Let me tell you about my night last night.


Jun 22, 2006
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Actually, let me tell you about the day in general, because it was arguably the weirdest day of my entire life. So it started at about 12:20. My friend picked me up to help him shoot a movie for his scout troop about first aid and proper care and blah blah blah. So we get there, and it turns out I get to play a bunny-rabit, and I even get to dress up as one. Note that we're shooting this in a public park area, so I'm getting some of the weirdest looks from old people and kids who think that I'm the Easter Bunny. I also met some guy who was having a conversation with his dog, properly named "Bear."

So I get home, and my friend Cameron comes over and we drive around, get hopelessly lost, and go to a mall near my house. When we get there, it was deserted. I don't mean deserted in some sugar-coated "oh look, there's only a few people here!" sort of thing, I mean we walked into the main part of the mall and NO ONE WAS THERE AT ALL, and every store was closed. So we went to another mall by my house. We park by a Harris Teeter to see if our friend is working there (he's not) and walk to a Burger Joint nearby. Now, in the middle of my meal, I get the weirdest pain in my midsection, to the point where I can barely stand up. We walk back to his car, and we notice his a girl he knows. What should be noted about this is that my friend I was with lives in a city about 20-30 minutes away from me, and so does this girl. So, thus begins the most awkward goddamn conversation I've ever had. We drive home, and he goes home.

So then my friend Kyle calls me and tells me to come over. I do. It was about 10-ish when I got there because his neighborhood is the most impossible goddamn thing to navigate through. A few of my other good friends are here, including his sister Cathy, who's another good friend of mine. Cathy had a goldfish named Swimmy who lived for seven years, died, and has been in their freezer for about 3-5 years. We decide to put it to rest. So we walk to a wharehouse about 20 minutes away, sort of near a really cool 24/7 diner place. Our idea was to cremate it. We couldn't, because Cathy's lighter was out. So we go to Sheetes (thats the diner) to get a Lighter and FLAMMABLE Hairspray (note that it's flammable). We STILL CANT LIGHT THE DAMN THING ON FIRE, and when we finally do, the FLAMMABLE hairspray puts it out. So my friend gets really pissed and throws the fish into a nearby sewer. Then we walk to Sheetes, get some food, and meet this guy who tells us about how he stabbed some guy when he was in middle school.

Ok, final part. We're walking home (note that we have shovels, lighters, etc) when a big white pickup truck drives by with two teenagers who are obviously drunk out of their minds). They literally stop in the middle of the road (it's almost 1 am now) and say "hey, are you ****ers trick or treating?" We just ignore them, so they DRIVE ON THE SIDEWALK and yell "TRICK OR TREAT MOTHER****ERS." We proceeded to walk home mildly shaken.

And uh..then we got home and watched History Channel's special on vampires and fell asleep.
That was quite a good day I would say! Nothing pleases me better than to experience an entire day of awkwardness, freakishness and 5-year-dead-goldfish-creamating-ness.

Hopefully I can have one of those days soon too!
You didn't explain what made it so awkward. You also didn't explain a lot of other things. Your story jumps around too much.

I figured I would give ya some tips instead of saying something mean, don't expect this often.
Elaborate on every aspect of your story, because I'm interested :D
Stop filling Off Topic with shitty topics describing every day of your life.
Easyyyy now lads, don't want someone to end up hurt.
Strangelove, I only read the last two paragraphs of your entry, from which I gather you had quite an adventure last night. Congrats.
Easyyyy now lads, don't want someone to end up hurt.

I'm just saying, if he doens't like my topics, it's a lot easier (not to mention less annoying) if he just avoids them instead of coming in and voicing his displeasure with it.
Then don't read it, douche.
** Server Message: 1000th post - Double Experience!
** You have gained 68 Exp. in Self-Defence
** You have levelled up!
** You are now a level 4 Storyteller!
** Game Message: Adding details in your stories will increase the rate at which you gain experience.

No hard feelings man, but that story really did suck. I mean great, it may have been crazy for you and all, but there was really no point to it. I came out of it thinking "...so?".
I'm just saying, if he doens't like my topics, it's a lot easier (not to mention less annoying) if he just avoids them instead of coming in and voicing his displeasure with it.
So I feel sort of like a dick right now.
My best friend might be pregnant...
So some white trash prick drew a knife on my friends and I this afternoon.
So today was one of the weirdest days at school ever.
Menopause+Mid-Life criss=fun morning at my house.
Oh shi, it's about to storm like hell.
I think I'm losing interest in video games...
So I was at the mall today...
I'm currently working on the most inane assignment I may have ever been given..
I think I have cancer.
You know what? I'm pissed.
I can't believe I'm actually going here, but yeah..
I think there was blood in my urine this morning.
I'm sorry...
I'm going to the pound this weekend.

^All topics you've made.^

You searched all of my topics to prove a point while dodging mine? Let me assure you, I'm flattered.
It's easy, just go to your profile and all topics started by you.

So stop filling off topic with shit, kthxbinow.
It's easy, just go to your profile and all topics started by you.

So stop filling off topic with shit, kthxbinow.

1. Not all of those topics are from off-topic.
He's not forcing 'em on you, man. Just don't read 'em.
If that is a weird day then my life is a ****ing vortex of random shit flying around me at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour.

I'm surprised that Photobucket hasn't closed my account due to this picture. I've been posting this so ****ing much. Conclusion: shut the **** up.
I personally have enjoyed all Slacker's threads. Without him we all wouldnt have been able to laugh at that guy's livejournal stuff, and thats worth a lot in my book.