Learning To Model And Animate


Oct 3, 2003
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Will this tech me to model WELL do you think?

"Bring your story ideas and characters to life in Arts Umbrella's Mac lab and explore the realm of 2D and 3D computer animation. Each session builds upon the last as you progress through a continuum of digital animation skills and techniques. Learn the basics of industry-standard digital animation tools like Photoshop, Movie, Flash and Maya while applying the fundamentals of Classical Animation. Create dynamic montages of images and progress to the building blocks of animation production: wire frames, models, character design, movement, graphics, effects and lighting. Students enrolled in the Spring Session will have the opportunity to publicly screen their work at the Arts Umbrella Media Arts Festival @ Electronic Arts in June. In preparation for this festival, it is recommended that students enroll for more than one session. "

And for mapping

"This course will explore architecture in relation to urban design and landscape architecture. Discover architectural elements and principles of design such as form, space, colour, material, structure, mood, light, proportion, order and scale. Projects provide exciting opportunities for both new and returning students, and will examine complex design problems through drawing and model-making. We recommend enrolling for more than one session to further build your skills and knowledge. At the end of Spring Session, you will have the opportunity to display your work at The Architecture Centre. "
Moved to models.

And you really ought to be good with drawing, modelling is not all about carving 3D, its much about visualizing what you think on. Drawing helps that alot.
ok.. out of 10 how good of a drawer should you be? 7/10? because thats probably where im at.
It's kind of a generic question; do you need to be able to draw to model well? Well yes and no.

I have found that people from a 2d animation background are really good at 3d animation if they are taught well and get into enough; of course there is an exception of every rule, meaning that not every 2d artist is awesome at 3d.

Knowing the fundamental rules of classical animation will help you animate better in 3d, because they are the same rules. Knowing hte fundamentals of anatomy through stuff like life drawing will help you model; but that doesn't necessarily mean you will be a great 2d artist.

If you did lifedrawing in the morning and modeling in the afternoon of anatomy, you will probably see improvement(again depends on the person) You will see your 3d models getting better and drawing getting better because it definately works hand in hand.
ok. If i was using pictures that i didnt draw as a reference for a model but i was still a crappy drawer would it still be harder for me to make a model because of my crappy drawing skills?
You don't have to be a 2D artist to make good 3D models.

I know quite a few people that can't draw for crap, because they never practice... but they make stunning 3D models.
From my experience knowing how to layout a human on a sheet of paper is completly different than positioning one in 3D space. So, no, you don't have to be a great artist to make great models. Having 2d skills is a valuable asset, but isn't really required.
They are linked in a few points, but neither is required for the other. People who are good artists can almost always make very nice 3d models, due to the fact that they tend to know the human anatomy and how to lay it out more than most people. However, tons of 3d modellers can't draw at all, so it doesn't really matter if you're good or not, it just takes practice an know how.
Anyone can be good.
It's better for CDNFutballer to start study ( ANYTHING! ) instead of asking, "..do I have to be a good..etc", if he/she want to start his/her Mod right away. You can always had a 2nd opinion but achieve your goal step by step into the right path, not just standing still and asking for direction, get something on you move!
hell ive never picked up a pencil to draw anything(exaggerating) i can only draw circles and sticks, but my models turn out well. my motto is play with legos, then go to the 3d area. thats how i started, you have to be creative!