Lidle's air crash in New York.(10/15/06)


Under Surveillance
Nov 6, 2005
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Lidle's air crash in New York.(10/15/06)

The "passport" event made me think this is a designed case.

1. Timing. This is October, one month before mid-term election. Bush administration is losing the confidence of public. More people believe 9/11 was a government inside job. This administration will do something big to keep the control of the senate and the Congress.

2. Motive. To cover up a 9/11 flaw. Many people thought 9/11 leader Atta's passport was a plant. This case repeats the event to convince people that a passport survive from an impact and a huge fire is common. But do you bring your passport with you when you have a domestic travel? A drive license is enough for such a tour. Both Atta and Lidle took a domestic travel.

There might be a slim chance for the survival of the passport if Atta and Lidle put their passport on the pilot deck instead of put it in their pocket or in the travel bags. But have you ever seen people behave in such way?

3. A small plane is easier to handle then a big commercial air plane. Its speed is much slower than a commercial plane. To turn around a plane should be a basic operation for a pilot. How could a pilot with one year experience and a fly instructor not know it? A mistake impossible to take place.

4. Purpose of the plot. The accident resembles 9/11. In election time, to remind people of the terror attack happened 5 years ago. Bush is said doing nothing good but having only led in poll that he is tough against terrorist. (though the terror attack were activated by his own group in the name of terrorists)
The accident is a psychological operation to help GOP in coming election.

5. Another possible purpose is to justify a coming terror attack. There is reason for Bush group to organize another terror attack to keep grabbing the control of Capital Hill. So if such an attack happens, government will say, see, for a small plane, we can hardly do anything on it. Or, more likely, they shoot down the "perpetrator's plane" and declare a victory against terrorists. All words are from an unilateral side. Because in all these cases, so said "terrorists" were dead. (911 attack, Madrid bombing, London bombing) That's why the media prefer "suicide bombing " report. How easy is it? Just employ a poverty, tell him to deliver a bag to the target area. Plant a remote control bomb inside the bag. Then a "suicide bombing" is done. Or create a "terror cell" by its informant.

6. For a broad influence, a celebrity used to be chosen. So people will set their eyes on it. Unfortunately, Lidle was chosen in this case.
We can see same tactic was used in Michael Jackson case. Michael Jackson was arrested the same day when Bush visited London. It was used to distract public's attention from the humiliation of Bush. Bush met with a historical big protest of British people in London for his war crime that day.

We also can see it in recent Karr's case. Intelligence applied Jon Ramsey Benet
case on Kar to attract attention all over the country. Kar was freed on DNA evidence. The purpose of the case is to convince people that DNA is decisive in the case. For the propaganda, they borrowed famous Jon Ramsey Benet case.

7. The possible method in this accident.
We know drone is largely used in Afghan war and Iraq war. The news once reported Bin Laden was killed in a drone's missile attack. The remote control skill is now a popular technique.

911 attack was practiced in this way. So did in the Lidle's tragedy.
The only thing they had done was to install a remote control kit inside the Lidle's plane. Once the plane was in the air, what they did was to cut the manual control and let the remote control kit take over the pilot.

Whatever Lidle and the flight instructor try to do resulted nothing. They had to eye their plane flying to the building. They even couldn't escape by emergent kit because they lost control of the plane.

8. The biggest question here is: How could these Arabic flight school students so accurately pilot those modern, high speed, complex commercial planes to their targets (Remember that none was missing the target) while a pilot with one year experience along with a flight school instructor couldn't handle a small, easy handling plane?

Quote, "Stephen M. St. John
Precursors to Remote-Controlled Flights of 9/11?
Tue May 2, 2006 18:17

The 9/11 Commissioners ignored indications of remote control piloting of the jets of 9/11 brought forward by retired Army Colonel Donn de Grand Pre (among others), who had convened within days of 9/11 a meeting of military, commercial and civilian aviators and experts. Their conclusions, which De Grand Pre reported to the highest levels of the Pentagon, were that the jets of 9/11 could not possibly have been flown the way they were flown by Arab flight students and that the best explanation for these flights was that they were flown by remote control during the peak activities of multiple NORAD drills.;article=100918;title=APFN;pagemark=40
YES! This is what I've been saying all along!

Thank you kathaksung for educating the masses.
Lidle is nothing but a burgerman, out for revenge against Ronald McDonald.

