Left 4 Dead 2 Possibly Banned in Australia

Hectic Glenn

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Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Kotaku are reporting that Left 4 Dead 2 has recently failed to meet MA15+ classification in order for it to be released in Australia. The OFLC website which shows the current classification status is showing L4D2 to have been refused classification. You can see this for yourself here - OFLC site.[br]There is no doubt EA and Valve will reapply, but what content changes would need to be done? Follow this as it unfolds at Kotaku who have just reported this update:
An EA spokesperson has told us they 'are still working through the submission process with OFLC and want to explore all opportunities before making any comment.'
The game has failed to meet any of the classifications. Australian gamers have been crying out for years now for the government to make an R classification, but it keeps getting turned down.

The guy that runs the show over at the classification board is one of those 65 year old men, who are still living in the 1970's "We don't need an R classification" he says.
Those bastards! Why does Australia always seem to be the fascists when it comes to video games? They always seem to be extremely strict when it comes to content.
It's not about being strict, it's just that there is no R classification, and the game has a high level of gore so it doesn't fit into any other classification hence why it was refused classification Xevrex.
Worst case scenario, I imagine, is Valve give Australia the neutered version they normally give Germany.

I don't know what changes they make to L4D, but I know in TF2 they have things like the blood is turned black, gibs become random objects like springs, rubber ducks, etc.
I had dreams of living in Australia one day. Nevermore.
At a guess, I'd say hacking off body parts with melee weapons.
Hmm that could be it I suppose. I'm not up-to-date with my L4D2 info but I hear the Morphine Syringe's could be an issue too.


EDIT: Steam Purchase ahoy!
That won't work, if it stays banned Steam can't *sell* it to us. I think the gift trick might work, where you get someone overseas to buy it as a gift on Steam and give it to you.
It shouldn't come to that though, worst case we get a "Australian Version" that removes the 'offending' content, whatever that turns out to be.
I want someone to confirm these (no, I'm not from Australia, but I'm interested in this subject):

. Steam might get banned for being a provider of banned content.
. You can get arrested if your ISP, or the police sees you using banned content.
I'd probably do a gift thing for someone if they did Paypal with me
Bloody Australia joined that L4D2 boycott? Gabe shouln't bother flying there.
Maybe he can convince them to change their minds.
Pretty good timing!
I want someone to confirm these (no, I'm not from Australia, but I'm interested in this subject):

. Steam might get banned for being a provider of banned content.
. You can get arrested if your ISP, or the police sees you using banned content.

Steam won't sell the game to use because it was refused classification. Just because we can eventually obtain the game through some tricks doesn't mean anything (or at least I don't think so) since we can go to any international online store and buy the game.
The game has failed to meet any of the classifications. Australian gamers have been crying out for years now for the government to make an R classification, but it keeps getting turned down.

The guy that runs the show over at the classification board is one of those 65 year old men, who are still living in the 1970's "We don't need an R classification" he says.
Sounds like its time for an assassination! :sniper:
I want someone to confirm these (no, I'm not from Australia, but I'm interested in this subject):

. Steam might get banned for being a provider of banned content.
. You can get arrested if your ISP, or the police sees you using banned content.

How can they enforce a ban of steam? they can't lol.

Sounds like its time for an assassination! :sniper:

Or a protest.
I want someone to confirm these (no, I'm not from Australia, but I'm interested in this subject):

. Steam might get banned for being a provider of banned content.
. You can get arrested if your ISP, or the police sees you using banned content.
Err no and no.

* The refusal of classification makes it illegal to sell L4D2 in Australia. Steam won't sell L4D2 in stores or to Australian IP's/Credit Cards/etc over Steam.

* It might be illegal to sell it in Australia but that doesn't mean Australian's can't buy it elsewhere and use it in Australia.
Here is the link to the Classification report. http://www.news.com.au/files/left 4 dead 2- classification board decsion report.pdf It has the reasons as follows.

* The game contains violence that is high in impact and is therefore unsuitable for persons aged under 18 to play.

* It notes that this violence is “inflicted upon ‘the Infected’ who are living humans infected with a rabies-like virus that causes them to act violently.”

* The report singles out the use of melee weapons as those that “inflict the most damage” and cause “copious amounts of blood spray and splatter (sic), decapitations and limb dismemberment… or even cause intestines to spill from the wounds.”

* In conclusion, the Board finds that the “interactive nature of the game increases the overall impact of the frequent and intense depictions of violence. This coupled with the graphic depictions of blood and gore combine to create a playing impact which is high.”

