Least favorite part of Half-Life

I didn't like the Big Momma monster or whatever.

Gonarch's lair I think it was called.
Zen. Any of the Zen levels suck. The game was so good up to then, and then they cut you off at the knees.
black ops chicks was probably the most annoying part of the game.
As if the black ops chicks where bad! They ROCK. I didnt like Zen, it was way too annoying!

gonarchs lair is kinda dumb since theres only one enemy, but fortunately the level takes like 1-2 minutes to beat so its not that bid a disruption of the flow.

I liked zen, there of course too few types of enemies, but it wasnt too long, and it end before it starts getting too repetative.
blast pit was only annoying because you had to retrace your steps a bunch, and its one of those maps you can jsut bunny hop threw the whole way and not have to even worry about takign damage.

If you are so slow that you let a tentacle hit you then something is wrong here...
Blast pit was cool! Xen (not Zen) was the least favourite part, except for Nihilianth, I did like that.
On a rail was pretty boring tho.

It was getting annoyed when concetrating on going on the platforms whilst being blasted in the face by both vortigaunts and controllers
Xen for me.
Though Gonarch was quite nice to play trough.
definitely on a rail, i hated the atmosphere, i got lost, toook me forever to get through it the first time. literally like 4 hours to find my way through it.
The first time I tried to play hl, I stopped at "on train". Damn I hated that level, and it took me hours to figure out that I had to shoot the damn things.

Then after like 3 years I took up hl again and finished it :p
I have not least favorite parts. Loved it all.
eisally the beginning of xen (not "zen")...

i liked all of xen, but the first part where you first teliport in... you have no idea where to go, and you end up going on some secret passage that it doesnt even hint at, and it takes you right to interloper...
On A Rail... spent too much time there (ei: got lost, got confused, threw up, got dizzy)
On a rail

That part was too long and boring they shouldnt make any sickening levels like this in HL2 :hmph:
the key to on a rail is to nto actually ever get on the stupid train, just run around the level like you would a normal level, jumping over the stuff that impedes your trains motion. Just make sure not to step on the rail when your running around or you will electrocute yourself.
why does everybody hate on a rail? i didnt find it any more difficult than the rest of the game, and it wasnt confusing at all
Yeah, I don't hate on a rail nearly as much as Residue Processing. On a rail at least had a few good battles - though it was too long, IMO, the level should have been about 30% shorter. However, I actually did not get lost there - which is quite an accomplishment.
for some reason i don't like office complex. too many airducts. i know that airducts are a trademark of the game but the sound of your footsteps in there is annoying. weve got hostiles has airducts but you don't care since you know that they lead to fighting marines :) also nothing happens in OC expect getting the shotgun, and the part with 30 slaves gets on my nerves.

otherwise no part annoys me, though most of the time i take gonarch for the final boss and stop playing from there.
The bad thing, IMO, is that airducts have since become overused in other games. Why can't people now make games without going through airducts or sewers for quite a long time?
ON A RAIL was not that confusing.

There were (at most) two routes that you would have to take with your tram. You could go straight and end up travelling in one big circle back to where you just were, or you go to the left/right side and continue on. :)

There is a barracade that signifies the end of one tram's journey, and indicates the need to find another tram. The trams always face in the direction you need to go, so your search for the next tram should have been relatively painless. The only part I could see people getting stuck on, was the first part where you had to push a switch to move the obstacle in front of the other path. Otherwise it was fairly straightforward.

I think the REAL reason why people don't like it was because it was perhaps the most scary of all the levels. As indicated in another thread, On A Rail seemed designed to make you feel uncomfortable and constrained.

My least favorite level is Resedue Processing, simply for the fact that if you were to suddenly slip off the treads, not only would you take a lot of damage, but you had to track yourself all the way back to the stairs, climb back to the start, and repeat the process all over again. ;(

I also hated it when autosaves were too far spread out. It would be a huge downer to make your way across most of the level, suffer a cheap death, and then have to go through it all over again. Autosaving is relatively good early on, but in the later levels (after you are used to the game saving every so often) auto saves were cumbersome. Not like it was a really bad thing, it was just an inconvenience that led to depression. ;(
On Residue Processing, I thanked havens for quicksave. Else, I'd always skip it when replaying HL1. Come on, the level was not fun. There were no fights basically. Just jump, climb, jump, climb. Boring.
IX00 said:
I have not least favorite parts. Loved it all.
Im with you on that one, there wasent a single part of Half Life that I didn't have fun on. Best FPS to date imo.... that is untill HL2 is out :)
On a rail was too long and boring.
Some parts of Xen levels were also annoying.
Office complex and Surface tension have some minor annoynments.
Who said Blast pit sucks? :sniper:
On a rail was sooooo awesome, I loved that level.
I liked xen but it was my least favorite level.
Residue processing would be the worst if there wasn't a really quick way to skip the part with the conveyor belts.

Inteloper probably is my least favorite part. Some of the other Xen levels are pretty class though, if only for the smaller details.