lets test your ingenuity and creativity...in a zombie outbreak

Not quite true. A katana is ideal for multiple targets - infact Samurai were trained how to take down multiple foes charging at them as quickly and as efficiently as possible. 3 or 4 people can be chunkified with a few instinctual movements in a second or two.

I'd take a katana, some kind of bike leathers - nothing too heavy, pump action shotgun, pistol, and a bike - something lightweight. I'd also fashion some kind of spikey knuckle dusters - shredder/vega/predator stylee - and have boots with steel toecaps - preferably with nasty cutting bits on them. Oh, metal plates over my knee caps and elbows and some grenades. For my face i'd have some kind of leather balaclava, perhaps from a sex shop, and goggles to stop blood getting in my eyes.

except you gotta destroy the brain of a zombie, not just cut them up. Katana wont work bud. especially with many zombies, doubtful your going to have time to aim, and destroy the brain each, and every time you swing/thrust
As long as their body is chopped up into little pieces I doubt they'll cause much of a problem ;)
A cricket bat and a bag of peanuts would get me through the ordeal.
if were in the city why cant we just take a car and run them over.
Because their combined mass would crush the car.
ok i've changed my mind a bit...i'd dump the wakizashi and use a homemade aluminium flanged mace http://www.medieval-weaponry.co.uk/acatalog/DX651.jpg. i think it's a perfect choice.
(oh and yes i know how to cast aluminium)

but i haven't heard any good arguments against the modified motor suit. unless you live in tropical conditions overheating with added vents wouldn't pose a crucial problem.
as for head protection...yeah... somebody mentioned some leather BSDM face mask with googles.

i think i'm all set :sniper:
Aluminum baseball bat
Go for cold steel instead. An aluminum bat will dent and warp, a cold steel bat will not and it will withstand IMMENSE wear and tear. The kind of resistance you're going to need when cracking zombie heads. Also remember not to grip the bat tightly when you swing. You want a loose grip, that's how you hit a home run.

That's how you take a zombie's f*cking block off.
Go for cold steel instead. An aluminum bat will dent and warp, a cold steel bat will not and it will withstand IMMENSE wear and tear. The kind of resistance you're going to need when cracking zombie heads. Also remember not to grip the bat tightly when you swing. You want a loose grip, that's how you hit a home run.

That's how you take a zombie's f*cking block off.

i was actually suggesting a true flanged mace not a round baseball bat. the extra dents make it way easier to crack a scull without the disadvantages of sticking in. nah...you'd probably break down your arms before the aluminium dents get significantly damaged.

the people who made the mace didn't just put the dents there for aesthetic purposes, it actually served for breaking trough amour.

i 100% positive that this is the ultimate melee weapon against zombies!
i was actually suggesting a true flanged mace not a round baseball bat. the extra dents make it way easier to crack a scull without the disadvantages of sticking in. nah...you'd probably break down your arms before the aluminium dents get significantly damaged.

the people who made the mace didn't just put the dents there for aesthetic purposes, it actually served for breaking trough amour.

i 100% positive that this is the ultimate melee weapon against zombies!
I...wasn't talking about your mace at all. I was talking to Krynn about baseball bats.

And the ultimate melee weapon is that spiked cow plunger I was talking about.
1)A double barreled shotgun. Perfect for blowing out zombie brains at close quarters.
2) An axe/sledgehammer combo, good for making barricades and cracking zombie skulls.
3) Preferably riot gear to prevent bites, but generally I'd want to wear very heavy and protective clothing.
1)A double barreled shotgun. Perfect for blowing out zombie brains at close quarters.
wtf...didn't you even read my post? blowing heads off zombies at close range with a shotgun is a very bad idea due to the possible risk of infection from flying gibs and blood. infection!
2) An axe/sledgehammer combo, good for making barricades and cracking zombie skulls.
Nope. Another bad idea. You'd probably tire out fast swinging something like that around. An aluminum or steel bat would be just as effective and not likely to tire you out as fast. Plus, just like the shotgun, you'd be exposing yourself to infected zombie blood if you go around splattering zombie skulls everywhere.:P
3) Preferably riot gear to prevent bites, but generally I'd want to wear very heavy and protective clothing.
Same reason as above. Would you really want to wear some heavy shit you'd tire out quick in? Manuverability is key to survival and is the best protection.
For mobility I'd probably choose a good ATB over a moped or motocycle. You can easily lift ATB's over debris and stairs, they're easy to repair and they don't need fuel. You can take them anywhere.

Weaponry...well, that's pretty much shotgun territory. The zombieweapon of choice. Otherwise an improvised flamethrower would do nicely as well.

For other uses; a knife, and some matches.
Foot for maneuverability, 1 scoped variable RoF assault rifle (300 rounds/10 clips), 1 handgun (4 clips), 1 Assault shotgun (40 rounds). 4 HE 20 M of rope, and a decent combat knife (for cutting the rope if tangled). Bobs your uncle. Find yourself chased..head to the high ground (up a tree if necessary) and pick them off in sequence nearest to farthest with single fire HS, reload, move on then rince/repeat till you get to your destination. If you meet more than 300 zombies on the way..your heading to the wrong place surely :dozey:
i think the flame thrower and rifle has been already debated....they are no good.
High-power nail gun? Aim for the head!
wtf...didn't you even read my post? blowing heads off zombies at close range with a shotgun is a very bad idea due to the possible risk of infection from flying gibs and blood. infection!

Not unless you have CNB gear, and some of them can be pretty light. For example, a civil defence CNB gear can consist of

1 gas mask/oxygen mask
1 raincoat

OR in case of non-chemical, or epidemic control

1 surgical mask or a half-gas mask
1 pair of goggles
1 raincoat.

minimalizes infection risk while cutting costs and weight.
Aye. Mask/goggles to prevent blood getting where it shouldn't and shotgun ftw :)