lets play a game!

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The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
this is something I saw in another forum

the thing is that I post a situation and you post what to do
and them I choose a option and post what happened,if is the correct stuff or near corret them the thing continue if not then you do it again
for example lets say you posted search thing and I say you find something and then the stituation still going but now you have the found object and you may recomend to use it somehow,but if is not the right one then post another stuff

like in the point and click adventure games but just whit text

and if we all cooperate then better

so ok

the situation is that the menbers of the site are in the house of someone and them when one go to the bathroom they find a bomb in the toilet
whats next

remenber I may leave and contine this later

so anyone? I am bored
I would ask if there was another bombless toilet (cause I really need to go), then watch as the thread is closed. I think they do that by default around here to forum games, but seems a bit draconian to me - I'd like to see where the story goes, if not.
there is no other toilet,just one whit the bomb,a sink whit those mirror whit compartments,and the shower

EDIT: everyone leaves bathroom and the bomb explode everyone dies,game go back to last stituation
deathmaster grabs the bomb but the bomb explodes and everyone dies,restart from last action

clue: the mirror in the sink is one of those compartments
It's like D&D!

Anyway, Uriel attempts to defuse bomb cutting the red wire.
you have to post it like a intruction,like "cut the red wire"

uriel search for a red wire,cut it but nothing happens

clue: the mirror in the sink is one of those compartments
naudian search it and find a tube of some skin care product whit a note that say "cover the circuits of the bomb whit these cream"
delusional spread the cream all over the circuits but suddenly the bomb turn into something like a evil robot meat eater monster whit claws and all that and you have to react quick before you get killed!
I give it a hug and say, "everything will be alright, things will be better soon"
delusional get splattered to pices by the claws of the robot and dies, restart from last action,the bomb turns into a killer robot
you got no weapons

clue: whats the way you use to eliminate stuff inside the toilets?
put a plunger on top of my head, run around the monster, screaming weird stuff, hoping the monster gets dizzy
Stock foot in giant hole of monster to hopefully "unclog" the monster.

Hope my foot doesn't get covered in shit!
monster kill delusional,restart

EDIT: its 2 AM in the morning so I wil go to sleep,lets continue later

and what will hapen whit the people of HL2.net? find it out tommorrow in the same thread!

*action music start*
Eh, too many deaths. Needs to be more good open ended consequences. Like a good D&D DM.
I'll take over as RJMC for now:

whit whit whit whit whit whit whit whit!

you all kill by,monster
>Wake up.

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