let down again!


Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
why didnt they add at least one zen level?
with the new engine they could have made some amazing zen worlds.

also the ending of the game was a total let down... didnt explain anything didnt have any resolution, and there wasnt even a last boss!

wut a rip...
DOes every great movie have a final bad guy in the end? No.

Why should Valve put a final boss. Because every other wanna be think alike FPS game ever released has done so?

Well thats not a good enough reason for me. Or them apparently.
They said there wasn't going to be a Xen level long before the game came out so I don't know why you're let down. The reason why the end of the game didn't explain everything is probably because there's gonna be a Half-Life 3 and that will be the last game.
I, for one, became very tired of final boss battles in my games. I'm glad HL2 didn't have one.
The 3 stiders > any boss they couldve thought of
indy said:
why didnt they add at least one zen level?
with the new engine they could have made some amazing zen worlds.
Because everybody hated Xen. I think there's a bit of focus-group mentality on HL2 - people liked fighting the soldiers with grenades+teamwork, so we'll have lots of those. People like driving, so we'll stick some of that in too.
Having said that, the last level is at least a bit Xen to me. They sort of hinted at alien beings/etc in the flybys but never really explored it

also the ending of the game was a total let down... didnt explain anything didnt have any resolution, and there wasnt even a last boss!
I admit it was pretty weak, but it was the logical ending under the circumstances. I guess
I'd have like to have seen everybody (Alyx, Eli ... Gordon?!?) get back together post-combine, but it would have sucked
Done well, a final boss cud have been gud. Just as long as they didn't set it out LIKE a final boss - ie stuck in a small area with guns and a big robot controlled by breen - it wud suck.

But yeah, something exciting at the end wudda bin gud.

The final sequence was great tho.
I think an epic fight againts waves of combine soldiers would have been nice. But that's just me.
because you don't want to do yoga in such a high paced action game.

/not in the balls, please
I thought the citadel and the final sequences were pretty awsome. Valve didnt feed us long chunks of overthought out story. They expanded on the first game and let us soak everything up in game.

The ending almost seems like Gordon is some universe jumpin bounty hunter or somthin..

I love the game because the story, while shadowed by amazing gameplay, avoided all the crappy/let down cliche's of te past and current.

Besides, the citadel mapping was really amazing
In the Final hours of Half Life 2 article on Gamespot it states that they tested out Xen levels but found the art direction and variety too boring.

I agree, Alien worlds are just too meh for me.
wow theres some realy protective people here..
go back to quake kiddy?

why dont you get off of valves nuts and grow some individuality.

after waiting umpteen years for this game i was expecting alot more than recycled enemies and special features that have already been implemented in other great games like farcry doom 3 and unreal.

they took all that time and didnt even have a decent storyline to offer.

and no they didnt need a last boss perse' but they could have had some sort of final epic battle instead of a gay puzzle type of timed event. tsk tsk.

so i may not go back to quake but i might go and play some of the other games i mentioned above.

thank you and fuk you!
i felt a bit walked over when they scapped all the rifles (sniper rifle, OICW) flare gun, the other gun......... and most of all multiple enemies............. let alone a proper hl2 mp........ and the fact it only lasted like 10 hours...... to conclude pretty much nothing....
maybe they didn't have zen levels cause they don't fit in the story.....what do you want them to put a level that has no reason to be there just cause you want it...yeah ok and i thought the ending was great. it leaves so many questions for half life 3 to answer. it makes you want it all the much more. and to the idiot that said hl2 dosent do anything that wasnt in doom 3 and far cry....well ....you need to go get your head checked man.