let's not be too harsh.


Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
ok here is my first organic model...i havnt read any tutorials or anything because i couldnt find the time...sorry. i did however experiment with many of the tools in 3dsm like chamfer and other stuff. i didnt have much time to make this...so...yeah. this is supposed to be a somewhat replication of the wc3 abomination (didnt make the hook or knife yet). i actually made this a couple weeks ago and i guess it kinda died. as u'll see it wasnt too motivating. lol. :D
EDIT: i dont think i'm quite finished with the face. :|


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Well its original...lol im just kidding it looks good for an organic model the stomach or w/e is kind of creepy.
haha yeah. the stomach didnt end up quite like what i wanted to. it doesnt really look like gutz and intestines and all that other good stuff. just a big flat piece of polygon. lol. eh i coulda made it more creepier haha.
Well, the stomach-hole thing looks too polygonal, but other than that, it's not bad.
is that good or bad? isnt the abomination supposed to look like that? :D
hahaha wtf is that man?! some sort of mutant thign with a huge gash in its belly lol good though
lol u've never played wc3?! OMG. hahaha wow. u need to search abomination in google. click the one that looks like a pink fat undead butcher. he pwns all! haha :D
i think he looks cute :D .
i think you should delete the little patch on the stomach recreate the polys and make that part with some textures and normal mapping.
ps: welcome back ;)
no i dont think i do need to look at pictures of you girlfriend haha! anyway looks like the hand needs working on and the face and deffinetly the belly bit. also the legs look odd maybe just the angle but one lookes really small...?
yeah the hands need some work. i didnt really follow through with stormy's tutorial...but i did use his hand. very useful picture :D (thanks stormy) the belly needs some improvement (i need to give it the gory look with intestines and guts and stuff...any ideas on how to approach this?) ahh and the leg. yes i intentionally made it so that one leg is ALOT smaller than the other leg. considering that this is a sewn up beast of amputated body parts.....i doubt it would retain the same proportions found in nature. :D oh and....yeah i dont think i have a girlfriend haha
i think you should delete the little patch on the stomach recreate the polys and make that part with some textures and normal mapping.
hmmm...might need a bit more descriptive instructions. so mindless what have u been doing while i was gone? :D
that looks great and funny.. This could be used in a Taco Bell commercial..
Extract and view the fastzombie model and look at it's stomach. I think that might be what he means.
talking of reference i use this website www.3d.sk you have to subscribe and it costs a fair bit but it is an awesome website for references. hell they even have old nake fat women lol who would want to model that??

also on secondreality.ch there is a great hand tutorial.
ok i got to ask u guys. for my next model i'm planning on making a scarecrow kind of character. except hes not really a scarecrow....he just wears those really crude clothes (like patches and shit) and he has chains around him. the chains tie two coffins to his back and there is a lock in the middle of the body (near the heart). the lock holds the chains togethor and make a visual x (the chains go from shoulder to abdomen in a crisscross way; there are two of them so it forms an x). where his heart should be there is a large hole and the heart is clearly visible. so there is a lock over an open hole and the heart is in the middle. and i'll probably equip him with a chainsaw (it can be in one of his coffins as an extra weapon that he can pull out). he wears one of those mask things (like the one scarecrow used in Batman Begins). one of the eye patches (eyeholes to look) is somewhat larger than the other and where there should be a mouth hole there are stitches. this was my idea of an undead corpse harvester. comments?
cool idea, but make sure you do some rough sketches of it, just to make sure everything looks in place
entity said:
cool idea, but make sure you do some rough sketches of it, just to make sure everything looks in place
i second that ...the kind of stylised look your going for needs to be developed prior to production.
question. does anyone have a really simple tutorial (very descriptive with visual aid if possible) of how to create like a skeleton (to like animate / pose my character)? i think i've seen a couple but i've been through my links and i cant find them.
obviously i dont know how to do it in 3dsm but in xsi if you load in the valve biped guide. then create rig from guide and delete the guide you can then automatically assign the mesh to the bones and then you just have to clean it up a little.
guys dont act cocky. carnage if u catch me online ask me for it and ill give you a lil summary on how to do it.
i'm not..the one found in the manual is the best one (3dsmax tutorials + User Reference), I learned everything from there
well umm....some people ...ummm loose their manuals when they umm.....reformat their hard drives and umm......scratch their installation disk. yeah
lol, but seriously..if you have the manuals..just read through them..I still refer to them when I want to do something..works everytime :)
ok u guys never heard this but...umm...u know that 3dsm costs a lot..and ahem...cough cough...there are ways we uhhh get this are are....cough cough....cheaper than buying it. lol. and sometimes u know....not all the files can be found inside 3dsm. i mean its not top notch quality haha, atleast it can work. i'll try to get on some time on msn....:D
EDIT: plus i think my 3dsm is a little outdated. perhaps. perhaps not. whats the version at? 8?
yep, version 8 ;)

I might still have the manuals though, long time since i've used 3dsmax
lol could have posted that earlier and avoided all of this :p

look through the manuals, pretty decent stuff
lol i have a legal version that i bought in bankok for about 50p ....:D
we've had this discussion before :upstare: paying for a pirated copy doesnt make it anymore legal than downloading it.
That's a good first attempt, I wish you luck in your future endeavors into the world of modeling!
lol. thanxs. i plan to get better :D anyways yeah imma check out those tutorials. i started my next character model but umm...i dont know if its gonna be any good. :| eh...perseverance is key. :)