Lego SpiderMan :P

cool but who the hell takes the time to make things like this :D
Yeah I've seen that it's amazing what you can do with legos ;)
OLD!!!! FLAMER!!!!!!!!11 :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :angry: :angry: :angry: :frown:
That must have taken a while. I agree with the webmaster, some people have way too much time on their hands :P Very entertaining though.
very good! I'll bet it took them forever to do that though.

lol what a waste of time :p
looks cool though. the entire movie in a few minutes.
I watched that after I went to go see spider-man 2. That lego crap is really good, but it always reminds me of the extras on Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
h00dlum said:
cool but who the hell takes the time to make things like this :D
It's quite similar to those commercials LEGO usually does for their poducts. Quite nice imho. There's a whole bunch of cool guys @ LEGO :)
Seen that commercial with the car that is formed completely of legos? That's cool, but CG I think.
Raziaar said:
Seen that commercial with the car that is formed completely of legos? That's cool, but CG I think.

No, it was done by hand frame by frame by the team who did X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter.