this is a greman lepord tank... tis bout 9000 pollys i think ... ahhg but i quit with out saving so i gotta remake the tracks which is abit annoying...
im not to sure but i dont think the tracks need to be so detailed. Considering no one will be trying to pay attention to the tracks ingame. save some polys that way. also how many polys are those antennas. nice model over all. also could you post a tri count plz.
looks nice, but you wasted way to much detail on the tracks. 9000 polys is what most teams are aiming for for final vehicle mosels (remember the 12k poly was unoptomized and it ran in sp)
one last thing... it seems to be running pritty slow.. is it coz the polly count is hight or is it my puta... i got athlon 1.4, geforce ti 4800 and 512 ddr.... if you know how to make it go faster tell us please
Hmm.. Leopard 2a4 is a great tank , but I do think that you really need to put youre faces else where ... You can ad alot more detail to the tower and to the body and just skip the track for know ... jesus 9k *EDITED* ....and its so plain :x
this has got 6618... and the rest of the tank aint been optimized but the tracks look pritty cool like that ... the wheels where using alot if pollys to so im not sure what to do with um.. before i was using 12 sided cylinder.. i dont wanna make them to lower number or it will start looking square
I would go for the boxy ones and just animate the texture .... It would demand a hell lot of bones to get your high detail track to run smooth ... its alot easier to just make a "boxy" version like in BF and animate the texture , use bumpmap and alhpa channels ... I cant understand why on earth you would like a tank track that has more faces than the modell itself ..
I'd keep with the Boxes personnaly, if your going to use the source to full effect, and have it looks as realistic as possible, so that the tracks move inwards, etc when going over bumps, and so forth...
ok just finished tracks and wheels... i was trying to keep them uba low polly coz they was talking up so much.. i have optimized what i have done so far and its 6860 faces.... tis weird to me it looks like somthings not right :/ mayb im just retarded