Lets talk about the soundtrack

17 and 40 are great ...

40 sounds a bit like the "mission impossible" theme :cheese:
I want to add Track 10 as one of the eeriest, creepiest themes I've ever heard. :eek:
Which track is the one from the 2004 airboat/hovercraft/canal demo?
24,26 and 27 are my favorites i cant stop listening to them
I listened to the shakey cam audio. That's from the E3 2004 demo during the airboat scene . . . and IT IS Track 2. :p
It's similar, but listen at around 20 seconds. It's goes quiet and is hard to hear behind the helicopter but it IS a different track.
Is it just me or does it sound like Halo?

I really think that is what Valve was going for here. Remember when they said they like to look at other games for inspiration? Halo was known for it's vehicles, in these big open areas. This scene definatly reminded me of Halo in that aspect. The music sounds just like Halo music at that part.

And I like it. Fits very well.

(No, I am not a Halo or Halo 2 fanboy. I despise them, and most other console games. (Except Donkey Konga. (Which I haven't played.) Oh, and Double Dash... That's fun...))
track 12 is bad ass, along with 17 and 2
vegeta897 said:
Is it just me or does it sound like Halo?
I think it is just you... it doesn't remind me of Halo at all. :)

And the hoverboat scene IS track 2.
I've heard that some tracks are the same as in the original HL. I know that the Valve theme is one of them.

Could anyone enlighten me?

Is there any place I can get the soundtrack w/o getting the gold package? I already bought silver.
Crowbar 15 said:
I've heard that some tracks are the same as in the original HL. I know that the Valve theme is one of them.

Could anyone enlighten me?


I guess that's my cue.

Yes, the following tracks are from HL1:

Track 01 - Valve Theme (Long Version)
...(I don't know Tracks 2-28)...
Track 29 - Hurricane Strings
Track 30 - Cavern Ambience
Track 31 - Space Ocean
Track 32 - Vague Voices
Track 33 - Threatening Short
Track 34 - Credits (Remixed)
Track 35 - Traveling Through Limbo
Track 36 - Dimensionless Deepness
Track 37 - Electric Guitar Ambience
Track 38 - Steam In The Pipes
Track 39 - Drums & Riffs
Track 40 - Nuclear Mission Jam
Track 41 - Vague Voices (Remix)
Track 42 - Alien Shock (Remix)
Track 43 - Diabolical Adrenaline Guitar
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
That would be illegal :x

would it? If he's buying the game anyway, i dont think its illegal
The tracks are very "Gamey"..... If you hear them without knowing what they're for you'd probably be like "that's for a game isn't it?"
I love 2, 3, 24, 27, 28.
I can't stop listening to 28, it sounds like the place where everything started... :cool:
Hey are there any tracks that sound like when you pick up your suit in HL1? That was my favourite tune. Maybe there is a similar tune for when you pick up your suit in HL2, I hope so :)
Dr. Freeman said:
i hope u entered the correct postal code.
its happened to me before where i have entered wrong postal code for other things.. letters.. etc.

anyway good luck.

OH SHIT just found out that I got a thingy from FedEx saying that they came to deliver a package but nobody was there to receive it. And it's from Valve. I checked.

I've got 15,25$ of import duties... goddamit! So the gold edition cost me 165$ to be exact... Next time, I'll think about this before buying things like a fanatic... jesus...

Can't wait for the soundtrack and the guide! :)
Does anyone know what track is the one in the "Striders" bink, or if it's even in the soundtrack?
lanzemurdok said:
The tracks are very "Gamey"..... If you hear them without knowing what they're for you'd probably be like "that's for a game isn't it?"
Hmm, I dont really agree,. its ambient, and all over the place, but its of much higher quality then found in most games.

However, as much as I've been listening to it, it really isn't what I would typically listen to. Still, the heavy ambient/trancy tracks do put me into a cool mood when driving.

Actually it reminds me of the Akira soundtrack, due to its 'strangeness' (which is my second alltime favorite soundtrack)
whatever happens at track 16 is going to scare my pants off.
:p She. Dont make stuff up.

Its clear thats the music they play when Gman reveals that he is Gordon from the future.
Varsity said:
It's similar, but listen at around 20 seconds. It's goes quiet and is hard to hear behind the helicopter but it IS a different track.
I've listened to both Track 2 and the audio from the E3 2004 demo with the airboat using Headphones, and I'm telling you they're the same. Try it with headphones.
I like the soundtrack, I listened to it while looking through pages in the HL2 Strategy Guide, and the music really fit the pictures of the game :)

I like track 12