Legalisation of Cannabis

Should Cannabis be made legal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 67 59.8%
  • No

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 12 10.7%

  • Total voters
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Oct 21, 2004
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Should Cannabis be made legal?
Please, do not give reasons why you think so. If you would like to do that head to and make your point known. On this thread you will also find some links that explain why the legalisation would benefit, as well as how it might not benefit.

I'm just interested if there's a consensus here at all. Or whether, like Bush, people are utterly divided.
MaxiKana said:
No, drugs are bad mmmkay?

So are cigarettes and alcohol. In fact, those drugs are actually more dangerous than marijuana.
Absinthe said:
So are cigarettes and alcohol. In fact, those drugs are actually more dangerous than marijuana.

Well you know cigarettes arent laced with cocaine now do you? Anything could be inside marijuana..its not exactly the purrest drug.
KidRock said:
Well you know cigarettes arent laced with cocaine now do you? Anything could be inside marijuana..its not exactly the purrest drug.


This is probably the dumbest myth ever put out by the DA. I have never, personally, heard of a case where someone bought laced pot without being aware of it.

You have to keep in mind when someone buys drugs they are buying them from friends, not some street corner in the hood as you see in movies.
KidRock said:
Well you know cigarettes arent laced with cocaine now do you? Anything could be inside marijuana..its not exactly the purrest drug.
That's because it's not legal and regulated.

I still wouldn't use it if it were legal... but I would say legalize it (to the extent of alcohol or cigarettes) and tax it. It would make the people that want to use it more safe (from other things being laced in and from being involved in potentially dangerous drug deals) and it would give the government more money that could be used on something like education or health care.
Pot is almost never laced with stuff - first of all, it'd be sort of easy to see, since if there's white power all over your buds you'd notice.

I vote for legalization, though I think it should be heavily taxed. If it was, I would probably grow it... but I'd still do it in the same moderation as now, which is about twice a month.
The whole laced argument is the same as Bush saying he doesn't want imported prescription drugs from Canada because terrorists will use it against us. This is a dumb scare tactic put out by the DEA that only people that know nothing about drugs would believe. And I have nothing against those people as they are fed lies about drugs all the time, I just wish they would take the time to use a little logic and see through the BS.
shadow6899 said:
well lets put the laced stuff this way. coke is fu**** expensive, why would anyone take coke and lace it in the weed they sell for other people?? if they got coke in the first place i think they'd rather sniff that shit then lace it then sell it for the same price...
Dealers do it to get people addicted to whatever they laced it with, coke or heroin or whatever, so they start buying it.

The facts (resist propaganda!):
Don't make it 'legal', but maybe consider decriminalising it... you dont want people farming it in huge amounts, or selling loads and loads of it
Audiophile said:
Dealers do it to get people addicted to whatever they laced it with, coke or heroin or whatever, so they start buying it.

The facts (resist propaganda!):
Nope, this is not true. You would know right away by your high that the weed you bought was laced with something (if you can't tell by simply looking at it). If that happens to you you will never by weed from that dealer again. Trust me, the entire laced argument is not valid in any way, shape, or form.
I don't think people lace weed, but like I said I think it would make sense and I've heard from some of my harder drug buddies of people doing that.
Audiophile said:
I don't think people lace weed, but like I said I think it would make sense and I've heard from some of my harder drug buddies of people doing that.
I'm sure it has happened in the past, but it would be extremely rare. I smoked weed for over 5 years and had many pot head friends, like I said, I have never heard of anyone buying laced weed without knowing about it.
KidRock said:
Well you know cigarettes arent laced with cocaine now do you? Anything could be inside marijuana..its not exactly the purrest drug.

that's utter bull ..who in their right mind would put $50 worth of coke in a $5 joint? trust me, if it's in the joint they'll tell you it is because it's so freaking expensive
It doesn't have to be something more expensive and obvious like a white powder. It could be something that is cheaper and legal that looks like pot... but either is known to do nothing to you (just cheating you out of money) or is randomly chosen and potentially harmful (in which case you'd get cheated and hurt).
Eh. I have never gotten laced pot. But I know my dealers and they know their sources. Most pot dealers are only pot dealers, at least that I've encountered. Theres no rhyme or reason to lacing teh pot.
Of course! Amerindians smoked weed, why shouldn't we? If it comes from the nature, it should be legal.
OCybrManO said:
It doesn't have to be something more expensive and obvious like a white powder. It could be something that is cheaper and legal that looks like pot... but either is known to do nothing to you (just cheating you out of money) or is randomly chosen and potentially harmful (in which case you'd get cheated and hurt).

there's no disguising pot has a very distinct smell. Sure people lace it with opium but a dealer would never do that because of the added cost dealers want to keep their customers ..why would they intentionally do something to drive them away?
legalize all drugs, tax the hell out of them.

