lets see your comp workstation! - not 56k friendly-

Dude your chair kicks ass and don't let anyone tell you different. Check out my chair. I bought it for $20 bucks and it has a remote that raises you up and down. And I have two little gray office chairs on each side for my guests to sit in.

jbscotchman, i have the same keyboard, but mines black and silver
EDIT: Also, ive noticed, just about everyone has a sharpie on there desk, mines gone right now but ill find it sometime, it fits in the little drop down box for the controls on my monitor.
I would have liked to get a black and silver one but best buy didn't have any like that when I bought it. It would have matched my monitor, case, and mouse perfectly.
Originally posted by Incoming

I just stick my feet into those bundles of cables and a few shocks later, it's like it was 08:00 am the day I first sat down ! Bad thing is that I become all static and my plastic mouse gets stuck in my right palm - but hey, why let go anyway ??!

Nice tangled cable-age!

Luvvin ur work!


I think we should have a "most tangled cables" competition :cheese: