punds, because the 8800gtx will most certainly come down in price.
This was confirmed to be a fake in the Steampowered Hardware forums, you should check it out.
Exploder is correct, they confirmed it on another big dutch hardware site. Sorry guys.
Although that said, everything but the eDRAM seems likely.
no, that's good, it means my upgrade path isn't fubabed up :p
I think im going to wait for this BEAST!
I'm waiting for quality PC games that just happen to be in DX10 (or in DX9 but require more performance than what I have). ;)
Bold is important, not just any game.
This was confirmed to be a fake in the Steampowered Hardware forums, you should check it out.


I thought this card was real. I was so excited. Whomever is responsible for this made up poop should be forced to watch a 72 hour marathon of Richard Simmons.
I'm waiting for quality PC games that just happen to be in DX10 (or in DX9 but require more performance than what I have). ;)
Bold is important, not just any game.

Same here. Had this PC now for 2 years and it can still play all of the games I want to play on full settings.

I'll probably upgrade sometime late this year or early next year.
I've was going to get the evga 640mb version of that card ..with mail in rebate it was $20 more than the evga 320mb version\

now I dont know what to get

Just got the eVGA 8800gts 320mb card as a temporary replacement, because it was so damned cheap.

Now I have an excuse to save up for a powerful card this November :p
Well, no matter the stats of the 9900 line, I'll be waiting for it to launch until I upgrade. Lower 8800 prices ftw.
If your gonna wait for the G90 at least wait for the ATI R700.
pfff. my 7950s are half as good. Though I'll probably upgrade, what with Nvidia's *Censored by mods* to allow a new quad core driver.
30 days left on my Step-Up plan.

God Bless and Damn Nvidia for cutting it so close for me.
Evga allows people who have bought a gracphics card within 90 days to return it and use the credit to buy a better graphics card, paying only the difference.
So whats the news on these cards? Its already Nov and with the 8800 GT out i dont think these are coming any time soon.
Hehe. This is fast, way too fast. Nvidia products competing with each other?

This is good for you, and I ... Maybe not for I but, definitely for you.

Too much to choose from; you shouldn't worry about benchmark results, but rather price.
these 9 series card are gonna cost around ?250, think ill stick with 8800GT, im not fused about 4XAA, 2AA is enough for me