Let's play - Guess My E-mail Password!

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Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Oh the humanity... It really is just priceless. It's like the mastercard commericals.

1. Buy a new PC - $800
2. Buy a New car - $15,000
3. Guess Gabe Newell's Password is GABEN - PRICELESS

From Gamespot:

"After a close scrutiny of Gabe Newell's account history on the forums, we've come to the conclusion that the gold post is a fake... After one crazy night of theories, server mayhem and IP tracing, we've finally gotten to the bottom of this mess. In a twist of hilarity, it seems that Gabe Newell's account password was set to 'gaben'. Person x guessed this and made the "going gold on Monday" post which we've heard so much about. The user (who we believe is the same person x) then made this post just minutes ago using Gabe's account:

Maybe he shouldn't have used 'gaben' for his password. Come on Gabe, you could of [sic] thought of something better than that

After a quick double-check, it seems that this was exactly what happened."
He's saying he doesn't get the purpose of this post, not that he doesn't get the joke.
kaellinn18 said:
He's saying he doesn't get the purpose of this post, not that he doesn't get the joke.

Basically to goof on the insanity about this game.

I wonder if ALL his passwords are gaben...

hackers are probably checking that right now...
Enough, Let this thread die. I honostly believe there is no way Gabe after what he has been through with the whole Theft of source code. I really doubt he would in his mind set up a password that original, First name with last name letter. This to me seems a bit more fishy than some guy guessing a password. CMon now Gabe is not a fat, dumb witted guy. He runs a damn company for god sakes...
Well like...New PC, ok, sure, HL2.

But what does a new Car have to do with Gabe Newell's HL2 Fallout Forum password being gaben?

Making a thread about a security breach joke: 1 post
Replying to that thread: 11 posts
Closing that thread: Priceless

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