Left 4 Dead Trailer

There's only so many ways to do a crate.

Plus, sure to us we notice it cause we play every Source game and notice all of those details (or some of you guys map and recognize the props). To average joe gamer though, they won't think twice about it. No point in wasting dev time to rebuild the wheel if you know what I mean.

Anyways, I can't wait for this to get released.

Agreed, I couldn't care less about the texture on a box as long as it looks dandy. I envy you Eagle and all the valve testing goodness.
I'll get it for the 360, not gonna bother with it for PC though
With games like Crysis and all of the other next-gen games coming out for PC, you really should think of upgrading soon though. By the time L4D comes out, prices should be down a bit on DX10 hardware.
I'm not really intrested in Crysis and stuff, though. It just doesn't look very fun to me, but otherwise, yeah, I'd deffo upgrade soon. But for now, I'm just eagerly awaiting games like Bioshock, Assasins Creed and Left 4 Dead on the 360. :)