He try intimidate me yes, but cannot stop you from know the truth.
Wow, that whole thing is just a giant logic catastrophe. :D
Hehe, well we believe kathaksung just enjoys copy and pasting large posts from other locations like this. That plane crash was a terrible accident, i think thats it. Although, Kirov you made me laugh with that 'never forget' picture :laugh:
The only logical solution is...

kathaksung is the President of the US and George Bush pitches for the Yankees

I love these people. They make the rest of us feel justified in having more intelligence.
Um. Can we not post stupid, irrelevant and ultimately false theories? There is, in no way, proof to say this is true and, to me, is just another idiotic conspiracy.
Um. Can we not post stupid, irrelevant and ultimately false theories? There is, in no way, proof to say this is true and, to me, is just another idiotic conspiracy.


kathaksung - You'd be suprised to know just how many people believe in this master plan theory. Most don't openly talk about it, though. You know, accidents happen to people that know too much. wink wink.
443. October surprise (2) (10/20/06)

For the mid-term election, to keep Bush's war party in bench, the Inside Group may have planned a big "terror attack".

1. The dirty bomb attack. The nuclear test in North Korea was not a coincidence. US may manipulate N. Korea through China. In my previous messages you know the secret police of China and US having a close collaboration.

The dirty bomb attack, not only will help Bush's party in coming election, but also justify a new Mid-east war - Bombing Iran.

2. A bio-attack. In October, there was a news said that FBI scientist Douglas Beecher thought the anthrax used in September - October 2001 attack "were not prepared using advanced techniques and additives to make them more lethal". That "A clever high school student" could make such a preparation, according to Ronald Atlas, former president of the American Society for Microbiology and co-director of the Center for Hearlth hazards Preparedness at the University of Louisville.

Combine with the "discovery of Lidle's passport" event, it reveals that FBI start a mission to cover up the flaws they made in "9/11 attack" and tried to "solve" it by scapegoat. So another bio-attack may happen too in this October.

The Lidle's small plane air crash in New York was not a coincidence, too. It was a psychological operation to pre-plant the mind of American people that a small plane attack is hard to prevent.

The dirty bomb attack or bio-attack may be carried out by small plane. All they have to do is to install a dirty bomb and remote control kit in a training plane. Then instruct a "terror cell" member to take a flight lesson. The rest we saw in Lidle's case. Of course, before the "terror cell" join the flight school, he must take an oath about "jihad" or royal to Al Qaida or something like that. Which will later be discovered as a convenient evidence the way we are now so familiar with. Either by finding a passport in street, a plan in his laptop computer, or a tape mailed to Al Jazzera.....

26 years ago, there had been an October surprise. A secret deal made between Bush Sr. and Iran in Paris. Iran would keep on detaining the 52 American Embassy hostages to humiliate Demo President candidate Jimmy Carter to guarantee GOP's victory of 1980 presidency campaign. As promised, Iranians released the hostages on the inauguration day of Reagan and Bush Sr. What was the payment? Arms and weapons which Iran needed. Which was later known as "Iran - Contra" scandal. Oliver North became a scapegoat in that case. The story government told people was that CIA selling weapons to Iran to exchange money to support anti-Contra movement in Latin America.

But do you believe that CIA was so poor that it had to sell weapons to its enemy for money? How could they pick up one of the biggest enemies - Iran as buyer when there were so many other buyers?

26 years ago they bribed our enemy to detain American hostages for the power of presidency. 5 years ago they killed Americans in the name of "terrorists" in order to have war in Middle-east. Now, for the war on Iran and the power of the Houses, what things can't they do?

Don't be blinded by the show of "hostility of North Korea". North Korea is as hostile as Iran to US. If the Inside Group could make secret deal with Iran then, why not with North Korea this time?
It's quite nice to rule these forums.

I've actually talked to Munro about having a copyright symbol next to everything for me, but we decided that it's so well known it's not needed.

By the way, I don't know if your post was sarcastic, so just for a tip, most of mine are.
443. Penis surprise (2) (10/20/06)

For the mid-term election, to keep McDonald's burger party in bench, the Inside Group may have planned a big "penis attack".

1. The Big Mac attack. The Big Tasty in Burger King was not a coincidence. Ronald may manipulate Burger King through Wendy's. In my previous messages you know the executive boards of Wendy's and McDonald's having a close collaboration.

The Big Mac attack, not only will help McDonald's business group in coming advertising campaign, but also justify a new Burger war - Buying out Wimpy.

etc, ad nauseum