Let 'em sing anything for you!!

Dr. Shim

Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Want to have world-famous people sing anything; for you?

Well then, go here!

[Seriously, it's a Flash/ActionScript program that has sounds of famous people singing text you type in. It's very fun.]
Thats pretty crazy. It'll probably better once they add some more words though.
I asked them to sing for me "Pee on me, good people!"... They couldn't.
Lol I typed in "We" about 30 times and all I heard was, "We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!We!"
Does anyone know where I can download additional Microsoft Voice.. voices?
Not as much as you,...but this will suffice.
lol oh that page is funny, hadn't looked at it until now. And now I'm gonna be annoying the neighbours all day with it, cheers! lol
Hahaha...blast the speakers ladies and gentlemen, and hold on to your pants!
I want a horse that can fly past your boring self
So I can run away and hope that you would just go home.
So go home. GO HOME.

My life was going fine but it started to suck when you moved in.
Life went into the can and you closed the door on it. and moved a chair in front of the door so you could sit you fat butt down in my life.

LOL that was my song.
*punches King John in the face* what the f*ck are you talking about?
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
/me punches King John as well.

Hey, this is pretty fun!

*Stone Thinks About The Arena, He Bursts Into Tears And Runs Off Into The Distance.....
Originally posted by that freaking webpage
This site is temporarily closed due to sabotage.
We, of course, find this as unfortunate as you probably do./ SR c

Den här sidan är tillfälligt stängd på grund av sabotage.
Vi är lika ledsna som ni./ SR c

I wanted to play with it... :flame: