Legal Dispute Ended

bless the good powers that be (somewhere) in this world!!!

its over!! VALVe is now (almost) on their own,which hopefully will mean games get the very least its the dawn of a new era for publishers/middlemen..
Oh sod that! I like my publishers and middlemen, always have.
lol publishers will expand..
Maybe publishers will create there own service like steam....
Then developers can use that to distribute there games online..

Don't think there gone...just yet...
This also mean that HL2:AM is steam only? I know valve said that, but people were saying that "so and so" said that the game would be boxed. So no box'd version after all?
Oh GREAT, so does that mean I can now NOT buy Valve games? Due to some unfortunate relationship split issues, I have no bank account and can't have one for some time. I can't have a credit card, or debit card. So, let's hope at least they have the foresight to found their own DVD production facilities and distribute games normally through the shops where I can at least still practice the illusion of a cash based economy.

The_Wookie you need to learn to read everything on these fourms,
Starting on August 31, 2005, Vivendi will stop distributing any Valve games.

Chris_D said:
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Deeming [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 8:37 AM
To: Doug Lombardi
Subject: Re: For immediate release

Just a clarification about "VU Games will cease distribution of retail packaged versions". Does this mean as of August 31 2005 there'll be a new publisher for Valve's titles?

Chris Deeming


We are making arrangements to continue retail distribution of our products post August 31. Should have more details to share soon.

MikeL15 said:
Umm parents... durr.... :)

I am 32 years old, I stand on my own two feet. One parent is 300 miles away, and the other owns a pub. I can't ask him to use his finances to buy stuff for me otherwise his accountant will have a head fit.

Luckily I have a very understanding employer who pays my wages in cash each week. I find it increasingly irritating that I am getting slowly shut out of the way this country does business.

Sorry to the Admins if I am getting too political, PM me and ask me to stop if I am overstepping the boundaries of the rules.
The_Wookie said:
I am 32 years old, I stand on my own two feet. One parent is 300 miles away, and the other owns a pub. I can't ask him to use his finances to buy stuff for me otherwise his accountant will have a head fit.

Luckily I have a very understanding employer who pays my wages in cash each week. I find it increasingly irritating that I am getting slowly shut out of the way this country does business.

Sorry to the Admins if I am getting too political, PM me and ask me to stop if I am overstepping the boundaries of the rules.

Or you need to read the VALVe Info only thread....


We are making arrangements to continue retail distribution of our products post August 31. Should have more details to share soon.


Thanks again for Chris sending an email. :)
argh dammit I don't have a credit card. screw Valve. There's no way I can get my parents to buy it for me, my retail version I smuggled home and hid in my cupboard.
pAiNtHeAsS said:
Ahhhhh. How embarrassing.

Especially when its on the front page and theres a massive thread about it already....... :p

Had to rub it in.