Left 4 Dead Blog: Survival Mode

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Again, we have been treated to another update on the L4D blog, this time outlining the complexities of Survival Mode, the new game play mode whereby survivors must compete against endless hoards of zombies. Survival mode will be released as a part of the free downloadable content for PC and xbox 360 on Tuesday 21st April.[br]Summarising the blog update, Kerry and Scott talk about making Survival Mode more than just a continuous crescendo event and making it feel like a distinctive separate game mode. Rounds will increase in difficulty over time, but just increasing zombie numbers doesn't reflect this. Pitching various events at times where they cross over controls the pacing, such as:
  • Mob spawn frequency
  • Special infected spawn frequency
  • Number of each type of special infected
  • Total number of special infected
  • Tank spawn frequency
  • Total number of tanks
Survival mode will also have 'lull' moments for teams to reload, relocate for ammo, heal or seek out new items. We won't be able to camp in these rooms as...
As ammo piles provide a unique infinite resupply for players, they tend to be in relatively less defensible positions in the Survival arenas. This means making an all important ammo run is rarely a safe proposition and requires good teamwork and planning.
Sounds like a good idea to make survival mode a real challenge. Check out the full post on the Left 4 Dead blog, including a graph showing increasing spawn frequency.
i like how the blog's being updated more frequently, It's as if VALVe is actually being on time!

I'm not that excited for this. Feels like baby's first L4D mod. I'm sure it'll be fun and I am looking forward to not dedicating myself to an hour long game every time I load L4D but I'm looking much more forward to the L4D SDK.

Is that even coming with this?

Probably not. Oh well. Something to pass the time.

Better be some new achievements. I only have one left.
It's going to be mental once theres a tank spawn every 15 seconds or so D: If I ever make it that far :O
Ehh I dunno man, I can't help it, but I don't feel excited at all. I think I'm starting to seriously lose interest in L4D :( 'Specially since I got Dead Space a couple of days ago...
No they said they delayed the SDK a long time ago. :LOL: I'm looking forward to it but really I just want my SDK so I can set up a football field with one end the Survivors and the other the horde. Probably have miniguns setup too. HURRY UP VALVE ON THAT SDK! :LOL:

Ehh I dunno man, I can't help it, but I don't feel excited at all. I think I'm starting to seriously lose interest in L4D :( 'Specially since I got Dead Space a couple of days ago...

Same here. Meh...