Shrooms - The Solution To All Life's Problems

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There are some places I would love to go and try shrooms from the description. I've been on literal mountaintops of such indescribable beauty (sober, mind you) it has moved me to tears. I can only imagine that stuff while under the influence of psylobicin.

Jesus, is nothing ever good enough as it is?
I see no difference between doing a little bump of coke vs a pint. It's only taboo because of legality. If this were the 20's no one would give a ****.

This. Hell even Coffee was taboo and banned in many places when it was very first introduced due to it containing high doses of the stimulant drug caffeine.
Jesus, is nothing ever good enough as it is?

It is, but I'd like to see the same thing from a different perspective. I think there are too many things to try to say "this is good enough." That's just a reason not to try it.
I see no difference between doing a little bump of coke vs a pint. It's only taboo because of legality. If this were the 20's no one would give a ****.

This. Hell even Coffee was taboo and banned in many places when it was very first introduced due to it containing high doses of the stimulant drug caffeine.
Welcome to 2012, my friends
Also, I'd kinda like to keep my face in tact. Doesn't regular coke snorting wank your septum up?
Also, I'd kinda like to keep my face in tact. Doesn't regular coke snorting wank your septum up?

Chronic cocaine use will definitely damage your nose's cartilage structure.

Comparing cocaine snorting to beer drinking is ridiculous. Beer is to alcohol what the coca leaf is to cocaine: there isn't much of the active ingredient in either. A line of coke is like a pint of Everclear.
I didn't say a fat line of coke I said a small bump. All a small bump would do is pretty much make you more alert. No worse for you then a god damn energy drink (in fact I'd bet my right leg an energy drink is WORSE for you then a small bump of coke). And snorting coke only ****s up your face if you snort fat lines all day like a true coke head. Those four loko's they sold (or sell) in the states can kill you if you drink like 4. I've had one and ONE made me drunk. Not just buzzed, but drunk. And one of those is only a tad bigger then any monster or amped you can buy.

You guys base your opinions on things like this on the legality of it. Just cause the government tells you it's bad doesn't mean they're right..
I didn't say a fat line of coke I said a small bump. All a small bump would do is pretty much make you more alert. No worse for you then a god damn energy drink (in fact I'd bet my right leg an energy drink is WORSE for you then a small bump of coke). And snorting coke only ****s up your face if you snort fat lines all day like a true coke head. Those four loko's they sold (or sell) in the states can kill you if you drink like 4. I've had one and ONE made me drunk. Not just buzzed, but drunk. And one of those is only a tad bigger then any monster or amped you can buy.

You guys base your opinions on things like this on the legality of it. Just cause the government tells you it's bad doesn't mean they're right..

Hmmm, what defines a 'bump?' I seem to be mixing up my terminology.
Like a small pinch. Less then .1 of a gram.
A line of coke is like a pint of Everclear.
Youre crazy. Not even a close comparison at all. A gram of coke is like a bottle of everclear more like it.

A line, as far as INEBRIATON, you could compare to a pint and a half of beer maybe. The only way for that not to be true is if you're a heavy drinker and a pint and a half doesnt even give you a slight buzz.

The beer is worse for your body as well on a pure fact to fact comparison. Both are fine in moderation and normal doses. It's binging on either substance where you'll run into trouble. The only substance that binging on doesn't really harm your body too badly is marijuana (and thats if you vape/eat rather than smoking, as any tar is bad for your lungs, although marijuana smoke is less cancer inducing than tobacco its still not GOOD for the lungs)

Hmmm, what defines a 'bump?' I seem to be mixing up my terminology.

Like what you'd get from doing a bump snort off the tip of a car key.
Well I mean, it's a small pinch now but..
Just like "it's one smoke now but.." or "It's one drink now, but.." or "it's one coffee now, but..".

You can get addicted to far worse things than coke, and some of the worst are legal. Look up the death rates for every drug. Even heroin or meth are safer than alcohol by death statistics.
Just like "it's one smoke now but.." or "It's one drink now, but.." or "it's one coffee now, but..".

You can get addicted to far worse things than coke, and some of the worst are legal. Look up the death rates for every drug. Even heroin or meth are safer than alcohol by death statistics.

Very true. The most toxic drugs (as far as the physical effects on the human body) are legal such as alcohol.

One of the worst on the human body people take daily. Acetiminophen (tylenol)

Take too many tylenol and you will die a horribly slow painful death due to liver failure and there's not a lot of medical help you can get if they pump your stomach too late.
Is that alcohol is worse by raw numbers or percentage of users that die from it?
oh look nerds are getting into drugs again
Is that alcohol is worse by raw numbers or percentage of users that die from it?

