Lets Pretend theres a HL2 Multiplayer..


May 13, 2004
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Whoa, I love the hl2 multiplayer! Res vs combine is really cool. I love the way if your on combie you can use a strider, but on Res you can have small jeeps and the gun that "melts" the combie. The A.I ant lions and stuff that run around and attack everyone makes it feel like its in the sp game!

:( If only..
;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( I wan't HL2 Deathmatch!!!
Whoa I love the HL2 Multiplayer, look at that white dot cross the screen only to be bashed by a player.
enjoy what we have been given...don't complain about things that most likely WILL be fixed in one way or another...I actually was liking your "fantasy"...someone will probably mod it...now we wait for the SDK...
People would hate Valve if they delayed yet again for HLDM.
I hope someone does make a good hl2dm, or something along those lines. Its a shame valve did'nt make one themselves though, as theres still no word on when the SDK is even coming, surely its got to be before hl2 comes out.
**edit: :D Hi, Chris

I'm sorry Ritz. Seriously. I'm not proud of that. But your post seemed very negative.

I would rather see a HL2 MP then CSS myself. I hope there is one.
I've done some cleaning in this thread... Can't we all just get along? :p

I don't think we can completely rule out a vanilla MP version. I also don't blame Valve too much for not spending too much time on it. They've had their hands full with HL:S, CS:S and HL2, but anyone remember what they said about after they've completed HL2? I'm sure Gabe was quoted as saying they might do a fun project after HL2 to wind down a bit - maybe it'll be multiplayer :)
Yeah sounds good - Maybe it will have fruit in it :-P

we ALL know know you love fruit Chris_D lolol - especially bananas - heh heh
Chris_D said:
I've done some cleaning in this thread... Can't we all just get along? :p

I don't think we can completely rule out a vanilla MP version. I also don't blame Valve too much for not spending too much time on it. They've had their hands full with HL:S, CS:S and HL2, but anyone remember what they said about after they've completed HL2? I'm sure Gabe was quoted as saying they might do a fun project after HL2 to wind down a bit - maybe it'll be multiplayer :)

I don't understand why they couldn't have made HL 2 mp first, instead of making those ports. They could have done those later... :hmph:
I hope Chris is right,. maybe VALVe will give us what we want some time down the line.

Ritz, again, Im sorry. Associating the frown icon with the whole thread does set a tone, one which I don't think you really intended. That really was my only beef. I'm with you the rest of the way. A res vs combine game would seriously rock. I hope you see I'm not all bad. friends? :p

Monkey, again, youre cool. ;) I think I was the one who got a little out of hand there.

For me, actually playing HL2 will probably be the best source of HL2 MP ideas.
Diablo2k said:
I don't understand why they couldn't have made HL 2 mp first, instead of making those ports. They could have done those later... :hmph:
HL1, well thats a fairly straight and simple port. They had their reasons for CSS. One obvious one is that because its not actually HL2, they can release it via Steam before VUg approves it, thus getting all these Steam HL2 preorders. (And, as Chris states below, CS is incredibly popular)
Diablo2k said:
I don't understand why they couldn't have made HL 2 mp first, instead of making those ports. They could have done those later... :hmph:
Counter-Strike: Source will be more popular for a longer period of time. Fact.
Chris_D said:
Counter-Strike: Source will be more popular for a longer period of time. Fact.
Yeah totally. And if Valve had made HL2 MP without trying to make the others first, then we probably wouldn't be sitting here buying Half-Life 2 over steam.

Maybe they had the same thing in mind.
The_Monkey said:
;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( I wan't HL2 Deathmatch!!!

me too mate, i CRAVE hl2 multiplayer, we can only hope that valve are saving this for expansion packs (hell i'd be front of the queue anyway lol). I was seriously gutted when valve said no hldm2 :'(.

half life source should stride us along until then, technically this should be close, well as close as CS is to CS source maybe.
Well, I hope someone will make some hires hlsdm models, and some highres guns for them (Need to just rip most of them from hl2 itself) So at least we will have a good dm and tdm. :)
damn you valve if HL2 has not multiplayer I`ll start playing Sims 2 :/
/me sighs
yeah... Combine vs Resistence sounds pretty sweet right about now.
Chris, dammnit u know Valve, get us some exclusive info on a secret MP or something :frown: :p
Yeah, that's kind of what I pictured when I'd convinced myself that there'd be HL2 themed MP... meh. It'll probably be added later through Steam or in an expansion pack or much later by a mod team.

I mean, Resistance could've had small arms (as in weapons, not limbs smart guy) and very little in the way of armour, highly dependant on guerilla tactics and perhaps a superior respawn rate (or even team size), while the Combine rely on superior firepower (and, of course, stompy Striders and even Gunships). Woo. Fantasy can be depressing.
Homercidal said:
Not in my house it won't.

I'm sure if you agree to buy a few thousand copies of HL2 over Steam, they might care about what you like more.

The funny thing about Capitalism is that companies try to make money, so strangly enough they're going to spend more time on things that will make them more money.

I know, it's very strange.
Thank you for your sarcasm. I did not even hint that I thought I could sway Valve into doing HL2DM. I don't know how you inferred that from my post. I realize that, in the position that I'm in, I can only wait, and hope that HL2DM will be available soon.

