Legend of Zelda Timeline *Spoilers for many Zelda games*


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Dec 31, 2004
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I don't know if anyone else here has engaged in this discussion, but I came across it before and I became a little bit obsessed with it for a time. Anyone who has played a few of the Legend of Zelda games will know that the games (mostly) take place in Hyrule, but in different versions of it over different times and with different Links and Zeldas in each one. But it's also not very clear what order they fall in to. Nintendo at first never bothered with any type of continuity between the games so it's rather messy and they're a good bit of debate about the order.

Ocarina of Time complicates things further (or perhaps it makes things fit better) because of its unusual ending. If you have forgotten what happened (or, shock!, haven't played the game) Link gets sent back in time so that he can be a child again and gets back all the time he lost when the sages kept him in stasis for many years. This, due to quantum, splits the Zelda timeline in two.

One timeline (called the adult timeline) continues on from adult link defeating Ganon and the sages locking him in the Sacred Realm. Everything that happened in Ocarina of Time has occurred in this timeline, including Ganon's evil rein.

The other timeline (child timeline) follows on from Link becoming a child. All that Link accomplished as an adult in the game has never happened. How much of what he did as a child has happened in a timeline in unknown. It's often thought that this continues from where Link first picked up the master sword, meaning that he has at least helped the Gorons and the Zora. The only thing that is definite is that he played the ocarina with the skull kid in the Lost Woods (this is mentioned in Majora's Mask). Ganon's plans also fail for some reason or other.

All things that happened before Ocarina of Time happened in both timelines. This is my timeline theory:

Shared timeline:
  • The Minish Cap
    The first game in the timeline. (Note. The events that are set in the past in Origin of Ages may proceed this) This one show's the origin of both Vaati (placing it before all the Four Swords games automatically) and Link's green sock-hat (placing it before all the others). The landscape of Hyrule is quite different to that of all the other games, and also seems to take place in a much smaller area.
  • Four Swords
    It has to go somewhere between Minish Cap and Four Swords Adventures. I haven't played this game but I think the map is pretty much the same as that in A Link to the Past.

Adult timeline:
  • Ocarina of Time
    This game show's Ganon's origins as human. All the other games (bar one) have him as either a demon or as an ancient evil. This one even shows his foster mothers. He gains control of Hyrule but is then locked in the sacred realm by Link and the Sages (the possession of the Triforce makes him unkillable).
  • Twilight Princess
    Ganon somehow managed to escape the Sacred Realm in the past but was sent back by the Sages with a magic mirror. He gets out again and Link beats the shit out of him. The map is pretty similar to Ocarina's (I've heard, haven't had the chance to place this game much and I've never seen the map for it).
  • The Wind Waker
    Ganon got out again in the past and Hyrule got flooded (making it fairly impossible for any of the other games bar Phantom Hourglass to come after it). I guess they figured that a flooded Hyrule was a better prison than the Sacred Realm which Ganon keeps breaking out of. Despite the fact that Majora's Mask is reference by Tingle in this game, they're almost definitely in two different timelines.
  • Phantom Hourglass
    Last game of the adult timeline (awww)

Child timeline:
  • Ocarina of Time
    Link's actions as an adult don't happen. Twinrova survived, the Deku Tree died and was never reborn and Ganon was not locked in the Sacred Realm. He does have a jam session with the boss of the next game though.
  • Majora's Mask
    THREE DAYS! Link somehow ends up in a different universe and has to repeat the same THREE DAYS over and over again until he can save the world again. It's known to be the direct sequel to Ocarina of Time and takes place in a different world to the others so it doesn't have any impact on the rest of the timeline (even though I'm writing more about it than OoT, which is one of the most important).
  • Four Swords Adventures
    This is the only game, other than Ocarina of Time, that shows Ganon going from an ordinary Gerudo to pig demon which allows it to fit quite well as his emergence as Hyrule's public enemy #1 seeing as he never came to power in Ocarina of Time. This game also shows the origin of his trident, putting it before most of his 2D incarnations. This game also features the death of Vaati, so it's after Minish Cap and Four Swords. I've read that the map is quite similar to that of both Ocarina and Link to the Past (again, never played this one) so that helps it tie them up.
  • A Link to the Past
    The placement of this game relative to Ocarina of Time and the two timelines is probably the most important and debatable point in Zelda timeline discussion and this is the part of my timeline that requires the biggest leap of faith to make it work. You see, at the end of Four Swords Adventures Ganon is locked in the Four Sword while he starts off A Link to the Past locked in the Sacred Realm. So perhaps they sages/maidens tossed the Four Sword into the Sacred Realm for good measure, to double the amount of time it takes for Ganon to break out this time, because he always does break out.