1. itll stop nearly all gangs from existing, since they wont get much revenue now.

2. itll get people out of jail and free up some room for the real criminals

3. if its legal then they wont be afraid to ask for help with it, like nicorette or something

4. it can be regulated and made safe since you are buying it from the grocery store and not some columbian guy

5. if you die its your fault for being stupid with it, we have too many people on this earth anyway

if you dont like my plan, simple, DONT TAKE ANY DRUGS AND TEACH YOUR KIDS NOT TO.

others, feel free to do as you like, you deserve the right to choose what you do to your own body, but if you are cuaght driving or something while high, you should have your license revoked and be fined a shitload of money and never be allowed to drive again. asshole.
Yeah, the coke in weed in BS. I know several cocaine and several weed dealers, they're dodgy guys, but would never dream of blending any drugs and selling them on (except coke, which in almost all cases is mixed 50% with hayfever tablets (its the only way to make profit).

Skunk is leafy, and white powder would just drop off, and be very noticeable. Resin is hard, it may have bits of other shit in, but nothing like cocaine. But again no one would risk making a kind of resin that tasted like crap, no one would buy it, and if word got around a dealer was lacing coke in it he'd lose buisness and get the shit kicked into him

Also coke costs £30 wrap where I'm from. I can get an ounce for £20 (good sources ;) ) why would they want to lace it with coke when people will come back to it anyway?
KidRock said:
Well you know cigarettes arent laced with cocaine now do you? Anything could be inside marijuana..its not exactly the purrest drug.
exactly why I think it should be legalized, that would put regulation on it and ultimately be a better thing.

I vote yes anyway, however, I do not smoke marijuana, nor will, and same with alcohol.
i dont care either way. let the junkies get their fix, if they are caught punish them.
gh0st said:
i dont care either way. let the junkies get their fix, if they are caught punish them.

I think calling cannabis users junkies is very harsh.
Hell, probably cuz you've just called me a junky for smoking a spliff a few times a week. I wouldn't call people in a pub alcoholics, neither would I call people who smoke cigarettes erm... junkies.

Less of the bigotry aye gh0ost? Most cannabis users from my experience are nice guys, some are not, but that's life. :upstare:
burner69 said:
I think calling cannabis users junkies is very harsh.
Hell, probably cuz you've just called me a junky for smoking a spliff a few times a week. I wouldn't call people in a pub alcoholics, neither would I call people who smoke cigarettes erm... junkies.

Less of the bigotry aye gh0ost? Most cannabis users from my experience are nice guys, some are not, but that's life. :upstare:
i was referring to drug users in general.
gh0st said:
i was referring to drug users in general.
Including alcohol and fags? (I could be an annoying little prick and say "and coffee and sunny D" but I won't)

The point I'm making is that cannabis is clearly not as bad as heroin or acid, and so I don't wished to be catergorised with them.
burner69 said:
Including alcohol and fags? (I could be an annoying little prick and say "and coffee and sunny D" but I won't)

The point I'm making is that cannabis is clearly not as bad as heroin or acid, and so I don't wished to be catergorised with them.
Clean heroin does less damage than cannabis.
I think people put too much emphasis on legalising cannabis, relative to other drugs. Cannabis certainly isnt the most important drug when it comes to legalisation.
Reaktor4 said:
youre still wrong.

Including alcohol and fags? (I could be an annoying little prick and say "and coffee and sunny D" but I won't)

The point I'm making is that cannabis is clearly not as bad as heroin or acid, and so I don't wished to be catergorised with them.
excluding alcohol and cigarettes. they have been legalized by the government for hundreds of years (minus a couple :)), and theres little point to making them illegal.

your point is true, but thats not what i was saying. junkie can be a general term referring to a drug user, or somebody addicted to something.

edit: i want to point out that i used to smoke the ganja a lot, so i use the term upon myself as well. i dont smoke anymore. at some point i had this rediculous conservative turn around and i just dont do it anymore, but i dont think any less of any "junkie"
I'd debate the clean heroin issue. Physically, possibily, mentally, I doubt it.

