Level of gore


Oct 6, 2003
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I just noticed in the Half Life 2 video (barricade i think) that the grenades doesn't blow the soldier guy into a load of bloody entrails like in Half Life.

This makes me wonder how much gore, if any, will be present in Half Life 2. If there's no blood and guts then it won't be a very realistic game at all.
Originally posted by darkmistx
I just noticed in the Half Life 2 video (barricade i think) that the grenades doesn't blow the soldier guy into a load of bloody entrails like in Half Life.

This makes me wonder how much gore, if any, will be present in Half Life 2. If there's no blood and guts then it won't be a very realistic game at all.

It might have been difficult to blow them apart at that stage, though since the Zombie is shown to blow apart, basically into two new models, aswell as its headcrab doing the same thing, then I imagine its still possible to gib something, but maybe at that point they hadn't done it. Or god forbid it has been dumbed down to appeal to younger children, a lot seem to be doing that these days :(
In terms of the new physics it might be a lot harder to implement. Maybe if the grenade lands right at a soldiers feet then he would gib, but how far away does the grenade have to be before it doesn't gib but propels the guy through the air? Or can they have flying physical giblets?
I hope models dont gib the old fashioned way. Like when you blow up a body and it turns into 4 or 5 small irregualr shapes with a gory texture, and maybe a bone sticking out. Games are getting too realistic for this cheap little effect, and i dont think it will be in HL2.

Its obvious that some models are set up to break apart under certaint conditions, but it wont be like in sof2 where the bodies themselves are destructable. Im positive i read a quote from Gabe saying as much.

What i mean is, since its not likely that bodies will gib the old fashioned way(i hope not, atleast), and since they wont be destructable like in sof2, i dont think there will be any gibbing going on other than the occasional zombie breaking in half under certaint conditions, or similar effects for a few other models. I think once a enemy is dead you could pelt the body with rockets and nades to your hearts desire and it will just bounce around and fly through the air, whatever. But it will remain intact.

But im just speculating.
People have managed to mod HL to give 'realistic' gibbing, so i'm sure someone will do the same for HL2
This makes me wonder how much gore, if any, will be present in Half Life 2. If there's no blood and guts then it won't be a very realistic game at all.

It's a game that includes gravity guns and aliens, what gave you the impression they were trying to make it realistic?
ok listen up kids
grenades dispite what you see int eh movies, do not turn your enemys into little piles of mulch. they CAN dismember though if the proximity is close enough. Only way you could blow somone into bits *not really sure about this cause its brutal* is put the grenade on their stomach and let it blow. Grenades are not this all powerful force of explosion.
Originally posted by Murray_H
People have managed to mod HL to give 'realistic' gibbing, so i'm sure someone will do the same for HL2

I hope it will be realistic without any mod. As you can see in hl2-traptown.avi there is a lot of blood in the game (I mean the part, when some creatures are hit by a swinging bar), but blood just appeared on the wall, no flying drops. :( I hope this, let's call it blood motion, problem will be fixed in the final release, as well as the head movement (look how fast does Alyx move it in hl2-kleiners_lab.avi).
Question: Since when did a grenade exploding at someones feet turn their entire body into nothing but a large pool of blood, bones, and a couple random organs with a spinning skull completly devoid of any organs or skin to boot?

If thats the kind of gibbing you want in Half-Life 2, then your idea of what is 'real' may be slightly flawed. Even pictures I seen of someone shot in the head with a shotgun at point black range does not result in this for even their head alone. Infact I think the only way any real body would explode like they do in HL1 would be if the grenade was placed inside their body. (And I would debate even that...)

A real grenade would probably throw your entire corpse away, and perhaps cause some of your limbs to be torn off and thrown in opposite directions. Gibbing, in the HL1 sense is completly cartoonish and unrealistic. I will admit though, that its FUN gibbing people, but don't complain that HL2 doesnt have gibbing and is unrealistic.

Please feel free to give me a link to a video clip of somone being blown up by a grenade resulting in a gibbing HL1 style if I am wrong.
you know how the watermelon can split into pieces and those pieces are affected by physics? well the same can be done with a ragdoll, being split into multiple ragdolls(limbs). so if an explosion dismembered someone, their arm or leg would go flailing in the air as its own ragdoll entity. if valve doenst do it. one of the mod community will do it. heck its so easy maybe ill do it
Maybe thats why HL2 was delayed? They are doing it themselves.
I guess it depends on how gory they want to make it.

I can see SoF 3 using the severed limbs and model damage (should it use Source or even any other engine with realistic physics) more than HL2 was.

I just can't see Valve making it too gory (beyond what we call gore in the first game - blood splats and the 'gib') because they don't want it to be controversial. They'll want to make it as mainstream as possible so that it will appeal to many.

I expect it certainly won't be branded with an 18 or M rating.

