Level of gore

i definately hope they go beyond "politically correct" americas army or some crap
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Where's Swiss Tony when you need him, he could explain the grenade. "You know, throwing a grenade is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman, first you pull out the pin, then you take aim, point in the right direction and launch it to its target, then you quickly lay down and wait for the explosion"

LMFAO. Awesome quote, lol.

*Prints out so he can put it on the front of his binder ;)*
Ditto, gh0st.

I hope it's pretty much like the way we saw it in the videos, except I hope that they change the way the Combines etc. react when they're hit by bullets. 'Cuase I know this has been talked about many, many times... but shit, it just doesn't look / feel like you've hit them when you're rippin' through their flesh with that MP7-looking'ish SMG and it's lovely little 9mm bullets... OF DOOM! O__o

Sorry... got a little bit carried away, heh.
What...you're saying that if I fall 20meters I won't break up into 4 pieces of flesh and a skinless skull? Bugger.

Oh and as for the realism thing, the term you are looking for is "Suspension of Disbelief". Watching games and other 2D media like film involves a form of hypnotism, we know it's not real but we allow our conscious mind to take a "back seat" to the subconscious.

That is suspension of disbelief, and we're stupid enough to get sucked into the most ridiculous storys because of it. Even with this effect sometimes we have to say "Enough that's too stupid!". Gibbing is pretty much one of those things.

Quite frankly I found it more satisfying to blow someone up in Max Payne 2...those mid-air cartwheels were wonders to behold.
can we play with corpses? like in postal2? kick them around and stuff, maybe use that manipulator gun to pick them up and through them at people.. that would be great. id like to see them go flipping in the air and stuff after tossing a nade at there feet, even in multiplayer it should throw the guy that gets naded either back or up
I'm gonna try and juggle two or three corpses with the manipulator gun. That would be hilarious.
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Ditto, gh0st.

I hope it's pretty much like the way we saw it in the videos, except I hope that they change the way the Combines etc. react when they're hit by bullets. 'Cuase I know this has been talked about many, many times... but shit, it just doesn't look / feel like you've hit them when you're rippin' through their flesh with that MP7-looking'ish SMG and it's lovely little 9mm bullets... OF DOOM! O__o

Sorry... got a little bit carried away, heh.

Well, VALVe said HL2 WILL have animation blending, which would mean they should react properly to being shot once the game ships..
Yeah, I remember reading that, too. I also saw the difference that it makes in that Havok video with the Zombies, I believe it was.
i hope theres cool bullet wounds that map onto the character model wherever you shoot them, like in doom3 and the rainbow 6 series.
this game will get an 18+ Mature rating just like half life 1 did. so many developers are kiddifying the games nowadays. Max Payne 2 developers publicly stated they had made max payne for an adult audience, and game content is for adults =D. i hope hl2 follows the same path... kids can see people getting blown up for real on tv any time they want, so who cares if they see some fake dude get worked =D
Hope we get stun-grenades. blast combines to ragdoll mode for 5 seconds, so we can pick them up with the grav gun, and shoot them in the air....

on the way down the combine would wake up again..... then SPLATTTTTT!!!
-MUAHAHAHA ... err, sorry...
Originally posted by ConSeannery
i hope theres cool bullet wounds that map onto the character model wherever you shoot them, like in doom3 and the rainbow 6 series.
this game will get an 18+ Mature rating just like half life 1 did. so many developers are kiddifying the games nowadays. Max Payne 2 developers publicly stated they had made max payne for an adult audience, and game content is for adults =D. i hope hl2 follows the same path... kids can see people getting blown up for real on tv any time they want, so who cares if they see some fake dude get worked =D

In the vids (barracade for example) you can just make out wounds when one of the guys are shot. and Valve have said about decals on bodies so yeah I think you'll be getting what your hoping for :)
btw, valve should add blood effects for fall damage, Always liked those blood pools like in the local shopping mall
Originally posted by Sp00fman
btw, valve should add blood effects for fall damage, Always liked those blood pools like in the local shopping mall

Blood Pool? Shopping Mall???
Whaaa?! Local shopping mall?!

*makes a horrified face* O_O !!!
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Blood Pool? Shopping Mall???

yeah, here in Holland supermarket-personnel are killing suspects of shoplifters these days.

I bet they went wacko when HL2 was delayed.
Originally posted by Sp00fman
yeah, here in Holland supermarket-personnel are killing suspects of shoplifters these days.

I bet they went wacko when HL2 was delayed.

That's not true, she called them kut marokkanen, she wasn't even shoplifting :D
It would be cool to kill someone online and then use there body as a shield
kinda heavy and unpractical though..

Unless ofcourse, if he is a midget! :bounce:
Midget Meatshields, the ultimate in political correctness.
Sorry folks but in HL2 when a guy is dead, after the ragdoll effect he lose his physics and becomes immaterial and disapear quickly as in the good all times. Crates also break as in HL1, just a bunch of little wood splinter that disapear almost immediately.
Those disapearing corpse are needed to keep the poly count as low as possible for the low end PCs. I hope we could set it as in some games like Call of Duty. It's the same for the splinters, you can't add many new entities without seeing the framerate dropping quickly.
Just try in Call of Duty to set the body count to insane and in a large battle the framerate will drop to 3 or 4 FPS even with a 3 gig CPU and a Radeon 9800 pro.