    Some would say that this fits in better with Ocarina of Time adult timeline ending because Ganon actually does get locked in the Sacred Realm in that game but I prefer this timeline for a number of reasons. The sages in Ocarina of Time come from various species, while in A Link to the Past the descendants of the sages who locked Ganon away were Hylian, and I really hope that inter-species breeding happens in Hyrule. The maidens that lock Ganon away in Four Swords Adventures, on the other hand, are Hylians, meaning that one doesn't have to worry about thoughts of how a Hylian and Goron mate (and I really hope no one just picked up a pencil after having read that last sentence).

    The legend at the start of A Link to the Past also mentions knights, plural. The only warrior who defeats Ganon in a Ocarina of Time is Link, on the other hand in Four Swords Adventures there are four Links which is more fitting with the legend you are told in A Link to the Past.

    There're also a few things about the world. There is no Deku Tree/Sprout, no Gorons and no Sea Zora. The Gorons and Zora have abondoned their duty to the King of Hyrule. The Gorons and Zora are still around in Twilight Princes and according to Wind Waker the Zora seemed to have stayed around in Hyrule until the end, and A Link to the Past certainly doesn't take place after the Wind Waker.

    And lastly, the fact that Ganon has his trident in this game supports the idea that it comes after Four Swords Adventures.

    As a side note, the map is near identical to that of Ocarina of Time when rotated a bit.
  • Link's Awakening
    Direct sequal to A Link to the Past. Not really relevant to the timeline.
  • The Legend of Zelda
    For whatever reason Link seems to have taken the Triforce out of the Sacred Realm at the end of A Link to the Past and brought it to Hyrule. It is later split up into its 3 parts and put in different places around Hyrule. Ganon manages to get the Trifore of Power ands sets after the others. This is the first game released and the only time Ganon is really killed. The map doesn't resemble that of any of the other games at all. It probably takes place in some remote corner of Hyrule (there aren't even any towns). Ganon is killed in this one for real because he never gets the full power of the Triforce, so for once he doesn't gain immortality before Link kills defeats him.
  • The Adventure of Link
    Direct sequel to The Legend of Zelda. Seems to take place in Northern Hyrule. Ganon's followers attempt to resurrect him using the Triforce of Courage, but fail, haha.
  • Oracle of Seasons & Oracle of Ages
    The last two games in my timeline that I believe where actually made by Capcom and as such are thought of as non-canon by many fans (also because of the improbable appearance of the Master Sword as a side quest. But then again, the Triforce was taken out of the Sacred Realm in this timeline so maybe they figured that the key to the realm wasn't all that important anymore). Ganon's followers try to resurrect him again and fail again (they bring back his body but not his mind).

    Twinrova actually appear in these games, pretty much confirming that it's in the child timeline (if it was the adult timeline Link would have killed them a long time ago). They must be pretty ancient by this game. They also kill themselves in this game making them dead in both timelines.

I hope that after me writing all that crap someone is willing to discuss this timeline thing with me.

*waits for first tl;dr*
I have online ADD so theres no way in f:)*k I'm going to read that wall of text but I did read the games in order of and I agree with you on it.
Heh no TL;DR yet
I read the whole thing
By Joe sir you just won a small piece of the internet
Love you. Love this timeline. One of the best I've read actually. And it's the sort of leaps of faith shown in your transition from FSA to LttP that make Zelda timelines among the most exciting to read. Don't suppose there's a placing for Tingle's Rosy-Coloured Rupee Land in there is there? It takes place in a parallel world and would account for Tingle's appearance in several games. The idea that he is worshipped as some sort of money god is rofl-ful.

