Lego rubberband gattling gun

I really can't decide if that's the most amazing or most pathetic thing that I've ever seen.
quite funny..but granted, there IS a video thread right above... \=
Too bad it takes an hour to load and a single blow will reduce it to hundreds of tiny foot hazards.

Yeah, it's really cool to look at, and I'm sure it took A LONG time to build, wish I could do shit like that.
Why not just make one out of a cheap radioshack motor and pipe from a hardware store?
It's pretty easy to make a hand crank potato cannon if you want to be fancy. It will work, given two reactive substances and some air pressure. It will also reload itself and be fun to shoot and load!
That's the reason why Lego is the greatest.

Although you can buy one of these that carries three hundred bands.
I have made a lego pistol that fires rubber tipped arrows, and is handheld (about the same size as a desert eagle). Also looks like one.

Oh and it doesn't use rubber bands :P
how the hell that thing shoot so fast

it hav a electric engine right?
That's kind of cool in a kind of "And what else could you have done with those many hours of your life?" kind of a way. But whatever.
I like that it has iron sights - the gattling gun being that most precise of all weapons.

Too bad it takes an hour to load and a single blow will reduce it to hundreds of tiny foot hazards.
Stepping on Lego is a pain worse than cannibal rape.
That's kind of cool in a kind of "And what else could you have done with those many hours of your life?" kind of a way. But whatever.

Pretty much the only thing I can think of is beat off.

-Angry Lawyer

Although you can buy one of these that carries three hundred bands.

Show me where! And we shall march upon the world, killing and raping everything in sight.