Left 4 Dead Reviews


Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
We got two new reviews up!
[br]One review is from TeamXbox:
Gameplay 9.5
[br]It?s so immersive and satisfying to sling lead at an infinite number of creepy, crawly zombies! It?s not particularly deep, but there are far more moments that?ll make you grin goofily and move tensely to the edge of your seat.[br]
Grapics 8.6[br]Some of the visuals are fantastic, such as the zombie movement and death animations, but there?s also a lot of sloppy terrain clipping and glitchiness that hinders the overall experience a tad.[br]
Audio 9.1[br]
It gets repetitive (as most games like this do), but there?s fun variety in the spoken lines and the sound cues of various boss zombies are great for determining proximity and direction. [br]
Longevity 9.3[br]
No, it?s not a deep journey, such as Fallout 3, but what?s there will probably have players battling for quite a while in the game?s competitive multiplayer settings.[br]
Innovation 9.4
Valve takes what could have been a run-of-the-mill shooter and injects enough freshness into it that it should stand well away from the pack. It?s a great blend of survival/horror and FPS action.[br]
Overall 9.1
[br]Overall Score NOT an average
Read whole review here.[br][br]
Second one was made by GameSpy:
Intense, nerve-wracking experience; co-op gets even better as you add players; innovative, entertaining multiplayer mode.
No real narrative in place; single-player offerings pale in comparion to co-op play; no searching for dedicated servers.[br]

Score: 4.5/5
Click here to read whole review.
1 Hour and 9 minutes left!
1 hour and 9 minutes till what? 9:20 PST?
Till L4D unlock, it was accurate when article was posted ;)