Lets Inhale the beer!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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A new way of consuming alcohol that offers an immediate hit with no hangover the next day has been introduced in the United Kingdom.The new method is known as AWOL, an acronym for 'Alcohol With Out Liquid', and could become a hit in the global club scene due to the euphoric 'high' created when alcohol is vaporised, mixed with oxygen and inhaled. Billed at launch as the 'ultimate party toy', AWOL machines serve bar customers via tubes and could be seen as a modern version of the 'Nargile' or 'Hookah' water-pipe which originated in India and became an important part of society in Turkey and Middle Eastern countries in the 17th century, eventually becoming the height of fashion at sheik Western society parties during the late 19th and early 20th century.


Sounds good to me!
Isn't this the one that takes like 20 minutes to get the equivalent of a single shot?
I don't only enjoy alcohol for the inflated sense of confidence, singing ability and dancing prowess, but I actually likethe taste of a good ale.

Sounds crap.
Are you going AWOL soldier?

Isn't "without" one word BTW?
Sounds stupid. Whatever happened to the old fashioned way people get drunk, rather than this new aged crap.

Do it the hard way, sissies!

Says the guy who doesn't drink alcohol.
Will look abit dumb tipping off your stool with a tube up your nose.
Lol, clever idea if you have people smoking as well................
Well, good if you want to do a dragon breathing fire impression, the pure oxygen would make it more "interesting" too.
i wonder what the lungs think about this
You could always do what is known as a "Chilly Willy". That's where you turn a shot glass upside down, pour some Vodka into the dip, and snort it up your nose. Clears your sinuses, ****s you up, causes you to shriek in pain; Yep, it's one damn fine party stunt.
if i rember correctly, if you inhale pure oxygen, it screws you up, and can kill you

hospital o2 is like jsut air, but a higher o2 content,,,,
Is the gas ignitable? That could be disasterous.
Nah, beer (and it's gas) are much too weak to be flammable. I would strongly assume.
vegeta897 said:
Is the gas ignitable? That could be disasterous.
Alcohol burns well in normal air................pure oxygen and alcohol mix you are talking detonation not deflagration.

kirovman said:
Nah, beer (and it's gas) are much too weak to be flammable. I would strongly assume.
It's spirits they use in the inhaler, whoever made the thread title was wrong.
mm, why even bother with spirits, jsut grab pure alcohol, and dilute it, and add flavouring!
My English teacher made me translate that. I suspected he made it up.
It will eventually become illegal and people will have "Beerhouses" instead of "Crackhouses" and they will just let the air beer flow in the house and get drunk just sitting there!