Lets see your instruments


Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
You know, just cause.

I don't have a picture, but I have a bach stratavarius model 37.

What model is that btw?

or wait, is that even a stratavarius? Just noticed the serial number....
Hazar said:
I like mine :)

what year is yours?
I hate mine. It sucks soooo much :P

Its brand new, 2004. I got it teh today for an exorbanent price :(
:(, that's bad.

Mine was made in the early 80's, older than me.

It was completely restorated, so it looks almost exactly the same as yours, with the exeption of the serial # printed on horizontily.
Hazar said:
:(, that's bad.

Mine was made in the early 80's, older than me.

It was completely restorated, so it looks almost exactly the same as yours, with the exeption of the serial # printed on horizontily.
Wow weird, the serial wraps around the valve?

What kind of music do you play? Play at school?
yeah, in fact, all the old ones did it that way, so now it looks weird when they're printed 'vertically' like yours is.

I play for the band at my high school. In fact, we had to play at a basket ball game tonight (it's pretty fun, you get to play really high, really loud :D) and next year I'll be in the jazz band (I was in it last year, but they screwed up the schedule really badly this year, so I couldn't be in it).


I haven' practised in 8 weeks :( my teacher's going to kill me!
My brother and i play guitars, my brother is hella better than me. We have a black Ibanez, not sure which model, and 3 acoustic guitars, one was hand crafted by my great uncle, and plays great.

I also use FL Studio 4 if you count that as an instrument.
My Gibson Gothic Les Paul. And it's the real deal to, not Epicrap or Crappyphone :thumbs:
Lol I bought a begginers guitar pack at costco for 200 bucks. Came with a bunch of books, a Yamaha EG 112C, pack a strings, bunch of wierd looking things, strap which i lost, case (soft), and amplifier. I must say I like my cheapo guitar better than most expensive guitars I play at any guitar shop. None of them come close to the soft smooth feel of the neck and strings like mine, none of em make your bends feel complete and satisfying like mine. My guitar is my baby... However its apparently such a big peice of crap that no one has ever heard of nor has, i cant find a picture, anywhere. no one will buy this guitar, but if they played it they would. Stand alone its probably $90-115 but my friend who has an incredible like $700 guitar (forget which kind) likes mine more than any other hes ever played, even his own.

Only problem with mine, and im sure my next guitar wont have this, the mother****ing godamn damn ****er pickups are basically sticking up soo much they are practically touching the ****ing strings. As you can tell it pisses me off a lot because they get in the way when I pick (which is all the time). I find myself breaking the art of hand position just to avoid the godamn pickups. I have two choices, change position, or put my fingers down the pick so far that im either screaming the note every time i hit it (u know that heavy metal scream sound when u hit it and make it touch ur thumb a bit) or the pick just slips out cause i have no godamn grip on the ****er. THOSE GODAMN ****ING **** **** ****EDY **** ****ER PICKUPS GODAMN YOU!!!!

They are the only things keeping me from boning my guitar.
**** PICK****S **** PICKUPS ****ER SUCK MY DICK YOU ****ING **** **** ****ING **** ****ER PICKUPS DAMN YOU

ahh it feels good to vent my anger towards the small things.
Try lowering the pickups. I had the same problem with my older guitar. I see it's really pissing you off, but it didn't really bother me that much. My picukps probably weren't as high as they are in your guitar.

My amp is shit though, and sometimes I feel like throwing it out of the window.

