Learning German

Jul 17, 2003
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Been searching around google and such but couldn't find anything free (and not invalid, either, with bad grammar and such)

I'm looking for some German lessons, I'd need the very start and basics.

I'm taking German in my Junior and Senior years, but I'd like to start on it as soon as possible. It's going towards my future setup as far as a career in the Air Force goes.

Thanks for any help.
Isn't there books to hire from libaries for this kinda thing?
Lesson 2: Nien = No.

Lesson 3: Auf Windersien = Goodbye.
sechs! sechs! SECHS!!! - 6! 6! 6!

gotta have that sechs ;)
Lesson 12: My car is equal to the amount of my walnut = Good Evening
I could scan pages out of my text book, but to really learn German you have to be tought it, you cant really just read it and pick it up (unless you are German) it has to be explained, it too difficult just to read and pick up
i'm doing french, so i bought the "Lets Learn French" tuition software. theres ones for italian, chinese, and german. i know you have to buy them, but i got mine for $9.95 (AU), so its pretty cheap
I had one for Indoneasian when I was about 6 or 7 :|
I have learned German for 5 years. It's damn hard, although most swedish words come from german, so it might be harder for english speakers. But the way they build the sentences remind more of english than of german.
I took lessons in Indoneasian for a few years... Forgot it all

I took about 3 years of Japanese... Remember only a few words

Lesson 12342 (most important lesson): Fick dich=feck you
Danimal said:
I took lessons in Indoneasian for a few years... Forgot it all

I took about 3 years of Japanese... Remember only a few words


Watashi wa Roger desu. Hajimemashite
Danimal said:
Lesson 2: Nien = No.

Lesson 3: Auf Windersien = Goodbye.

It's 'auf wiedersehen' :hmph:

Oh, and btw, the German language doesn't exist, it's all a lie, originated from the Nazi's in WW2, all the words that exist are made up for the song '99 luftballonns'. Make sure you know that, and you've mastered the German 'language'.
My Lesson 12 is the only words you need to survive, trust me. :p
I much prefered learning German to French, it was a lot easier (just seemed more English-like than French)
German the most importnant words:Blödes Arschloch - stupid asshole

Dummes Huhn - stupid chicken

Scheisse - shit

Fotze - ****

Blöde Fotze - Stupid ****

Schwuchtl - ****** (noun)

Lesbe - Lesbian

Mutterficker - mother****er

Hurensohn - sonuvabitch

Hure - whore

Depp - idiot

Drecksau - dirty pig

Arschgesicht - "Assface" (Butthead)

Fick dich! - **** you

Fick mich - **** me

(dummer) Schweinhund - (dumb) pigdog (archaic)

Schlampe - tramp or slut

das geht dich einen feuchten
Scheissdreck an - none of your ****ing business
(Lit. that concerns you like wet shit)

du verdammter
Arschficker - you damn ass****er

Auf Wiedersehen
Fickakopf - Goodbye ****head

himmeldonnerwetter - *no translation--very strong curse*
(Lit. heaven thunder weather)

Leck mich am Arsch - lick my ass

mach es dir selber - go **** yourself

scheissekopf - shithead

Lichten mein asch. - kiss my ass, Lit.- Lick my ass

Lichten mein
Hosenschlange! - lit. - Lick my trouser snake

schnoodle noodle - dick snot
You're really being helpful, Lemonking... and very cool of course... :upstare:
Recoil said:
You're really being helpful, Lemonking... and very cool of course... :upstare:

wo ist das Klo-where is the toilet
eine Bretzel mit eienem Bier-a bretzel witha beer
Ich liebeb dich-I love u
wollen wir zu dir oder zu mir-ur place or my place

is that normal enough?
It's true.

ja = yes.
Ich = I.
Ich bin = I am.
Ich habe = I have (but also used in past tense, eg I have done something)
Ich heisse = My name is
Ich wohne in Brighton = I live in Brighton.
Ich verstehe nicht = I don't understand.
Sprechen sie English? = Do you speak English?
Was kostet das? = How much does it cost?
Danke schon (with umlauts on the o) = Thank you so very very much
Chuss! = See ya!

Although you can get along by just saying "Ich verstehe nicht. Sprechen sie English?"
But it would be even mroe helpful if you guys posted how to pronounce it.

...how do you pronounce "Ich"???
Some base rules:
w is pronounced v
v is pronounced f
and j is pronounced y
An e on the end of a word is generally pronounced as an 'er' (eg. habe = haber).
When there is an i and an e next to eachother, whichever letter comes second is the one pronounced (eg. field would be pronounced 'feld' but heinz is 'hiinz').
Ch is pronounced k or a sort of hard 'ch'.


ya = yes.
Ick = I.
Ick bin = I am.
Ick haber = I have (but also used in past tense, eg I have done something)
Ick heisser = My name is
Ick voner in Brighton = I live in Brighton.
Ick versteyer nickt = I don't understand.
Spreken sie English? = Do you speak English?
Was kostet das? = How much does it cost?
Danker schown (with umlauts on the o) = Thank you so very very much
Chooss! = See ya!