I don't have any empirical data, but it's not just because of legality vs illicit substance usage percentage. The substance alcohol itself is far more of a poison to the human body than most others, yet it's the most legal (openly advertised compared to tobacco, etc)

Alcohol gives you terrible withdrawal symptoms (mental AND physical) unlike substances like marijuana, cocaine, or meth which only give you mental withdrawal symptoms after heavy use. Alcohol will make you physically sick and stopping after abuse can lead to death (see Amy Winehouse, died clean of illicit drugs, died because she stopped drinking)

No one will ever die because they stopped taking meth, cocaine, or marijuana. Only opiates and a few other common drugs have similar physical withdrawal symptoms to alcohol.
I think it goes without saying we leave out Tylenol. It's not addictive and doesn't involve a 'high.' There is a pharmacopia of incredibly dangerous substances with thousands of legitimate uses that should not be mentioned in the same sentence as recreational drugs.

On alcohol, I think part of why I believe it probably has less impact per capita amongst those who partake of it is legality. The kind of person who gets into methamphetamine or cocaine is far, far more likely to be a substance abuser than user simply because of the access restrictions. I wonder, though, what it would look like if we legalized methamphetamine and cocaine in the quantities alcohol is. I can't help but wonder if they would not be more dangerous if not because they are just so easy to OD on.

I would say that I'm for legalization regardless, since prohibition clearly showed that banning did not decrease demand, and just created a highly profitable black market for it.
(see Amy Winehouse, died clean of illicit drugs, died because she stopped drinking)
Not according to a coroner's report:
Wikipedia said:
Police recovered one small and two large bottles of vodka from her room.
Wikipedia said:
A coroner's inquest reached a verdict of misadventure. The report released on 26 October 2011 explained that Winehouse's blood alcohol content was 416 mg per decilitre at the time of her death, more than five times the legal drink-drive limit. According to the coroner "The unintended consequences of such potentially fatal levels was her sudden death."
Like a small pinch. Less then .1 of a gram.

.1 gram is a line, not a pinch. For people with no tolerance as little as .5 grams of high quality cocaine can cause overdose and potentially congestive heart failure if you are really unlucky. Of course that's an extreme case, but still.

Saying that doing a bump of coke is the equivalent of a beer is retarded teenager talk that is obviously coming from someone who doesn't really know what drugs can do to people. Cocaine is dangerous and is one of the most psychologically addictive drugs known to man. Encouraging people to try it is like telling people they should try heroin. If they want to do it, let them, but don't try to act like it's harmless because I can tell you unequivocally that it is FAR from harmless. You're right in saying that there is almost no ill effect to doing ONE bump of coke - but in my experience very few people only do a single bump. Of everyone I know who has done cocaine, they either did it moderately for a while and stopped, do it very rarely (a few times a year) or they slowly accelerated until they were doing it all the goddamn time.

This thread is closed because we don't allow discussion of illegal drugs here (much to the chagrin of my younger self). Site policy... sorry.

If you guys have any questions about health, harm, legality or safe use issues with any kinds of drugs feel free to PM me and I would love to answer any questions you might have. Psychoactives have been an intense interest of mine since I was an idiot 14 year old and I know just about everything there is to know about pretty much all of them since I've been reading research papers and experience reports and things of that nature for almost a decade now.

One thing I've learned as I've grown older and more mature and developed a much more personal understanding of the nature of addiction and drug use is that NO drugs are harmless - I've seen things as innocuous as weed utterly destroy people's lives, and that's to say nothing of the people I've known who have thrown their lives away on harder drugs (particularly opiates). If you think that you are immune to the hazards of taking drugs then you are a ****ing idiot and you should never touch one again, because it means you're probably one of the people who are most susceptible to having their lives dismantled by them.

If you choose to experiment, that's your choice - I certainly can't fault you with it. But never, ever make the mistake of thinking you are above them or that you are totally in control. The most important thing is to have deep respect for all psychoactives and their potential effects both harmful and beneficial. Having a cavalier attitude about these things is hard to avoid when you're young and feel invincible but it's just because you don't truly understand what you're dealing with. I'm not saying that it's not possible to use drugs in a safe and responsible manner (on the contrary it is very possible), but don't make the mistake of being one of the countless people who tell themselves that they are doing that when in reality they are spiraling further and further into dependence (whether psychological or physical) over a scale of years or decades. Respect the chemicals and realize that no matter what you believe, you cannot be definitively sure that you are exempt from the dangers.

With regards to closing this thread - discussion of doing drugs isn't allowed, but discussion of the political / social / economic issues surrounding drug use and abuse IS allowed, so if you guys want to continue debating that feel free to make another thread - but bear in mind that it will get closed if it turns into "talk about your drug experiences" and that you will get infractions for referring to personal drug use.
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