My statement was a rebuttal to Chris_D who stated that CS:S would be more poular than HL2DM. As a clarification, I did not disagree with his assessment of the relative poularity of the two games. I merely pointed out that although CS:S might be more popular in the long term, over all, it would not be more popular to me, and it seems, to everyone I play games with.

As a matter of fact, a Half-life gaming party is planned to tomorrow. I can thank Valve and many members of this forums for reminding me how much fun HLDM really was.
omg u fkn fagjets dun u noes that cs is more kewlies tan hl2dm lolololol :p

u go ply ur dum dm n i will play my 1337 strat gaem bcuz its mroe populare

n u noes y its popular? BCUZ ITS BETTAR U NUBS

AN VALVE MAEKS MOER $$$$ by maeking cs:s cuz no1 fukn lieks hl2 they only liek cs

am i rite or am i rite
On a more serious note...

Refresh my memory. Is there going to be no HL2MP, period? Or can we expect something down the line? Because if an HL2MP was scrapped for a re-heated mod (that saw it's golden days end years ago), then I'll be a tad pissed. Because the only reason I can see for their decision is "CS = Popular and Popular = More Moolah".

The fact is that I and many others couldn't really give a shit about how popular CS:S is. Yeah, we'll bite our tongues and go with the flow, but we expected more. Actually, come to think of it, I didn't see too many people whooping with joy when CS:S was confirmed as the only MP shipping with HL2. No, the range of responses I saw was lukewarm "Meh... Whatever" to "OMG BURN IN HELL VALVE WTF U FKN SHITS". There hasn't been any delighted happy camper.

I'd actually be less annoyed if they just had no multiplayer, because right now it just looks like Valve decided to cash in on CS rather than even attempt at making a good HL2MP. Yeah, they're a business, their aim is to make money, they don't owe me shit, and they can do what they want with their games. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

And I don't want to hear any crap about how a solid and innovative HL2MP wouldn't have made any money. It most certainly would have. Maybe not as much as CS:S, despite it's possible superiority, but it could have worked out well enough.
Well the quote was along the lines of 'not on release' if I recall. That's neither hither nor thither. There's a mod team that wants to give it a go. I'm not so convinced that manipulator battles are going to be as fab as everyone thinks, but I want HL2DM.
Officially there is NO HL2DM. But several sources have said that there will one later, likely from a Mod. Well, MP anyway.

I've seen some screens of CS:S and it don't look too bad. If I could get rid of the "Counter-Strikeness", and play it as DM, it looks like it could be fun.

But, IMO, it wouldn't hold a candle to DM with HL2. At this point we'll just have to sit and wait for news of a MP mod.
Another rant I want to let out that doesn't necessarily pertain to anything in this topic:

I can't stand this "Well, mod it in yourself!" argument when it comes to the absence of HL2MP. It's not that it's impossible. It just that, like most mods, we'd have to be waiting a long time until it reached the kind of quality we see in Day of Defeat and Counter-Strike as opposed to proffesional out-of-the-box MP.
Also, you'd be getting about a hundred different people trying to play their hand at making an HL2Mp. So instead of having all the players fragging each other in one official game, you've instead got all the players fragging eachother in twenty different takes on an HL2MP. How the Hell is that going to be fun?
Well, let me think about this....

CS:S is a MP game, and it's running on Source. So, we know that Technically MPS is possible. It isn't that much of a jump from CS:S to HL2DM. Even if the physics aren't any better than CS:S's, at least they aren't too bad.

Personally, when looking at it from that point of view, I'd say that HL2DM shouldn't be that far off.

Plus, Valve have given their full support of the SVENCO-OP game, which I know nothing about, but seems to be very popular aorund here. Hell, I'm having a good time playing Crossfire with my friends via email. Just remembering all of the cool scenarios we got into.
Crash Happy said:
Well the quote was along the lines of 'not on release' if I recall. That's neither hither nor thither. There's a mod team that wants to give it a go. I'm not so convinced that manipulator battles are going to be as fab as everyone thinks, but I want HL2DM.

I think they should make the HLDM now that all is left to do is rolling thubms and wait for vivendi to get thiers' out and release the thing..(!)
\0 That would be me. Crossfire was possibly my most favorite MP map of all time.
Aye. I played Crossfire religously. Sort of like Bloodgulch in Halo.
One time, while playing Crossfire, I was running to make it up the tower and get in the chute before the last doors closed, and I yelled YES!! as I leaped... But the doors closed right on me. My friend started yelling YES YES YES! as my legs came tumbling down the chute. ARGH!
When the airstrike would come, I'd usually just do the tau jump on the heli-pad to avoid it. Plus then I could spam the other poor bastards as they filed out of the shelter. I loved that map..
you MUST tell me about this neat trick. I will want to use it on them tomorrow... I know they don't know what it is.

You must PM me though, they might be watching.... :thumbs:

Never mind. I figured it out. As far as I know, this trick is not known by anyone in our group.... HEHEHEHE!!
Okay deleted. But like I said, it'll be pretty obvious. It won't be a secret to them for very long.
Well, thanks for telling them!

I'm sure they didn't know it or we wouldn't have been fighting so hard to make it into the bunker. I knew the cannon would make you jump higher, but I didn't realize you could get out of the blast area.