Left Hand or Right Hand

Aug 24, 2004
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do u think you can choose to play hl2 lefted or right handed or is it going to be only right handed
That is a good question. I don't think too many recent games let you choose that option anymore.
I think it will probably be right hand only like hl1, however it could be one of the first mods to put an option for left handed models. Something I want as a left hander! :D

Maybe you should email Gabe with this question
Eh, I actually am left handed, but I always play everything whatever the default is. It doesn't really add much to the experience for me.
I am left hand, but I used to play all games with right hand weapons.

So I really don't care about the hand option.
I'm left handed IRL. I don't really care, but if a game offers left handed, I use it. I play CS using the left handed view
I'm rightey but play left handed when I can from counter-strike :<
I think he's referring to switching the mouse buttons, not having left handed models.
Even in that case I use my comp as a right handed person would. I think it gives me a slight advantage actually, as my left hand is more dextrous on the keyboard than most people. Don't need to do much with the right hand except aim and fire. :)
If you enable the console, you can surely type in the models X, Y ,Z..
No, because that could then be used as an exploit. So that is not possible.
I play cs left handed and all other gaems right handed. Dont ask why.
No, because that could then be used as an exploit. So that is not possible.

Offcourse it's possible..
the engine is able to move the models x, y ,z
Feath said:
I think he's referring to switching the mouse buttons, not having left handed models.
I don't think so, you can bind fire/altfire anytime you want. If that's what you're getting at.
I guess Gordon is right handed, so if you'd make him hold the gun with his left hand he wouldn't be able to hit anything.
I always change it to left handed models if there is an option. I'm a lefty in real life.
I'm ambidextrous. I primarily use my right hand, except for writing.

I don't see how the model makes any difference though. I leave it at default.
Remember in the e3 2004 video for CS:S. It showed them playing left handed.
I hate it in games when they hold the gun right handed but it's a left handed gun. Many games do this. I know this because the shells are flying the wrong way. They should go away from you. I guess they do this because it shows off detail on that side of the gun. It's a minor thing but it bugs me.
if theres an option to use left hand, i'll go with that otherwise i just use right

i use my right hand with my mouse.
it would be pretty cool if u can change to left so u can beat the game in left and right :naughty:
Counter Strike lets you choose sides, and I go for left-handed..
Problem occurs if you want to play other games with a whole new feeling to it, maneuver-wise. Then you get problems in CS as you play it again..

I will choose HL2 ten times over CS as it´s released, no matter what it does to my CS aim..

Wow, i thought this thread was talking about something else when i read it

i was like both! but then i was sad :(
99.99% of people have the mouse on the right side of the keyboard. I bet it will be right handed.
hi, im also left handed but i dont care either, just wanted to share this

If it is mouse buttons he is meaning, you just re-map them in options.. dur.

I think he means models, I am left handed but can't play games with a left handed model, feels wierd.

...and CS has the left/right hand option. :)