But let's be honest, apart from the noise that gibbing made in HL, it was hardly a visual 'treat' to watch. One or two whacks of the crowbar and pretty much anything gibbed into the exact same pieces.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
you know how the watermelon can split into pieces and those pieces are affected by physics? well the same can be done with a ragdoll, being split into multiple ragdolls(limbs). so if an explosion dismembered someone, their arm or leg would go flailing in the air as its own ragdoll entity. if valve doenst do it. one of the mod community will do it. heck its so easy maybe ill do it

That just gave me visions of Evil Dead effects.. Hand flying into face, eyeball into mouth and so on.. I don't know if I should laugh or be sick at the thought of how detailed someone could make the gibs behave lol.

Blow some guy up and all their body parts fly apart, intestines unravling and whipping across the level, their stomach sack splooshing around and everyone slipping over that and the blood, eyeballs flying right into the player view haha eiwww... yup it could get very disgusting... so I think I'll put it in my mod :devil:;)
hells yeah. if someone wanted to be very twisted, they could make more than just arms and legs, i was thinking a good gib piece would be a chunk of the torso with a head still connected, that way when its flying around the head flops around, and it looks nasty. eheh.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
hells yeah. if someone wanted to be very twisted, they could make more than just arms and legs, i was thinking a good gib piece would be a chunk of the torso with a head still connected, that way when its flying around the head flops around, and it looks nasty. eheh.

thats sick.. i love it haha :).

I'd imagine you could even have twitching limbs aswell. Probably OTT for regular mods, unless someone wanted to do a mod of WWII or something and give that bit of realism to make players think how bad the real thing was. Or in the case of something like They Hunger, just imagine the difference that would make, eiwww that would be brilliant.

If some of the parts (as with the zombie/heacrab thing in the actual game) would have a life of their own. In theory you could gib a regular zombie, and if you were unlucky their hands may still be "alive" and crawl after you. Or the heads could contort and groan for more braaaaaaains, maybe drag themselves along with their mouths somehow.

Heck go all out and do a mod of The Thing. Kill one without burning it properly and you'd be in trouble, each body part no matter how small could take on different forms and come after you, or run into hiding and slowly grow into something else without you knowing about it. I don't know how many levels deep it could go in the engine, but if its as many as someone feels they want to do, you could have parts coming to life all the way down to modeled pools of blood rearing up and attacking or sliding away under objects and furniture (and with the physics engine it would be a mad dash to push things out of the way so you could get it before it vanished through a hole in the wall or something).

Damnit now I wanna make The Thing! haha
The aliens I think will be very destructable...but humans/combine I don't think will be destructable. They light on fire and stuff...so they'll probably turn all black..but I doubt you'll see limbs and stuff all over the place. But lots of blood!!
Originally posted by Fenric1138
thats sick.. i love it haha :).

I'd imagine you could even have twitching limbs aswell. Probably OTT for regular mods, unless someone wanted to do a mod of WWII or something and give that bit of realism to make players think how bad the real thing was. Or in the case of something like They Hunger, just imagine the difference that would make, eiwww that would be brilliant.

If some of the parts (as with the zombie/heacrab thing in the actual game) would have a life of their own. In theory you could gib a regular zombie, and if you were unlucky their hands may still be "alive" and crawl after you. Or the heads could contort and groan for more braaaaaaains, maybe drag themselves along with their mouths somehow.

Heck go all out and do a mod of The Thing. Kill one without burning it properly and you'd be in trouble, each body part no matter how small could take on different forms and come after you, or run into hiding and slowly grow into something else without you knowing about it. I don't know how many levels deep it could go in the engine, but if its as many as someone feels they want to do, you could have parts coming to life all the way down to modeled pools of blood rearing up and attacking or sliding away under objects and furniture (and with the physics engine it would be a mad dash to push things out of the way so you could get it before it vanished through a hole in the wall or something).

Damnit now I wanna make The Thing! haha

heh, dayam, i would shell out money for a working version of what you just described heh. coop too would make it really cool. its fun to get scared along with friends

well, at least we know there are blood decals that can show up on the models that come with halflife2. thats a nice touch i wish more games had. i like going up to someone i killed, and saying, yep i shot him there. :afro:
irt fenric you mean like the twitch in unreal tournament when you get shot with the lightning gun ;)
Originally posted by poseyjmac
heh, dayam, i would shell out money for a working version of what you just described heh. coop too would make it really cool. its fun to get scared along with friends

well, at least we know there are blood decals that can show up on the models that come with halflife2. thats a nice touch i wish more games had. i like going up to someone i killed, and saying, yep i shot him there. :afro:

heh I'd pay for that too! :) I'm deffinately going to try include it in mine, since its all swords n stuff it would make perfect sense if you could lop off some creatures arm or leg and still have it coming at you... hmm should I include as a gag, the black knight from Monty Python and the Holy grail? lol

Originally posted by crushenator 500
irt fenric you mean like the twitch in unreal tournament when you get shot with the lightning gun ;)

I don't play Unreal games.. used to "try" play the first Unreal, but it was slow as hell for me. Did have a look at the demo of U2k but it would keep freezing the machine so gradually stopped bothering with it. Looked good though, surprised U2k ran atall for me infact

but yeah I imagine the same kind of twitching :)
Re: Re: Level of gore

Originally posted by rec
It's a game that includes gravity guns and aliens, what gave you the impression they were trying to make it realistic?

