
I dont even know where to start with you guys. The only thing that comes to my mind is regret, for being born so late and missing out on so many great sets.
I have a lot of the ones posted in this thread.

But you know what bothers me? I was checking out the Toys 'R Us catalogue the other day and looked at the Star Wars sets they're selling to kids these days. And it pissed me off.

Back in the day, back when the Star Wars special edition was in theatres, my friend and I got inspired and started making our own lego versions of the ships. And my god was it difficult. So many round shapes, so many cockpit sizes that were impossible to build. So many limitations based on the fact that the existing Lego pieces were not suitable for Star Wars-type ships. But we persevered. Making a proper size Tie Fighter was mind bending but we managed.

Then I look at the modern sets. And then I look at how they managed to make Star Wars kits. And 90% of the time they invent new pieces just so the sets work. Consider me triumphantly pissed. That's right, not even Lego themselves can build Star Wars kits with the 90s-era pieces. Instead they resort to just making new moulds. BUT WE DID IT WITHOUT THAT.

I have a sort of similiar story, though it's more to do with looking through catalogs, finding out what the latest themed Lego collection was then going into a solid two/three weeks of trying to build my own variants as I was young and with no money.

Me and a friend did it when the Aqua range theme came out ages and ages ago. I'll find a reference picture...

EDIT: Huh, turns out there's a NEW Aqua range. They look so similar...

Wait, got it.


Shit, this brings back memories.

Anyway, the core central piece of the entire range was the base set, the Aqua Dome or Base or HQ or whatever. Man, you know that episode of Malcolm in the Middle, where the kid and Hal go ****ing nuts with the Lego, technic, Duplo and the like in their front room? We pretty much did this, though obviously on a much smaller scale, but we created this RIDICULOUS Aqua HQ that was a combination of both our Lego boxes and boards/grids. It literally spanned the entire floor of a sitting room. Every morning I would get dropped off at his to walk to school and we'd put 10 to 15 minutes into building and adding more, then after school we'd come back and do the same.

Eventually we both got elements of the Aqua range and they kind of sucked in comparison.

I wish there was a photo of it somewhere.
Oh man yeah. There was a two year period in my life where my parents would be exasperated every few months by their home being suddenly rendered inaccessible because the central room was entirely taken up by the best damn Jurassic Park that me and my brother could manage to build out of everything we had. For a while, our choices of christmas and birthday presents were motivated by this. We'd look through catalogues and work out which sets had pieces that would be amazing for our continually revised Park.
Sounds... dare I say... "epic"?
If this was a 'you nostalgia you lose' thread, I'd have lost sooooo many times. Pretty much every post I lose.
I also used to use Lego as terrain for my Warhammer table. Buildings, bunkers, towns, roads, spacecraft, dropships, highways... the lot. I would spend days building up huge cities or ridiculously over sized train bridges and then smash them up into scenes or whenver I'd just muck around with my models on my own recreating my own futuristic Bridge Too Far or Starship Troopers.

Now that table is used for all my art stuff and drawings. I miss having an empty canvas, if you will, to make stuff on. Very tempted to get the Lego out when I get home next week.

That would be so badass.
One thing me and my cousin would do with Lego, would be to pour every single piece we had, out onto the floor. We'd pretend that the lego men would start piecing together little makeshift bulldozers and things and eventually they'd start clearing paths and roads. After a while, little buildings would start to rise out of the heap and we'd just keep going until we'd built a little town, or whatever the theme was.

So much fun. Especially at Christmas. I'm really excited about having my own children one day just so I can buy lego for them.

The corners of the box were the best parts. All the cool tiny detail pieces - computer screens, see-through diamonds, ''spinny-round thingies'' as me and my mate would call them, levers and switches, hooks, guns, one or two block flat pieces...

Ah, good times.
Duplo > Lego

Anyway, I gave away all my lego at age 14 to a friend. Biggest mistake of my life. And I had tonnes.

ya that looks all cool and everything but within 5 minutes of playing with it it falls apart like a chinese apartment building during an earthquake

**** Lego

this is vastly superior:


does Lego have mother****in terrorists? I think not

Failmobil amirite?

I feel sorry for your kids and grandkids.

EDIT: And great-grandkids.


EDIT2: I also had that Sphinx swan_song. Was pretty epic.

EDIT3: First prize to whoever knows what this is:
I had both Lego and Playmobile.
Other notable toys were Action-Men, Micromachines, a wooden railway and this LGB railway thing.

Being the youngest was great.

