learn to S P E L L

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In the land of internet it is quite common, and at least widely accepted that "u" and "r" and "4" and "2" etc, etc, are the actual language.

Here, if you DO use correct grammar and punctuation, you're an outcast. :(
Man you people are sad, the fact that you actually care if people misspell a word shows that you have to much time on your hands. Especially when you make a thread dedicated to it. Get a life outside your computer...
Originally posted by shiv
Learn to post your whiney complaints in the, "General Off-Topic Chat":flame:

I would prefer "the recycle bin" over a forum under my moderation :)

Its a bit pointless to get hung up over peoples spelling. I mean, you can understand what they are saying so where is the problem? Like it has been said before some people type to fast, and some people just don't know the spelling. Why not just correct them and leave it be. If they do it again correct them again, and if they still don't get it then just ignore it.
I know that i make mistakes, usaually in the evening when im tired, or perhaps when my hands are cold.

Anyway, this thread is closed now because there isnt much point in it being here anymore.
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