Realistic is the wrong word, believeable is a better one. And a game where chunks of flesh and bloody eyeballs fly around like in Duke Nukem 3D is far from believeable with modern graphics.

And for gibbing, I hope it isn't implemented in HL2, it looks stupid and I rather have a body flying through the air crashing into another opponent or wall. Besides, a HE or frag grenade won't gib a human body, at most rip off an arm or leg. Maybe instead of gibbing they used the hit decals on the body to create realistic woundings, a bloody leg or arm, with burned flesh etc. Will look much cooler than gibbing.
Anyone played Max Payne 2?

No 'gibs' there, but I'd say very believable. It's still fun to blow their bodies around with grenades (gotta love that Havoc physics engine).

I wouldn't worry about gibbing and stuff, like it's been mentioned, if Valve doesn't, someone else will. :cheers:
Re: Re: Level of gore

Originally posted by rec
It's a game that includes gravity guns and aliens, what gave you the impression they were trying to make it realistic?

/me adds rec to Temporary Hero List.

That was f**king hilarious.
Originally posted by Baal
The aliens I think will be very destructable...but humans/combine I don't think will be destructable. They light on fire and stuff...so they'll probably turn all black..but I doubt you'll see limbs and stuff all over the place. But lots of blood!!

I agree. I think they'll keep the violence at a tasteful level. With the level of realism we're getting in games these days, dismemberment and gibbing of human targets can get a little disturbing. Not to mention it could quickly earn the game a "Mature" rating, shutting out a section of the market. The level that they're on right now still falls in the realm of "cartoon violence".

I did see something in the Bink Tunnel Video that was a little disconcerting. In the beginning when the flying buzz saw thing flies through the crate, the crate is instantly turned into random falling debris instead of deforming properly. I sincerely hope they're not still using that simplistic "gibbing" method.
Reading this thread it's like none of you have ever thrown grenades at various parts of people in reality.
I mean anyone who has knows that it has the daisy effect. You know, where a person flys in the air then implodes into a little ball, easly fits in a person's pocket.

...What, I might be right! How many of you have seen a grenade hit a person in real life?
Where's Swiss Tony when you need him, he could explain the grenade. "You know, throwing a grenade is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman, first you pull out the pin, then you take aim, point in the right direction and launch it to its target, then you quickly lay down and wait for the explosion"
I think , after watcing some beta screenshots, HL2 is bloody in a kind of way that makes you feel sick/naseaous(sp?), not as in SOF2. You who've seen 'em know what I mean.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Where's Swiss Tony when you need him, he could explain the grenade. "You know, throwing a grenade is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman, first you pull out the pin, then you take aim, point in the right direction and launch it to its target, then you quickly lay down and wait for the explosion"

That quote is nothing short of fantastic.
Erm, the original Half-Life has a Mature rating, and that nifty violence content option. So saying HL 2 will be less than Mature is kind of preposterous. It will be Mature, plain and simple. Anything less is probably doing an injustice. There are plenty of people who don't bother about the rating anyway. Then come the lawsuits (-_-) But thats beside the point. You'll get the same gory fun we've all come to expect. I would bet on it.
I think launching the combines into the air is way cooler than gibbing, One of the things that impressed me the most from the videos was when one lands on the hood of that car. Very neat effect.
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
I think , after watcing some beta screenshots, HL2 is bloody in a kind of way that makes you feel sick/naseaous(sp?), not as in SOF2. You who've seen 'em know what I mean.

I know what you mean and I agree.
you can see a zombie get gibbed when the car in the trapdown video gets propelled across the screen, crashing into the zombie and wall, you can see a body pieces like near the wall i think.. kind of happens fast though..
Where's Swiss Tony when you need him, he could explain the grenade. "You know, throwing a grenade is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman, first you pull out the pin, then you take aim, point in the right direction and launch it to its target, then you quickly lay down and wait for the explosion"

Lol that really made me laugh :D Too bad The Fast Show is discontinued, I saw their goodbye theatre show, it was absolutely stunning.

On-topic: I'd love to see some sort of gibbing, not cartoonish like in HL1, but combined with the physics we can see in the demo's, corpses being flung in the air, but also breakable models like the zombie. Perhaps when processing power allows it, someone could mod it so models wil tear up realistically in explosions. Hmm I said it before and I'll say it again: we can only dream!!
its not a dream, buddy, read the entire thread, and ull see its easily possible.
Im all for Gore. I wanna see bystanderds pee their pants when im running around with my Gun and Blowing peoples heads up .lol
Re: Re: Level of gore

Originally posted by rec
It's a game that includes gravity guns and aliens, what gave you the impression they were trying to make it realistic?

never heard of realistic fiction?

Anyway, this would be the lamest excuse for not including gore. Think about movies like Starship Troopers without any blood. It is fiction right?

Nope, no gore means they are trying to get a lower violence rating to be able to sell the game better, nothing else.
Judging by the videos, I highly doubt it'll be anything far from gory.

BTW: Nice Avatar. The Frighteners was an awesome movie.
I hope their is arms torn off and heads blown up, but thats just me.
The zombie gibs because it is programed to break, when it breaks it changes into 2 different models, upperbody and lowerbody.