Now that I think about it, most of my toys involved some sort of construction. The playmobile was mostly this western/civil-war thing where you could build a fort and various buildings from all these pieces.
The Action-Men were really the only thing that didn't have anything to build with, but I'd usually construct bunkers and zip wires all around the house. I'd try to set them up in time for my parents getting home from work, and one or twice I even made them into traps, but they didn't work very well.
Oh my god, I had so many of those. THe robot, the arctic space-thing, the space shuttle airplane (sans space shuttle for some reason), the green globular space-thing, this:

Which I thought was awesome cause it separated, also this:

And a whole bunch of the pirate ones, including one massive ship my parents got me one Christmas- biggest lego set I ever got.

Oooh! Found it!

Also, I'm with Viper on this. I built my own version of the USS Enterprise. And an X-wing.
The corners of the box were the best parts. All the cool tiny detail pieces - computer screens, see-through diamonds, ''spinny-round thingies'' as me and my mate would call them, levers and switches, hooks, guns, one or two block flat pieces...

Ah, good times.

I was thinking that when I first saw the pics - I'd always go right to the corners first to get those little things to get ideas of things to build.
I'm willing to bet big money I have the most Lego sets packed away out of everyone else on here. Between my brother and I, I believe we have all the sets posted thus far except for that first one (which is new obviously :P).

The best setup I've ever seen was at my old neighbor's house. They had a whole ****ing town down to the roads and everything.

My favorites remain the old castles, though. Dragonmaster vs. Black Knight vs. Wolfpack!
Bitches don't know 'bout mah bucket.

I seriously have a 40 or 50 liter bucket filled to the top with Legos.

It's BAMF.
Didn't we have a protracted argument about calling them "Lego" vs "Legos" in the last thread?
LEGO ****ING ISLAND HELL YES! I used to love that bloody game!

Leg- Leg- Lego. Leg- Leg- Leg- Lego. Legoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Didn't we have a protracted argument about calling them "Lego" vs "Legos" in the last thread?

In the end you guys didn't post up any pictures.
It's neither lego nor legos in plural, it's several pieces of lego. Just like "furniture" is neither "furniture" or "furnitures"... wait, shit, I got this all wrong. Furniture is "furniture" in plural, it's in singular that it's "pieces of". :frog:
"Legos" is only used by cultural theorists but umm nobody will get this joke soo yeah
More than 6 posts without pictures and/or nostalgia orgasms. Where did this thread go wrong? D:

Anyone fancy £73.39?


I don't think new Lego is all that great...
The thing I always hated about lego was all the sets were like... the most expensive things in the toy section.
I love the new Lego City sets. I bought 2 of these.

Ended up turning them into an AWACS and KC-135.
Really wish I had gotten the old airport, the new one has traded a big terminal for a big plane.
More than 6 posts without pictures and/or nostalgia orgasms. Where did this thread go wrong? D:

Anyone fancy £73.39?


I don't think new Lego is all that great...

The thing that pissed me off about Lego sets like this - or any involving buildings or structures - was that they made no ****ing sense. This is so, so petty of me to pick up upon, but rooms with no stairs or ladders... man, **** that. I'll build my own castle that makes structural sense.
Mmmmmm nostalgia.

I loved delivering the spicy pizza to the Brickster.
To find him youd have to listen to the whistling sound which got louder the closer you got. Oooh goodtimes.
The thing I always hated about lego was all the sets were like... the most expensive things in the toy section.

The toy section? Of what? The toy store?

Don't buy your lego sets at walmart.
"Legos" is only used by cultural theorists


Also it's Lego - A Lego set, pieces of Lego.


My favourite set was this sweet UFO my parents purchased in China, it was superlegit.
Lego piece, Lego pieces, Lego bricks.

Not piece of Lego. Like that piece of ass you almost got last night OOH YEAH
Oh **** you had to bring this theme up...i was a major lego freak. Brings tears to my eyes. :(

what i had...from the things i can remember 100%. They are shown in more or less chronological order as i got them.











(ok this was my brothers, which i stole and break it)



Lego is the best thing that humanity invented...they should be given a noble award for awesomeness.

Needless to say i eventually rebuild all of those legos. Things i made was an X-com base, a giant mothership (with all required quarters...bridge, engine room, storage, living quarters, mess hall, exit dock), i made also a working construction crane; a chairlift; a pneumatic robot leg; a pneumatic press; 2 stroke cylinder; a working car with remote control of steering, engine and manual transmission; a spring pistol shooting legos; a crossbow that also shot legos; a catapult; and other things i can't remember right now. yeah...i was an industrious ****, needless to say i spent alot of time indoor.