If any of this is wrong, I'm doing German GCSE so I blame my teacher.
I have deutch vor fünf Jahre studiert, ich habe die Wörter ganz schell gelernt, aber nicht die Grammatik.

Please correct my misstakes.
Ich hab vor fünf Jahren Deutsch studiert/gelernt, ...
Vor fünf Jahren hab ich Deutsch studiert/gelernt, ...

...ich habe die Wörter ganz schell gelernt, aber nicht die Grammatik.

Last part was correct, very good :)
Recoil said:
Ich hab vor fünf Jahren Deutsch studiert/gelernt, ...
Vor fünf Jahren hab ich Deutsch studiert/gelernt, ...

...ich habe die Wörter ganz schell gelernt, aber nicht die Grammatik.

Last part was correct, very good :)

The "I have" part was supposed to be "Ich habe", of course. But why do you say "Ich hab"?
Sulkdodds said:
Some base rules:
w is pronounced v
v is pronounced f
and j is pronounced y
An e on the end of a word is generally pronounced as an 'er' (eg. habe = haber).
When there is an i and an e next to eachother, whichever letter comes second is the one pronounced (eg. field would be pronounced 'feld' but heinz is 'hiinz').
Ch is pronounced k or a sort of hard 'ch'.


ya = yes.
Ick = I.
Ick bin = I am.
Ick haber = I have (but also used in past tense, eg I have done something)
Ick heisser = My name is
Ick voner in Brighton = I live in Brighton.
Ick versteyer nickt = I don't understand.
Spreken sie English? = Do you speak English?
Was kostet das? = How much does it cost?
Danker schown (with umlauts on the o) = Thank you so very very much
Chooss! = See ya!

If any of this is wrong, I'm doing German GCSE so I blame my teacher.

A couple of notes to that, in southern Germany and in Austria, ch sounds are pronounced 'sh' instead of 'k', and also make sure to make 'r's very light. Almost as if they are silent, but not quite, its tricky.
But why do you say "Ich hab"?

Sorry to confuse you, 'hab' is just the short form of 'habe' :) ... people usually say it that way when talking.
Thanks for the help guys. I'll look into some software, hadn't thought of that.
Pronouncing "Ich" = Depends where you come from. If I remember right, southern Germany prounounces it "Ish" and northern prounounces it "Ick"

Iced_Eagle said:

Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut. Es ist schwer. Ich habe Deutsch drei, aber ich soll mein Hausaufgaben machen weil, es gut fur mein note ist.

I have no idea how many things were wrong right there. I really should do my German homework though. :laugh:

Here's the two biggest tips I can give you for learning German: REMEMBER DER DIE AND DAS FOR EVERYTHING. IT'S IMPORTANT.

And second, vocabulary is your friend.
Ich habe Deutsch drei, aber ich soll mein Hausaufgaben machen weil, es gut fur mein note ist.

It has to be 'Ich habe in Deutsch eine Drei' with an article, you know? :) Like 'I've got a D in German' and the comma has to be before the 'weil' :D - but I perfectly understood what you ment.


Yeah, I can imagine that this is the most annoying thing to learn.
Recoil said:
It has to be 'Ich habe in Deutsch eine Drei' with an article, you know? :) Like 'I've got a D in German' and the comma has to be before the 'weil' :D - but I perfectly understood what you ment.

It's obvious I'm a noob now. :smoking: Endings will forever plague me. Hehe. Mein, Meine, Meinen. Ihre, Euch, Dich, Dir, Mich, Mir, Ich, Du, Er, Sie, Es, etc etc. It's all so overwhelming. :) But I didn't meant to say I had a D in German. I meant to say I was in Grade 3 German. Since I didn't know how to say "level" 3. lol I've got a B- in Deutsch. :afro:

Our German teacher said that when we're in Germany, Germans WILL correct us on almost all mistakes. If it's true, I'm scared. But at least I'll further myself in the langauge.
I meant to say I was in Grade 3 German. Since I didn't know how to say "level" 3.

Oh... uhm... perhaps 'Ich habe Deutsch nun im dritten Jahr' (I've got German in the third year now) ... dunno, I think there's no direct translation for 'grade'... other than class (Klasse)


Our German teacher said that when we're in Germany, Germans WILL correct us on almost all mistakes.

Naah, I don't think so :D at least not such minor mistakes as endings or so.

You comin' over? When and where to? :cheers:
Recoil said:
Oh... uhm... perhaps 'Ich habe Deutsch nun im dritten Jahr' (I've got German in the third year now) ... dunno, I think there's no direct translation for 'grade'... other than class (Klasse)


Naah, I don't think so :D at least not such minor mistakes as endings or so.

You comin' over? When and where to? :cheers:

Get on AIM and we'll talk about it. :afro: I'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind.

AIM: One in Purgatory

Should be going over there early July. Going to stay for about a month in eastern Germany.
id like to learn German and Spanish.

people say German is easier than spanish to learn.
simular to englsh .. is that true?

BTW since when can we see warning levels again?
i thought they were hidden on purpose since last week ... :O