Left 4 Dead 2 New Mode Revealed - Scavenge


Jul 6, 2003
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Last night Valve revealed the new Left 4 Dead 2 mode at a press event in San Francisco.[br]

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Scavenge - essentially combines Left 4 Dead's Versus and Survival modes. It has four survivors fighting to find 16 gas cans across the game map to use them to fill up a generator. While the opposing team (The Infected) will try their best to stop them.

This new mode (designed to be shorter than the traditional competitive) has four survivors fighting to find 16 gas cans across the game map. Using the cans, the goal is to fill up a generator to win the match. Split up over six rounds (three per team), each starts with 120 seconds; each gas can will add an additional 20 seconds to the overall time. If time runs out, yet one survivor is still holding a gas can, the game will go into overtime until the generator is up and running or an infected knocks it from their hands. [br]

On the opposing team will be the Infected, who are doing everything they can to feast on human flesh and (of course) stop the survivors from restarting the generator. Not only can infected knock the gas cans from the hands of the survivors, but special infected like the "The Spitter" can light the cans on fire with its phlegm. Survivors must also watch their fire -- one stray bullet can set the can on fire as well.

Valve are planning to ship the "Scavenge" with 6 maps each, reconfigured maps from the game's campaign.[br]

Update: G4TV have the first hands on preview of the new mode and they liked it!

My take? The mode is really fun, emphasis on really, and very different from anything we've seen so far. Each game last 3 rounds of each side taking turns at survivor and infected. Good communication is key and the fast game play will sate appetites that don't have the attention span for proper versus matches.

Read more.
Anything is better than Survival.
Ooo, that sounds pretty interesting to me.

Colour me intrigued.
Reminds me of Zombie Master. It should be good
Wow, for once I was right. Could be fun, and I like how its much shorter than a typical versus match.
It does indeed sound simular to some maps in Zombie Master, it was a game mechanic I enjoyed so I'm glad the premise has made its way into L4D2.
Zombie Master you say? Interesting.
Yeah, but I hope this time it's properly done.

*wink* *wink*
Gameplay (on Xbox360) of this mode

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I really enjoyed that mode in Zombie Master so hopefully it'll be even better in L4D2.
the spitter being able to ignite the gas tanks sounds annoying...she could simply roam around the map setting them all off before the survivors, dealing with the rest of the infected, have any chance of getting to them.
the spitter being able to ignite the gas tanks sounds annoying...she could simply roam around the map setting them all off before the survivors, dealing with the rest of the infected, have any chance of getting to them.
Could be that the survivors have to be holding the cans for them to become flammable.
Presumably there would be something to prevent that, such as the tanks being behind a door infected can't open/smash/spawn behind.
This sounds good to me. The downside to normal Versus is that it requires a commitment of more than an hour to complete a single game, and the downside to Survival is its to static and without a goal. This mode seems to solve both problems.

Also, is it my imagination, or did I see a female Boomer in one of those videos?
This sounds good to me. The downside to normal Versus is that it requires a commitment of more than an hour to complete a single game, and the downside to Survival is its to static and without a goal. This mode seems to solve both problems.

Also, is it my imagination, or did I see a female Boomer in one of those videos?
Yeah I think it was. Fat woman with a bra on. :LOL:

*There is also a new "realism" mode:
But, as we wrap up our playtime, David Ellis notices a mysterious option in the menu as we wait for a new match to start: "Realism mode." I ask Faliszek, and he coyly comments, "that's a special modifier that we forgot to hide for this demo." We then ask Valve VP of Marketing Doug Lombardi, and he quips that it's something for the super hardcore player, and slightly elaborates, "Take Portal for example: We had our best internal players who could blow through that game in about 30 minutes, but within weeks of launching it we had people on YouTube beating [the testers'] times by 10 minutes or more. Realism is for those players." We'll keep an eye out for more details about Realism, and any other surprises as Left 4 Dead 2 gets closer to release.
I am gonna guess that Realism is like Expert but you only get one health bar, with no revives, or possibly just one revive.
Realism mode...right. Who would have though that using your testers as a benchmark of difficulty was a really silly thing to do? Oh right everyone with a brain. Have they really remedied the situation? We'll see.
I have to agree with hool. This new mode is pathetically unoriginal. Man. Seriously disappointed.
I'm really looking forward to this Realism mode =O
Presumably there would be something to prevent that, such as the tanks being behind a door infected can't open/smash/spawn behind.

from the videos this is obviously not the case...and only being able to set them off while carried makes no sense whatsoever.

a couple of other notes/rants...

1) seems they finally fixed the new panic music...well somewhat...the original is still better.

2) jockey animations are ****ing awful...what's with the spastic hands? and also the animations are so stiff when he takes control of the survivor and it looks so out of place because it would seem much more natural if the survivor would just fall over/stumble.

3) mellee weapons still seems like a retarded idea...every idiot will run around thinking they're some bad-ass samurai and getting their team killed(much like current idiots that go for the lvl 1 shotgun)

4) that has got to be the most retarded team I've eve seen? why is it always complete retards we see playing in these demonstration videos?
The music is completely different for every campaign now.
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Is he skull****ing him?

New mode sounds interesting but ;ike;y not something that'd keep my interest, personally. I'm more interested in hearing about realism mode.
Is he skullfucking him?

New mode sounds interesting but ;ike;y not something that'd keep my interest, personally. I'm more interested in hearing about realism mode.

Yeah, just wtf? Is that a new SI or something?
Sounds fun. Also, judging by how tired my face is from grinning, the Jockey is going to be so hilarious to play.