Legit footage or fake?


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
Tipped off by the Steam forums...


The ambient music, sound effects, textures, and animations definitely seem new (for Portal/Source) and professionally polished. Also, that does sound like Glados. Though, her tone is a little different. Probably because she's been dead.
I'd love to drop a good $500 if they make Portal a complete 3D experience with a helmet or goggles
I'd love to drop a good $500 if they make Portal a complete 3D experience with a helmet or goggles

Yeah me too. That'd be intense.

This seems real, but I hadn't imagined GLaDOS' voice to be so different.
Eh.. looks like a mod or something for P1, honestly.
If it's a fake, it's a damn bloody good fake. I'm calling real.
It's real, don't believe me?

It's all in the numbers.

Number one, that's terror.

Number two, that's terror.
looks real to me, and that's how GLaDOS sounded after the morality core was removed.
sorry son, it's a custom map from facepunch
Everything screamed mod until I saw those unfolding stairs. Hot damn those are a thing of beauty and very Valve.
This looks identical to the maps by one of the developers who work on the Blue Portals mod. He released a couple of them a while back. Certainly not Portal 2.
I thought the steps looked nice, but they seemed very obscure for that puzzle.

Thanks for that, Barnz!

Had me fooled.
it also makes no logical sense for valve to leak or release a video of portal 2 when they're showing it at E3
By the way, the very definition of a leaked video is that it was unintentionally released.
Personally, I think it's real. It looks too good to be a custom map that is so under the radar (if it's fake, where is the map? I want to play it).

Mainly, I think it's real because it matches many of the ARG images (see below), with references to the "Thermal Discouragement Beam" and "interactive floor."


Plus, the lighting and music are amazing and seem very Valve!
It's already been confirmed as a fan made map. There's a thread about it somewhere on Facepunch.
Well, anyone got a link to the actual map? (not just a screenshot)

I can't find anything at facepunch w/out creating an account over there...
I think it's fake.. shouldn't all the chambers be bombarded with plants and stuff now?
Read the damn thread god damn damn damn.