I find being called a junky because I smoke cannabis a few times a week a little offensive that's all.

EDIT: I agree people would benefit much more from legalising heroin. I'm arguing the cannabis debate because: a) I smoke it and feel that since it's illegal I'm thought of as a criminal for doing it, and b) It's a hot topic both here and within governments
burner69 said:
I find being called a junky because I smoke cannabis a few times a week a little offensive that's all.
i never called you a junkie, dont take things so personally.
gh0st said:
excluding alcohol and cigarettes. they have been legalized by the government for hundreds of years (minus a couple :)), and theres little point to making them illegal.

I was just emphasising my point
gh0st said:
i dont care either way. let the junkies get their fix, if they are caught punish them.

I smoke pot meaning your statement catergorizes me as a junky.

You seem like a nice guy, one who debates a point well, and I don't want you to think I hate you because of what you said. I don't at all. I was merely pointing out that I don't like being put in the catergory of junky for smoking cannabis.

EDIT: I'd also question what we needed punishing for.
Reaktor4 said:
Clean heroin does less damage than cannabis.
I think people put too much emphasis on legalising cannabis, relative to other drugs. Cannabis certainly isnt the most important drug when it comes to legalisation.

what??? heroin is far deadlier than pot

It is far more addictive than pot. Heroin can lead to overdose because the grade or "cut" (whatever it's mixed with: sugar, baby powder, laxatives) can either weaken it's potency or sharpen it (btw heroin overdose wouldnt be that bad of a way to go: your heart rate slows down till you die by which time you would be comatose)

Heroin abuse can lead to collapsed veins and bacterial infections. Not to mention the fact that sharing needles (as many junkies do) can lead to hepatitis and aids
CptStern said:
what??? heroin is far deadlier than pot

It is far more addictive than pot. Heroin can lead to overdose because the grade or "cut" (whatever it's mixed with: sugar, baby powder, laxatives) can either weaken it's potency or sharpen it (btw heroin overdose wouldnt be that bad of a way to go: your heart rate slows down till you die by which time you would be comatose)

Heroin abuse can lead to collapsed veins and bacterial infections. Not to mention the fact that sharing needles (as many junkies do) can lead to hepatitis and aids
I believe he meant "clean" heroin. Aka, if it was legalised
burner69 said:
I smoke pot meaning your statement catergorizes me as a junky.

You seem like a nice guy, one who debates a point well, and I don't want you to think I hate you because of what you said. I don't at all. I was merely pointing out that I don't like being put in the catergory of junky for smoking cannabis.

EDIT: I'd also question what we needed punishing for.
if you use drugs you are a junky in my book, maybe not yours. i was a junky too, its no big deal. what would you like me to catagorize you as? social user? drug use technician? no, i dont bullshit with those phrases, if you use drugs you are a junky.

the punishment would be breaking the law, of course.

edit: stern certainly knows his drugs :)
Stern and myself are in the "Pro-pot" commity of :) We know our drugs

There aren't any really good terms for pot smokers, because we've been in such bad light - because of it being illegal.

Black people got a lot of stick, and got shitty names they didn't like earlier on in history - which are unfortunatly still around. Now I'm not saying our situation is anywhere near as bad, our drugs are out of choice, skin colour is not and therefore should not come into name calling. But the principle is that I'm sure most cannabis smokers don't like being called junkies.

We'll have think of a name... erm... "cannabis/pot/weed users" would do me for now.
But if you want to continue using junky I won't blag you about it.

EDIT: I greatly respect your opinion on this debate as you smoked pot before, and can make an honest personal judgement. I've met some VERY anti pot folk who are completely ignorant, which makes you a refreshing person to debate with :)
burner69 said:
I'd debate the clean heroin issue. Physically, possibily, mentally, I doubt it.
Zero damage compared to lung damage caused by cannabis (i know you can get around that, but its smoked mostly).
You do know that heroin is just diamorphine thats used as a painkiller in hospitals (except in america :rolleyes:), and that all opiates end up as morphine, right?
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