* Interestingly, the report also reveals that it wasn’t a unanimous decision and that “a minority of the Board is of the opinion that the violence is strong in playing impact and therefore warrants an MA15+ classification” instead. However, the majority voted to refuse classification.

This is going to suck, im gonna have to import left4dead2, infact that could be a pretty good business for me, i'll import it for people lol.
Weren't the heads of the l4d2 boycott Australian? Haha, guess they don't have to worry about having to buy it now.
This is not the first nor the last game to be banned there. It's sad, really. I never knew that Australia was this ass backwards. Seriously though, this shit will continue until you people stand up and address this nonsense.
I can understand Germany being hyper-sensitive to violence (even though it's still equally ridiculous), after two world wars and all, but Australia? wtf?

There must be a reason why they don't invent a new rating for games over the ages of 15.
I can understand Germany being hyper-sensitive to violence (even though it's still equally ridiculous), after two world wars and all, but Australia? wtf?

They don't ban them though. They just censor them. Something that is easily fixed by playing with the configurations of a game. Well, at least they don't have any taboo's when it comes to sex and profanity. It's the opposite here in the good ol' US of A. Gore, yes! Pussy, no!

Violent video games just gives people the alternative to vent their anger harmlessly. Hell, if not for violent video games here, I'd probably would go to our local shopping mall and punch the nearest fool in the face right now.

It doesn't intice people to violent behavior irl and if parent's don't want their kids to be exposed to violent games, they need to man-up and take responsibility themselves, not ruin it for everyone else because they are f**king sorry-ass, lazy, spineless wussies.

Jesus, what other rights have they deprived citizens of all these years?
There must be a reason why they don't invent a new rating for games over the ages of 15.
There is... its called a R18+ rating, which is used for Movies and TV. It'll be implemented for games at some point, it's only a lingering games-are-for-kids mentality that holds it up.

I can understand Germany being hyper-sensitive to violence (even though it's still equally ridiculous), after two world wars and all, but Australia? wtf?
I think I get your point, that the losing Axis powers of WW2 have had pacifist attitudes, but your phrasing implies that Australia didn't fight in two World Wars and that pisses me off tbh.

TwwI303070779 said:
They don't ban them though. They just censor them.
I don't get your point here. The games in Germany that are banned get a censored version released by developers that remove whatever issue(s) got them banned. The only difference are the standards each country applies.
The debate over Fallout 3 here brought the issue into the limelight. This is Left 4 Dead. Come release time the shit's gonna hit the fan for the OFLC and then we won't have a problem anymore.
'That's a funny name, I'd have called it Left 4 Chuzzwozzers'.

I expect Germany to do the same thing actually soon. TF2 in Germany has the pinata thing too right instead of orange gibs? L4D was pretty gory when I remember first playing it. I was surprised how gory it was for a Valve game anyways. Now we have like bits of bone sticking out off a blown off arm, etc.

Don't get all crazy because it will get released but you guys will probably have the old Infected models.
I think I get your point, that the losing Axis powers of WW2 have had pacifist attitudes, but your phrasing implies that Australia didn't fight in two World Wars and that pisses me off tbh.

I never said such a thing, the Germans are hyper sensitive because Hitler was an asshole who managed to galavanize millions of people into to either enabling or committing terrible, and violent, acts, but simply fighting in WW2 is no reason to be overly sensitive about violence, a shit load of countries fought in WW2. I'm willing to put it down to more a failing in your ratings system though than sensitivity, it's kind of ridiculous that a game has to be suitable for a 15 year old or it's banned.
This is not the first nor the last game to be banned there. It's sad, really. I never knew that Australia was this ass backwards. Seriously though, this shit will continue until you people stand up and address this nonsense.

We aren't backwards, it's just an attorney general who thinks that it isn't required.

We've been petitioning for years to get a R18+ rating, and we are always issued statements why there isn't a rating. And every single statement is all the oppinion of one single effing attorney general.

Just one single guy. Stopping us from getting this rating. He is backwards in his thinking and refuses to budge on the subject.

Basically how it works in australia, all the attorney generals get together and vote about getting a 'new' rating (even though we have R18+ for tv/cinema). Every time this one douche blocks it.


That's him, feel free to harrass him endlessly via email...


Here is a fairly indepth interview / article with him as well if you are interested enough in the subject
Tee Kyoo Em-us, name to me one video game that was banned before WWII.