You should really get around to playing Twilight Princess as I reckon it's my favourite of the entire series. (YES. Even better than OoT.) It's just a shame there were so few copies made for the NGC as the console and the game could be purchased for about 40 quid nowadays.

Also I don't suppose you count his appearance in Soul Calibur 2 as canon do you? I've read some hugely interesting timeline theories that include his appearance in that universe as one of the key events in the legend.

Perhaps I should amazine everyone some day with my vast knowledge of Torchwood. But I'm not as brave as you in regards being brandished a nerd. :P
Also I don't suppose you count his appearance in Soul Calibur 2 as canon do you? I've read some hugely interesting timeline theories that include his appearance in that universe as one of the key events in the legend.
Oh God. How does that work? Is the Soul Edge (or whatever the thing in Soul Calibur) is called supposed to be part of the Triforce or something?
I heard the developers have a document where the storylines are documented but is not shown to public or something like that
Or they could all just be their own little things and have no relation to each other at all! I actually like to think of them as various tellings of the same legend, though. :P
Wow, no matter how many times this subject has been gone through; no matter how much effort is put into this 'timeline'

I still don't give a flying ****.
So... Link was an adult before he was a baby?

zelda is soo boring...
I heard the developers have a document where the storylines are documented but is not shown to public or something like that

I'm sure they made that up so the fans have somethign to latch on to. after all why hide the story of the games your fans buy? O_o
I'm sure they made that up so the fans have somethign to latch on to. after all why hide the story of the games your fans buy? O_o

Yeah, I agree. While it would be nice to get a real time line for the series. Overall it doesn't matter. Personally while I love to read time lines, I don't they matter to the games and is just unnecessary extra.

Unless the next Zelda game somehow involves a time line story. Like the game focuses around link going through time to say the other game worlds and doing a dungeon there.
Oh God. How does that work? Is the Soul Edge (or whatever the thing in Soul Calibur) is called supposed to be part of the Triforce or something?

When I say interesting, I don't mean good. :P

It was something about his traversal to another universe ripping open the space-time and creating an alternate reality or somesuch. It was a right laugh.

Yeah but in this case it's not the same.
Valve are telling the story through the game. So keeping the story away from fans they can carry on the franchise.
While Zelda games are the same story but in different 'times'. The time line in the grand scheme of things is unimportant.
I have something to add. :D


It could be said that the Twili were part or are the Majora tribe.
I have something to add. :D


It could be said that the Twili were part or are the Majora tribe.

It is a nice idea. But by that reckoning, Ash Ketchum is related to... (*plunders weak anime knowledge*)... Yu-Gi-Oh. It's just a way of drawing things. :E
I like to think of it as there is a legacy of 'Links' who have lived throughout time to stop Ganon (who is always the same Ganon)..
I like to think of it as there is a legacy of 'Links' who have lived throughout time to stop Ganon (who is always the same Ganon)..

Kind of makes sense. A legacy of the hero of time. But Ganon always being the same is a slight problem. But oh well. It's not important.
Why is it being the same Ganon a problem? And Link is only the Hero of time in Ocarina of Time.
Kind of makes sense. A legacy of the hero of time. But Ganon always being the same is a slight problem. But oh well. It's not important.

I haven't played them all, I just think it makes sense (Legend of Zelda).
It is a nice idea. But by that reckoning, Ash Ketchum is related to... (*plunders weak anime knowledge*)... Yu-Gi-Oh. It's just a way of drawing things. :E

Yeah or how light yagami is related to lelouch lamperouge *superior anime knowledge* :E
I know some people will conflict with me on that one :P

At least lelouch isn't annoying
Hasn't he been the hero of time in most of the games? In Wind Waker he was I swear.

No, in WW he is the Hero of Winds.

Easy to get confused in this thread :p

Nice timeline, although I've always thought that Twilight Princess was set in the child timeline, hundreds of years after Majora's Mask (which is, btw, the best Zelda game ever). I think I had a reason, but I can't remember lol
Interesting thread. Please now timeline the Mario series.
No, in WW he is the Hero of Winds.