And a Gibson Explorer Gothic
And an Ibanez RGX40Z

Have a JCM2000 Head with a 4x12 Cabnit
Bruiser said:
My Gibson Gothic Les Paul. And it's the real deal to, not Epicrap or Crappyphone :thumbs:

That my friend is a thing of beauty !
Homless Snark said:

And a Gibson Explorer Gothic
And an Ibanez RGX40Z

Have a JCM2000 Head with a 4x12 Cabnit

:O me wants one
Bruiser said:
My Gibson Gothic Les Paul. And it's the real deal to, not Epicrap or Crappyphone :thumbs:

I was watching Iron Maiden's Flight of Icarus video when I clicked on that pic. Then I noticed it's just like the guitar Adrian Smith plays in the video, or at least almost the same. Funny
I haven't got a camera, but here are me guitars -

Cort X6 - http://img221.exs.cx/img221/6074/x6blue1602hc.jpg

Honestly, you probably won't think this but Cort are such a great brand. The company actually makes alot of Fender's and Ibanez's - I love my X6 - I prefer it over my Strat any day. My one's silver.

"Cort has rapidly become my most highly recommended brands that I could recommend to any customer.

The only brand that seems to be able to produce "standard setting" quality instruments in all genres of guitar.

For example, try the G Series for the Strat lovers - M Series for Double cutaway/PRS style lovers - Cort acoustic and custom shop for all acoustic price points from £300 - £1000 and unbelievably good bass guitars such as the GB74."


Check out some of their electrics, there's got to be something you'd like. Check out the X and G series - I gaurantee you they'll sound amazing.

Fender Strat Standard - http://img221.exs.cx/img221/3074/standard6qv.jpg

Same colour. Pretty pleased with it, I just prefer my X6.

Vintage V400 - http://img221.exs.cx/img221/8426/v4000lt.jpg

The sunburst one. It's OK I guess :)
Bruiser said:
My Gibson Gothic Les Paul. And it's the real deal to, not Epicrap or Crappyphone :thumbs:

Hey you! Not all of use can afford Gibson :(. One day I will get a Gibson Les Paul you'll see, YOU'LL SEE!

/me runs out of the room crying.
Carvin DC200 (before pickup change)

Washburn Sonic 7

do tell what all of the nobbly things do on the Carvin DC200.....
So long as all goes to plan for my birthday, this should be in my possession very soon :)

Seppo said:
Try lowering the pickups. I had the same problem with my older guitar. I see it's really pissing you off, but it didn't really bother me that much. My picukps probably weren't as high as they are in your guitar.

My amp is shit though, and sometimes I feel like throwing it out of the window.

See I dont know jack about the physical guitar besides outside parts. I dont know how I can lower the pickups can you explain please? Oh by the way Tael I see floyd there, I dont get it? Is it like Gilmours guitar or somethin? Your guitar looks exactly down to the bone except for the plug in place like my guitar. Tael your amp looks exactly like mine except it says Champ 15 and has a bit less nobs lol.
MilkMan12 said:
See I dont know jack about the physical guitar besides outside parts. I dont know how I can lower the pickups can you explain please? Oh by the way Tael I see floyd there, I dont get it? Is it like Gilmours guitar or somethin? Your guitar looks exactly down to the bone except for the plug in place like my guitar. Tael your amp looks exactly like mine except it says Champ 15 and has a bit less nobs lol.

It's this simple: there should be screws on both sides of the pickups. Just wring them and the pickup will get higher or lower, depending on what way you're twisting the screw. Be careful though, I don't want to be responsible if it breaks.

By the way, I have a Fender amp too, Princeton Chorus 125W. It sounds pretty good clean, but not the best choice for metal I think.
****ing awesome looking guitar, doesnt look metal to me at all because of the smooth edges. Its great!
My Korg Electribe SX:
Pic of it

My new Roland D-10 (which is completely bummed -but I hope to get it repaired)
Pic of it

My Roland Digital Piano
Pic of something similar to it
fraaah said:
is that a jem? very nice.

my jackson Kv2

i have others, i may post a group pic when i can

Thanks, Yep it is a Jem :D

I was seriously considering getting a Jackson before they were bought and the prices suddenly jacked up.

Unfortunatley for my Gibs Explorer all the pictures w/ it have me in it :p so i'll just only show the JEM.

Thinkin' about either pickin up a Variax, or start off with a bass soon.