"Let the right one in" Discussion (Remake and Original)


Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Trailer for the 2008 Original

Trailer for the 2010 remake with Chloe Moretz (Kick-Ass)

I just watched the Original on blu-ray again,man what a great Movie really outside of the box type of movie with some pretty good performances by the Cast.

What do you guys think?
If you haven't seen it yet they also have it on Net-Flix as well.
Let the right one in is an excellent movie. The book's good too.

I'm dubious about the remake - it isn't necessary.
Does anyone else think it's stupid that they remade a movie 2 years later?
I think the original is overrated. It was kinda interesting, but slowww without it contributing to the atmosphere.

Does anyone else think it's stupid that they remade a movie 2 years later?

How else is the general American audience going to watch this? With subtitles? If they wanted to read they'd get a book, duh.
They're remaking this? Retarded. Watch the movie in Swedish with subtitles... jesus. It's a fantastic movie.
I really liked the original, very cool concept but yeah i agree with Unforcused that it was quite slow. Nevertheless a good film.

The idea of a remake makes me cry and defines everything wrong with modern cinema today

from the director of cloverfield

OH FOR FU- :flame:
I was going to give my usual "it's not a remake of the film, it's a refilming of the book!" line, but it's pretty obvious they told the kid playing Oskar to imitate the last one's performance.
OHMY this is ridiculous. I've seen the original and it's brilliant, but WHY remake it!? especially only two years after the original was released! only reason i can think is that alot of Americans won't watch it if it's foreign and has subtitles....
If people want to appreciate this film, watch the original.
Judging from the trailer alot of the eeriness from the original film will be lost... shame....

Director of Cloverfield?..... i give up...
I didn't really like the performances in the original. The directing and atmosphere and all that were really good, but the characters always seemed to be stunned, or somehow trying to channel some sort of dramatic irony through being stonefaced, and it didn't really work for me. So, Let Me In doesn't look bad at all to me. It might be great, even.
But do they sparkle? I won't watch it if they don't.
I don't understand the stigma against subtitles. After the first 5 minutes I can't even tell I'm reading anything.

I won't watch this movie though, I don't want to have another reason to dislike America.
The original is alright, nothing more. All of Stockholm appears to be deserted, it's ridiculous.
I don't understand the stigma against subtitles. After the first 5 minutes I can't even tell I'm reading anything.

I won't watch this movie though, I don't want to have another reason to dislike America.

Yeah I always think subtitles will get in my way, but after a bit I get into the movie and it doesn't bother me at all. I've watched Japanese movies, Brazilian movies, Korean movies, and Swedish movies like this and none of them ever bother me anymore.
But now it's got more like, intense music and shit yo
It's not supposed to be a horror movie. It's a coming of age movie.
I wish people wouldn't be so butthurt about the american remake.....nobody is forcing you to watch it.
Nobody is really butthurt. It's just that everyone has seen the original and this looks like such a carbon copy of it that it has no appeal.

Everyone's all "meh" about it.
oh god you make it sound like twilight, STOP!
It should be a banable offence to even mention that film in these forums.

We've been worried about Let Me In, the US adaptation of the cult Swedish vampire movie. But we saw scenes from it this weekend, and the acting is incredible. Plus, it goes back to the original book for source material.

Directed by Matt Reeves, whose previous movie was Cloverfield, the movie channels the odd, uneasy tone of the Swedish film, Let The Right One In. But it has a flavor all its own, that brings in American cultural references in a way that feels natural and suited to the material. Like the book and Swedish movie, it's set in the 1980s. And Reeves chose to locate it in the snowy winter of Los Alamos, New Mexico. On the Let Me In panel at Comic-Con today, Reeves said that he wanted the movie to be set against the backdrop of Reagan's Cold War America, where "evil," and "fighting evil," were part of the national discourse.


told ye so,now stop hating plz :(
Here's hoping it isn't as boring as the original.
If both of us get out, does that mean we are going out?
If both of us get out, does that mean we are going out?

They're remaking this? Retarded. Watch the movie in Swedish with subtitles... jesus. It's a fantastic movie.
Same thing goes for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Absolutely absurd that effing American idiots will remake these great movies. Books are great too. I think the problem must stem from the huge illiteracy problem in the US; can't handle subtitles. :|
Same thing goes for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Absolutely absurd that effing American idiots will remake these great movies. Books are great too. I think the problem must stem from the huge illiteracy problem in the US; can't handle subtitles. :|

They're remaking them too?!

You should read the books in swedish.

Much better. Lame Americans always with the remakes and translations.