Easy to get confused in this thread :p

Nice timeline, although I've always thought that Twilight Princess was set in the child timeline, hundreds of years after Majora's Mask (which is, btw, the best Zelda game ever). I think I had a reason, but I can't remember lol
Majora's Mask was alright, but I've never even thought about playing through it again after I beat it the first time. The time limit thing is just shitty... adds way too much stress for... zero fun? Throw it in the same trash heap as NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer spirit meter.

Now Wind Waker! Ahhh, just relax on the open sea! Also enjoy best combat and look of any other Zelda game! And awesome dungeons (you even get to go stealthy in one!)! Don't forget the ending! Sword in Gannon's mother****ing HEAD dude! Damn!

Yes, I like Wind Waker! Link to the Past is still king of classic Zelda, though.
Very unique timeline... I can tell you put a lot of work into it, and I enjoyed reading it. That said, I think trying to put the Zeldas in any order is kind of pointless - that's why it's called the Legend of Zelda. Just various retellings of the same legend. (barring Majora's Mask, that is, and speaking of which...)

Majora's Mask was alright, but I've never even thought about playing through it again after I beat it the first time. The time limit thing is just shitty... adds way too much stress for... zero fun? Throw it in the same trash heap as NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer spirit meter.

Now Wind Waker! Ahhh, just relax on the open sea! Also enjoy best combat and look of any other Zelda game! And awesome dungeons (you even get to go stealthy in one!)! Don't forget the ending! Sword in Gannon's mother****ing HEAD dude! Damn!

Yes, I like Wind Waker! Link to the Past is still king of classic Zelda, though.

The time meter mechanic is what made Majora's Mask a truly exceptional game. Here's why:

1. It gave a true sense of urgency to the game. Most games like OOT will scream "THE WORLD IS IN PERIL!" and then have you go off and hack away at chickens until you feel like saving it. In Majora's Mask, you better hurry up and beat that dungeon, or the world really will end.

2. By reliving the same 3 days over and over again, the activities of the townspeople could be precisely scripted, giving them truly interesting stories. Reliving the same 3 days, gradually learning more and more about the town and its people, was one of the most rewarding aspects of the game.

3. "DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY. 24 HOURS REMAIN" gives such a chilling sense of doom. As the music gradually becomes more and more foreboding, you get a tangible sense of foreboding.

So yeah, there's the stress, but zero fun?

That said, Wind Waker is awesome - great twist, best combat indeed, and great graphics, no matter what anyone says! (better than Twilight Princess, that's for sure)
Jesus the first time I played Majora's Mask I was scared shitless. By the end of the first day I had done almost nothing and I was running around going "OH HOLY CRAP THE MOON IS ABOUT TO ****ING KILL ME!" The third day is incredibly depressing too. The music, the tremmers, the moon always just on the edge of your vision and the people having left and the town being empty. The only thing that ruined it slightly was the goofy angry face that the moon had.

Also, this game has the best representation of a town ever. Everyone in the town has their own lives and problems and scheduals. You can help them out if you want, but it doesn't seem like their sole purpose for existance is to give you challenges and reward you with heart pieces, as is the problem with so many Zelda games. And I must say that the tiny wedding that happens when you re-unit the lovers (I can't remember the names of the couple) is one of the most touching and sad moments in the history of video games. Especially because it requires three whole days of side quests to accomplish.
On the idea that all the games are just the same legend retold:
Four Swords Adventures, A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princes could definitly be this, especially FSA, aLttP and TP. They all take place in similar maps and the three I mentioned feature a dark world of some form (though the three dark worlds are quite different from each other). OoT, aLttP and FSA also feature you having to go find 7 sages/maidens (does TP have that in it too? I don't actually know). But then again, in TP and aLttP Ganon starts off in the dark realm of the game (I think) while in the other two he starts as a mortal man of the desert and then becomes a demon. Perhaps then OoT and FSA adventure are the one legend, and the TP and aLttP and a different legend that takes place after the first one.

Legend of Zelda, Adventure of Link, Link's Awakening, Four Swords, Minish, Wind Waker Phantom Hourglass and the Oracle games don't really seem like they could be the same legend.