You can't manipulate a dead body with the Phys gun, you can't make a grenade blow a combine like in the video with Barney. It was scripted to give a nice effect. In reality a grenade will just make a combine jump a little and fall aside as in the real world. Maybe those combines were sat on a explosives box!!

Some models show damage at the impact, but the damage disapear after a few seconds. So if you shoot an armored guy, you will see the armor wore down, but if you stop it will get it's first state after a while.

But what bugs me alot it's to see a ennemi getting a lot of lead, just flinch a little and continue to run and fall dead after one more shot.
It would have been nice to implement a better AI to show a wounded ennemi having a much realistic behavior.

It seems that we maybe ask to much from Valve, they already have made a very good job and they have still plenty to do. The game has been made to be playable even on actual low end PCs. And the game as it is is not so bad anyway, i just hope that it will be possible to set up those effects if the PC can stand it so the experience will much greater.

So all the modders will still have nice things to add to make it still more perfect.
the game will most likely have scability options to set how long bodies stay, if their ragdoll can be manipulated or not. so right now we dont exactly know. including you.
Originally posted by flycrusher
Sorry folks but in HL2 when a guy is dead, after the ragdoll effect he lose his physics and becomes immaterial and disapear quickly as in the good all times. Crates also break as in HL1, just a bunch of little wood splinter that disapear almost immediately.
Those disapearing corpse are needed to keep the poly count as low as possible for the low end PCs. I hope we could set it as in some games like Call of Duty. It's the same for the splinters, you can't add many new entities without seeing the framerate dropping quickly.
Just try in Call of Duty to set the body count to insane and in a large battle the framerate will drop to 3 or 4 FPS even with a 3 gig CPU and a Radeon 9800 pro.

You can't manipulate a dead body with the Phys gun, you can't make a grenade blow a combine like in the video with Barney. It was scripted to give a nice effect. In reality a grenade will just make a combine jump a little and fall aside as in the real world. Maybe those combines were sat on a explosives box!!

Some models show damage at the impact, but the damage disapear after a few seconds. So if you shoot an armored guy, you will see the armor wore down, but if you stop it will get it's first state after a while.

But what bugs me alot it's to see a ennemi getting a lot of lead, just flinch a little and continue to run and fall dead after one more shot.
It would have been nice to implement a better AI to show a wounded ennemi having a much realistic behavior.

It seems that we maybe ask to much from Valve, they already have made a very good job and they have still plenty to do. The game has been made to be playable even on actual low end PCs. And the game as it is is not so bad anyway, i just hope that it will be possible to set up those effects if the PC can stand it so the experience will much greater.

So all the modders will still have nice things to add to make it still more perfect.

and you know all this how? lol dont be an idiot you dont know untill you play the FINAL version asshat
its all speculations. DOn't act like a knowitall, we all know nothing. I think there will be gibbing, just because. I'm sure the gluon gun is gonna be in there somewhere, and what would it be wihtout gibbing? It would look weird for you to just shoot them and they fall over. or fall back. or anything. We need gabing holes in the middle of them.

As for the rating, I don't think its kiddified because you can launch a little grenade to set a guy on fire and watch them fall down screaming. Hell even a guy flying at you from a grenade blast is gory. they'll probably have bone break sounds too. if they don't already.
Originally posted by flycrusher
Sorry folks but in HL2 when a guy is dead, after the ragdoll effect he lose his physics and becomes immaterial and disapear quickly as in the good all times. Crates also break as in HL1, just a bunch of little wood splinter that disapear almost immediately.
Those disapearing corpse are needed to keep the poly count as low as possible for the low end PCs. I hope we could set it as in some games like Call of Duty. It's the same for the splinters, you can't add many new entities without seeing the framerate dropping quickly.
Just try in Call of Duty to set the body count to insane and in a large battle the framerate will drop to 3 or 4 FPS even with a 3 gig CPU and a Radeon 9800 pro.

You can't manipulate a dead body with the Phys gun, you can't make a grenade blow a combine like in the video with Barney. It was scripted to give a nice effect. In reality a grenade will just make a combine jump a little and fall aside as in the real world. Maybe those combines were sat on a explosives box!!

Some models show damage at the impact, but the damage disapear after a few seconds. So if you shoot an armored guy, you will see the armor wore down, but if you stop it will get it's first state after a while.

But what bugs me alot it's to see a ennemi getting a lot of lead, just flinch a little and continue to run and fall dead after one more shot.
It would have been nice to implement a better AI to show a wounded ennemi having a much realistic behavior.

It seems that we maybe ask to much from Valve, they already have made a very good job and they have still plenty to do. The game has been made to be playable even on actual low end PCs. And the game as it is is not so bad anyway, i just hope that it will be possible to set up those effects if the PC can stand it so the experience will much greater.

So all the modders will still have nice things to add to make it still more perfect.

