I have to be clean shaven for my job but some of my friends have tried convincing me to grow a goatie. I'm also one of those people who has no beard growth between sideburns and chin.
I only grow a beard on holiday - I can never be arsed to pack a razor or buy one there. At most I go two-three days without shaving otherwise.

Though I did go through a period of not shaving but using hair clippers on my face and having constant stubble.

"What if you beard turns? Can I shoot that?!"
I change it now and then, but currently it's like this.
I have a goatee that doesn't connect the mustache with the chinbeard. For some reason hair doesnt grow on the immediate sides of my mouth.

I want to get a full beard going, but it takes so damn long for me, and it looks bad while its growing. It also isn't very dense, so it would probably still look bad fully grown, so I just keep my halfassed goatee.

This man speaks the truth.
Kaptain H isn't a man, and thus she knows nothing of manliness.

Also, Beard Lust

I have a goatee that doesn't connect the mustache with the chinbeard. For some reason hair doesnt grow on the immediate sides of my mouth.

I want to get a full beard going, but it takes so damn long for me, and it looks bad while its growing. It also isn't very dense, so it would probably still look bad fully grown, so I just keep my halfassed goatee.

Same here dude. <sigh>

The ****ing part that connects mustache to goatee doesn't grow. I can't grow a mustache to save my life... and I can't grow a beard to save my life... patchy in four areas. So when I grow anything, I just grow a goatee.
I think the simplest solution is to taint consumer plastics with testosterone to balance out the feminising effects of BPA. Then we all buy a new MP3 player with a plastic shell and become manly men.
Though my picture-graphic may lead you to believe otherwise, I am of the firm conviction that no man is truly a gentleman without his moustache. There are few things in this world that can trouble my cruel heart, but the thought of delinquencies and misdeeds done by a man clean-shaven--oh! It shakes me to my very core.
I share a similar belief, except mine is with stubble. I view clean shaven to be unnatural and an abomination. Unkempt stubble or at least some cool facial hair is far preferable.
Straggly facial hair freaks me out, if your beard isn't constant and thick then dont bother with it, you just look like a rapist of small animals.
Straggly facial hair freaks me out, if your beard isn't constant and thick then dont bother with it, you just look like a rapist of small animals.

That's a silly way to judge a man.
A lot of people have hair that doesn't grow next to the goatee (a spot that makes the beard disconnected) and the connecting area between the goatee and mustache. It can come later in your 20s or even into your 30s.
I hope, I'm 23 and I'm still waiting to be able to connect it.
Ah, don't worry. You'll be a werewolf in no time.

Actually the gaps may never fully fade, but they should close up enough so it doesn't look weird. Also if you grow your hair long enough, you can't tell at all.