Left 4 Dead - Dated


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Left 4 Dead has been confirmed by Shacknews to be landing in late Summer, so expect August/September to be the time for the Zombie attack to be launched.

Apologies for not bringing this to all your attention sooner!
There is a podcast too. Also a hands-on for Monday with a *possible* trailer I hope. Most people on L4D411 are bitching about it too. :LOL:
Didn't take Turtle Rock long to get adjusted to Valve Time.
I heard that the game was almost completed, oh well hopefully it will come with Episode 3.
Most people on L4D411 are bitching about it too. :LOL:

Didn't take long for 360 accusations to be thrown out there haha

My first reaction was: "Wow. Valve have only been in charge a day and the delays are kicking in".

I don't mind. I'm patient. I think.
The game must still be really unpolished. Knowing Valve they sure have reasons for the delay, and I'd rather play a polished game a little later than an unpolished now...
I dont even think this is a delay. They only said it might come early next year. This is just a reestimate.

Anyway cant wait!
Have plenty of things do do in the meanwhile, so I don't mind it and I'll be patient... unlike some mofo's here...
Those lousy doublcrossing bastards! Backstabbing sons of bitches, I'm going to kill them, I CAN'T BLOODY WAIT UNTIL SEPTEMBER!!! :sniper:
I'm pretty glad Valve are taking it seriously. It's a great concept, and it deserves all the polish it can get.
Great, more time to play my back catalog of games :)
If anyone thinks L4D will come with Episode 3, be prepared to wait a very long time, because that game certainly isn't coming this summer and with 97.8% probability not this year.
This means that pretty much everything in the current videos is scripted
I hope they redo some of the models. from memory, a bunch were pretty meh.
Only thing I don't like is that a lot of the infected models I've seen in the prerelease screenshots all look alike.
This can only be a good thing. If Valve felt its overall quality needed an uplift, then so be it. Left 4 Dead's concept is really cool, and the game shown thus far seemed fun, but it's not really latched onto me for some reason. Hopefully this will change that.
This can only be a good thing. If Valve felt its overall quality needed an uplift, then so be it. Left 4 Dead's concept is really cool, and the game shown thus far seemed fun, but it's not really latched onto me for some reason. Hopefully this will change that.

That's pretty much how I feel too.
The whole concept of fighting smart AI enemies in a powerful atmosphere is what attracts me to the game. The AI of the zombies has to be number 1 priority in terms of how they make use of their environment to attack etc.
It's not about the zombie AI but director AI. If it can stick to the random waves of zombies depending on what happened before and in what degree. ;)
Yeah, the only 'smart' elements of the game from the zombies POV are those that are playing as the 'special' infected types (Smoker, etc). All the other infected types are just dumb bots running at you, attempting to swarm you. ''Zombie intelligance'' is an oxymoron.
I'm sick of playing half decent zombie mods for HL2. I want the real thing! Full of fun, polished gameplay with lots of mad zombies after my brains
eh?! Summer? I thought it was nearly ready now?! seems from reading through some of the posts here that it's now on Valve time. Could it be the console versions holding things up? (I believe it's coming for the PS3 & Xbox isn't it?).

Is 'They Hunger: Lost Souls' also on Valve time? I thought that would have been with us by now. Seems to be taking forever that one. Valve time seems to have also effected Black Mesa Source. That was coming along nicely but seems to have gone a bit dead now. Hope those guys are still plugging away at that. It looked like being one of the most promosing Source games in development.
It seems everything takes longer these days. Consoles? Technology? Hubris?

I vote the latter.
We haven't seen the 360 version at all yet, so it's still possible that's what's slowing it down.