Let's make up our own achievements!


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Because we're bored and we've done incredible things. :D

I've only got a few right now.

Spyromaniac: Kill 5 spies via fire within one life.

Look Both Ways: Get killed 5 times by the train in Well... in a row.

Happy Sap: Sap 10 buildings within a life.

Patient's Revenge: Kill the person who killed your last person being healed.

Batman: Kill 5 people in a life with your bat.
Dominatrix: Dominate 3 people in a life.
Centurion: 100 points in a game.
Beam me up: 10 teleports on the same pair of portals.
Demolitions expert: Destroy 5 buildings in one life.
MORTAL KOMBAT!: 10 melee kills in a life (excluding backstabs).
CyberPitz: 100 kills in a life, solo capture every point / flag, do not die.
Most of these would be hidden from the list of achievements

Life Support Call for a medic 20 times within 10 seconds.
Claustrophobia Kill an enemy soldier with a rocket as well as yourself.
Basic Instinct Shoot the cow prop in 2fort.
Max Pain Receive a pistol shot the head, and live.
Spare Time Reload the mini-gun with only one round shot.
Fool me once.. Won't fool me again. As a spy get an enemy medic to use his Uber-charge on you.
Spy Spotter: Identify 5 disguised spies in one life.
(e.g. use the X-2 voice menu while looking at the spy)

Sentry down!: Destroy a sentry without it seeing you.
This ain't your momma's conc jump: Jump from one battlement to the other on 2Fort.

Med Schooled: Kill 5 enemies with the bonesaw in one life

Toreador: Taunt 20 enemies that you have just killed

HAL: Get killed by your own turret

Glue you back together: Kill 3 people with the same sticky bomb trap
Spyromaniac: Kill 5 spies via fire within one life.

Not only have I done this, I've killed 5 spies with my wrench in one life as engineer.

Umm... hmm. Trying to think of one.
Stomach full of butterflies Kill 5 people as Spy using the knife without backstabbing.

Leading the pack Hit 3 people with same shotgun shot.

Fill 'er up! Destroy 5 buildings with flamethrower without dying.

...I somewhat suck at these.
Dagnabbit damnit! - Get killed in your team's intelroom after taking the intel all the way from the enemy base by yourself.
Axe Murderer: Kill five people with the axe in one life.
Mr Fix It Knock off 10 zappers in a row without dying.

Don't #&*# With Me Get a revenge killing with 2 minutes of being dominated

Fugitive Survive 10 lost rounds without getting killed by the enemy team
Don't #&*# With Me Get a revenge killing with 2 minutes of being dominated

Heh. I was in a round and I got dominated and revenge killed all in one flash instant. He killed me and I killed him at the same time. It was awesome.

Also, I got a revenge kill after a map had ended, killing my nemesis just before it changed maps.
Dominatrix: Dominate 3 people in a life.
Centurion: 100 points in a game.
Beam me up: 10 teleports on the same pair of portals.
Demolitions expert: Destroy 5 buildings in one life.
MORTAL KOMBAT!: 10 melee kills in a life (excluding backstabs).
CyberPitz: 100 kills in a life, solo capture every point / flag, do not die.

Heavy Metal - Build a Sentry Gun using only metal collected from chainguns dropped from Heavies.
Crocodile Hunter - Kill 3 enemies as a Sniper with the Machete.
Spray and Pray - Fire the Heavy's chaingun continuously for 30 seconds.
Colostomy - Kill someone from behind with the Bonesaw.
Over-Overkill - Cause over 1500 damage when detonating a set of Stickybombs.
Genocide - Kill off the entire enemy team before any of them respawn.
Colostomy - Kill someone from behind with the Bonesaw.

I lol'd

Bar Fight - Get three kills with the Demoman's bottle in one life.
Dodging Fire - Kill a Pyro with a melee weapon. (Excluding backstabs)
Western - Get three pistol kills in a row.
Dominatrix: Dominate 3 people in a life.
Centurion: 100 points in a game.
Beam me up: 10 teleports on the same pair of portals.
Demolitions expert: Destroy 5 buildings in one life.
MORTAL KOMBAT!: 10 melee kills in a life (excluding backstabs).
CyberPitz: 100 kills in a life, solo capture every point / flag, do not die.

lol. Nice :p That would be kind of cool, if they added more achievements.
Heh, in keeping with a certain TF2 legend...

David: Dominate CyberPitz

And a few others,

Infiltrator: Capture a point on Well, Granary, or Dustbowl immediately after the previous point is captured.

God modding: Use a medic's ubercharge 3 times in one life

Grave Digger: Kill 5 enemies with the soldier's shovel in a single life

Campfire: Have your turret survive an entire round.
Dispensin' Justice - Have a single Dispenser provide 2000 rounds of ammunition in a single round.

Fill 'er Up! - Have a single Dispenser heal 2000 points of health in a single round.

Hot Potatoes - Kill an enemy pyro with your flamethrower as a pyro yourself.

Torch Bearer - (Not sure if I'm right but...) Have an enemy you set on fire set fire to 3 of his own teammates.
Hot PotatOWNED - Kill a Demoman with his own Stickybomb. (This is pretty hard. The demoman has to be really really stupid. :P)
Dispensin' Justice - Have a single Dispenser provide 2000 rounds of ammunition in a single round.

Fill 'er Up! - Have a single Dispenser heal 2000 points of health in a single round.

Hot Potatoes - Kill an enemy pyro with your flamethrower as a pyro yourself.

Torch Bearer - (Not sure if I'm right but...) Have an enemy you set on fire set fire to 3 of his own teammates.

The fire doesn't spread.
Would be nice to have more achievements. I need something to try and get.