Liger vs Brown Bear

Who will win in a fight, Liger or Brown Bear?

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Sep 7, 2004
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Ok guys, poll time. I hope you can solve an argument for me and a friend on which of these animals would win in a fight. :D

I saw this video of a Liger, it's where a Tiger and a Lion breeds, to get a super cat:
It weighs 900lbs and is MASSIVE, they grow upto 10ft long. Has claws + massive teeth.

In the other corner, is the Brown Bear, well known again 10ft tall on it's back legs. It weighs around 1500lbs. Has big paws, weight and strong jaw.

My friend says, the Brown Bear would win but I think, the size and power of the Liger, Tiger/Lion thing (100x size of the house Pussy), would have the advantage.

What do you think? Discuss.
Bear. I read somewhere that bears are the most powerful creatures in world + they pwn.
Liger for coolness
Bear for awesomeness
I wanted to vote bear but I accidentally clicked Liger. Bears are my favourite animal after all. :cheese:
Make love not war! Thus the Brown Liger shall win!
brownbear, EASILY.

You honestly think a 900 lb animal can kill a 1500 lb one???


I wish I could bet on animal fights against you people, I would get f*cking rich.
Bear hand = 50x tyson hit

Bear can distroy LIGER face in one hit.
A brown bear? We have brown bears where I live, and they're like giant rats except you don't piss them off. Are you talking about a grizzly? One of our local cinnamons would be in trouble, but most any other 'brown' ursid would whup ass.
brownbear, EASILY.
You honestly think a 900 lb animal can kill a 1500 lb one???


I wish I could bet on animal fights against you people, I would get f*cking rich.
Given aggressive carnivorous mammals, you're probably right. I can think of a few animals much less than 900 pounds that could drop a 1500 pound one without much thought though if weight is the only consideration.
If the Liger doesn't loose any of it's 'tiger' through breeding then I'd say Liger. Anyone remember that video online of the tiger on top of the crock? :O
A brown bear? We have brown bears where I live, and they're like giant rats except you don't piss them off. Are you talking about a grizzly? One of our local cinnamons would be in trouble, but most any other 'brown' ursid would whup ass.

Given aggressive carnivorous mammals, you're probably right. I can think of a few animals much less than 900 pounds that could drop a 1500 pound one without much thought though if weight is the only consideration.

Yes, I also meant given that both animals are carnivorous. A 900 pound liger versus a 1500 pound bear barely has a chance.

It is true that weight isn't everything, for example polar bears hunt seals that weight as much as 1 ton.
Screw Brown/Kodiak/Grizzly. Go all out POLAR BEAR. I mean the ice crushing, seal murderizing, Coca Cola drinking kind.
The tallest recorded polar bear was 11ft tall and almost 2000 pounds.
A bear.

the liger is known to get horrible arthritis, because its bone structure isn't strong enough to support all the weight. They thus move very slowly, and a healthy bear would be able to topple one pretty easily.
I saw a gigantic kodiak bear stuffed body in a museum up in alaska...

The thing was standing on its feet in a pose for taxidermy... and it was just monstrous. I swear it was a freak of its kind, and was like 12-13 feet tall.

You should pit it against a short-faced bear. Bring one back from extinction so it can devour humanity.
I saw a gigantic kodiak bear stuffed body in a museum up in alaska...

The thing was standing on its feet in a pose for taxidermy... and it was just monstrous. I swear it was a freak of its kind, and was like 12-13 feet tall.

You should pit it against a short-faced bear. Bring one back from extinction so it can devour humanity.
Ligers will never exist naturally as Tigers and Lions live so far apart, therefore every one bred, will be in captivity, without the natural wildness about them that a bear possesses. A bear would make short work of a Liger sadly :(
Bear, hands down. The only living creatures that could take out a bear that I can think of right now are microbes, an army of Brazillian fire ants, great white sharks, possibly an enraged elephant, or a human a fair distance away with a high-caliber firearm and a clear shot.
the bear are just bigger that tiger and are not slow
and one slap of theyr claw can cause much damage
Stephen Colbert fears only Bears. And as such... it is the only creature fearsome enough to have no equal!
There were fights put on in the 19th Century in Northwestern America between Lions and Grizzly bears and the Grizzly always walked out the victor. It would take something like an Elephant or Rhyno to beat a Grizzly bear due to it's speed, power and pure strength. It's also why hunters who hunt for bear have to have a) a special license, and b) a high calibre rifle and also a high powered sidearm as if you don't take a grizzly out in one hit, which is difficult as you have to hit it in "weak spots", it is going to charge at you doing 30mph, which is going to be covered very quickly over 200metre range.
I'd have to say the bear, in an open arena deathmatch.
The cat might win in a dense jungle where it could hit and run attack.
Ligers arn't actually that aggressive anyway.
If we are talking full size of each animal here anyway.

I would kick the shit out of BOTH at the same time however.

Go for the jugular, Kitty, go for the muthafokkin' JUGULAR :frown: :devil:
There were fights put on in the 19th Century in North-western America between Lions and Grizzly bears and the Grizzly always walked out the victor. It would take something like an Elephant or Rhino to beat a Grizzly bear due to it's speed, power and pure strength. It's also why hunters who hunt for bear have to have a) a special license, and b) a high calibre rifle and also a high powered sidearm as if you don't take a grizzly out in one hit, which is difficult as you have to hit it in "weak spots", it is going to charge at you doing 30mph, which is going to be covered very quickly over 200metre range.
I've watched a similar case on television of a huge grizzly bear having killed countless humans and hunters were out looking for it, knowing it was huge. One hunter found it and shot the bear with a high calibre rifle several times and the bear didn't flinch, it just continued to charge riddled with bullets. He was lucky enough to pull out his magnum and hit the bear between the eyes with his last bullet and kill it. Photos of that bear...dear god, it was like 14ft tall, and it's paw was much bigger than an average human head, frightening.

Monkey - that fight would be more evenly matched I agree.
A Polar Bear would kill both Ligers, Tigons, Brown Bears and Chris Turk, though. They're insane.