Left 4 Dead Box Art Revealed


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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Valve have just released the final box art for the upcoming Left 4 Dead due in November 2008. Shown are both the Xbox 360 and PC versions.[br]

Looks very.... green. It will certainly stand out on shelves but doesn't really show off the game. I guess it doesn't matter really as everyone probably knows what it is already.
Even if I didn't know what it was, the hand alone appeals.
I'm going to buy it on Steam anyway, so I never really care about the box art. It looks nice, though.
Dude, zombies... That will definitely bring some attention! :P

Steam FTW though.
I quite like the art, it's visually compelling, I think, but cannot something be done about those hideous PC DVD logos?
Why is Valve always incapable of making good box art?

I can't believe I'm agreeing with George 'lame trilogy' Lucas, but I have to say that cover sucks hairy man balls tbh. Not so much the hand (I like the joke), more the garish nature of the green backdrop. Still Steam purchaser anyhows so no biggie.
looks okay. could be better. don't ask me how, but it just could be better.
It wasn't until seeing this art that I finally realized that the "4" in the title refers to the number of players. I feel slow now.
I like the 4 fingers but they used a right hand. Coulda made it better with a left hand. =/

'Left' hand, "Left 4 Dead" get it?
Not as bad as the Orange Box cover, but not great.

Is this another EA ****up or did Valve themselves design this one?
That's friggin' awesome stuff right there. I'd love to have the box, but only if it was guaranteed to be here the day the game is released. I want to play this as soon as possible.
Green doesn't really seem like a good color... I was expecting something darker.
Virtual purchase so not like a box cover matters to me.
Cool... I was just thinking, even if i didn't know anything about this game I would probably buy it because of the cover... Well, after I looked at the back. But even then i would have strong motive to buy it. Something about a hand is always appealing. Especially one with the thumb missing. :P
IMO I don't like the box art. Humans and our cousins, the Apes, are the only animal on Earth with an opposable thumb. This hand does not have a thumb, but was eaten suggesting that the body that the hand belongs to is no longer human. It's obviously dead and just another animal (murderous of course) with 4 digits. It separates us from them! :D Also there is 4 fingers relating to the title. :smoking:
Bummer, I was hoping they would use the four silhouettes surrounded by infected for the cover art.

This one's kind of cool, but its really... well, unnecessarily green. Nothing about this game has really communicated "green" until this cover art popped up. I like the *four* digits on the hand though.