Sorry, but if you got all that from the beta version im sure a lot of it will be changed. I have played the beta and I personally think it's a quite early build. As for the combines gibbing, remember impulse 102? The cheat to spawn gibs in HL1? I tried it in the beta and got a big flashing error sign. So most likely in the beta gibs just weren't programmed yet.

I play HL in "kiddy" mode. No entrails, people just disappear if you put a grenade to 'em.:bounce:
Originally posted by flycrusher
Sorry folks but in HL2 when a guy is dead, after the ragdoll effect he lose his physics and becomes immaterial and disapear quickly as in the good all times. Crates also break as in HL1, just a bunch of little wood splinter that disapear almost immediately.
Those disapearing corpse are needed to keep the poly count as low as possible for the low end PCs. I hope we could set it as in some games like Call of Duty. It's the same for the splinters, you can't add many new entities without seeing the framerate dropping quickly.
Just try in Call of Duty to set the body count to insane and in a large battle the framerate will drop to 3 or 4 FPS even with a 3 gig CPU and a Radeon 9800 pro.

You can't manipulate a dead body with the Phys gun, you can't make a grenade blow a combine like in the video with Barney. It was scripted to give a nice effect. In reality a grenade will just make a combine jump a little and fall aside as in the real world. Maybe those combines were sat on a explosives box!!

Some models show damage at the impact, but the damage disapear after a few seconds. So if you shoot an armored guy, you will see the armor wore down, but if you stop it will get it's first state after a while.

But what bugs me alot it's to see a ennemi getting a lot of lead, just flinch a little and continue to run and fall dead after one more shot.
It would have been nice to implement a better AI to show a wounded ennemi having a much realistic behavior.

It seems that we maybe ask to much from Valve, they already have made a very good job and they have still plenty to do. The game has been made to be playable even on actual low end PCs. And the game as it is is not so bad anyway, i just hope that it will be possible to set up those effects if the PC can stand it so the experience will much greater.

So all the modders will still have nice things to add to make it still more perfect.

First off, this entire post is baseless. Saying the bodies disappear after they die is not only ludicrous, but insane. Second, if you're basing this on the stolen build, don't (not to mention none of the bodies disappear in the stolen build).

Second, the combine getting naded wasn't scripted. It's called RAGDOLL PHYSICS. Drop a nade under a combine, he'll go flying. They might've tweaked the way he reacted for the E3 video, but it wasn't scripted.

As for the damage indicators, you're still basing that on the beta. Also, regardless if those big splats of blood stay around, animation blending will be in the final product, so I'm sure most couldn't care less.

I e-mailed Gabe concerning physics interaction with dead bodies, didn't get a reply, but I assume it'll be in the final product because he did mention earlier on that you could pick up headcrabs once they're dead..
I haven't played the beta, so my opinion probably is worthless in your eyes, but I refuse to believe you can't manipulate the bodies after they're dead. We've even seen examples of it (remember the first HL2 porn starring Dr Kleiner and Alyx? :D) Even Max Payne 2 has it, which uses a non modified version of Havok in contrast to the heavily modified Havok of HL2. So stop talking bullshit please.
Don't forget the techdemo. He picks up a dead body with the physgun and swings it around. I doubt they would make a fully "physics-ized" corpse just for a tech demo and never use it in the game.
SidewinderX143 Edit v.02d. No beta talk. ever. Consider this an offical warning.
flycrusher, what're you smoking? If you ARE basing it on the "beta", then I have no idea where you get this idea that the bodies disappear. Unless you did something really weird to the default configs, they stay.

Also, there's no argument that the engine isn't done, however, what got stolen is NOT pregold, it's not pre-release, hell, it's not even pre-alpha. Whatever got stolen is OLD material, just watch the bink videos and you'll see what I mean.

Also, I don't know what you're going off about on scripting. Unless you're talking about traptown, this has been discussed countless times. Not to mention all the E3 levels are more than likely just that, E3 levels. Your example of the combine flying and landing on the car, that's not a script.

By the way, discussing the stolen files is against the rules here, so I suggest you make no claims based on that. I've said some stuff in the past, but I generally avoid talking about the stolen build now.
Originally posted by Shuzer
First off, this entire post is baseless. Saying the bodies disappear after they die is not only ludicrous, but insane. Second, if you're basing this on the stolen build, don't (not to mention none of the bodies disappear in the stolen build).

Second, the combine getting naded wasn't scripted. It's called RAGDOLL PHYSICS. Drop a nade under a combine, he'll go flying. They might've tweaked the way he reacted for the E3 video, but it wasn't scripted.

As for the damage indicators, you're still basing that on the beta. Also, regardless if those big splats of blood stay around, animation blending will be in the final product, so I'm sure most couldn't care less.

I e-mailed Gabe concerning physics interaction with dead bodies, didn't get a reply, but I assume it'll be in the final product because he did mention earlier on that you could pick up headcrabs once they're dead..
So u grab a headcrab u grab a pot put headcrab in pot and put it over a fire will that make some headcrab stu?
Originally posted by Lavrik
So u grab a headcrab u grab a pot put headcrab in pot and put it over a fire will that make some headcrab stu?

Pretty much! Makes 5 servings