Leydens Jar

A multivibrator is an electronic circuit used to implement a variety of simple two-state systems such as oscillators, timers and flip-flops

sounds like my kinda thing
Revisedsoul said:
sounds like my kinda thing

God, let's hope this is the first and last. Get it out of your frigging system.

Anyway, I was thinking maybe not. I don't know the internal workings of an electrolytic capacitor, but there is no way that a leyden jar can simulate a modern day capacitor. If i'm right (and i'm probably not), then the only thing a leyden jar does is store a charge by charging the outside foil, nothing more. I don't know if this can simulate how a capacitor wired up as a decoupler smooths out AC current, but i'm guessing not.

Dunno, maybe i'm wrong. 'Tis why i'm asking.
I can't imagine it making much of a difference
NotATool said:
Why would you want to do that?

For the hell of it.

Really, why not?

How cool would it be to have a blinking LED hooked up to a kickass looking jar straight out of a science fiction movie?

The big and the small collide.
Hmmm, I don't see why it wouldn't work. If you want, I can probably give you a sure answer tommorow. But you should just try it, it'd be fun. Then make sure to tell us the results.
NotATool said:
Hmmm, I don't see why it wouldn't work. If you want, I can probably give you a sure answer tommorow. But you should just try it, it'd be fun. Then make sure to tell us the results.

Problem is, I don't know how i'd go about charging a leyden jar.

I've tried charging a simple homemade one (film can with foil and water) with 2 1.5 volt cells, and it didn't work. Or if it did, it discharged extremely fast.

I can't test with static because it's too humid here to get any static.


I'll try charge another one today with some cells, and take a multimeter to it.
sinkoman said:
I was wondering, would it be possible to make an asstable multivibrator substituting (jizz) laden jars for capacitors?
I lasted exactly 15 seconds before I felt I would explode if I did not mock this thread. It would have been 10 seconds but I was laughing too hard at the possibilities. Time flies when you're having fun!

At least I tried.

OK- a compromise. I wont tell you what I guess it could be....

If you want to know what an Ass-table Multi-vibrator, substituting Jizz laden Jars for Capacitors is, just ask one of the bad-ass backdoor bandits over in the "battle rap" thread. Any one of them will know exactly what it is, and will be willing and able to give you a working demostration. For free. Only if you are a supple male, with low self esteem, and a tight back-door.