Liger vs Brown Bear

Who will win in a fight, Liger or Brown Bear?

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Also, if anyone has ever seen a living polar bear in the flesh, at a zoo or something, you'll realise something you can't comprehend on a television, they are bloody massive. Be very afraid :(
Meh. Of course the bear would win. A better challenge would be several Ligers (or just tigers or lions) vs. one bear :x. I remember seeing once on tv a pack of lions bringing down an elephant. Took a while but they got him down, but of course a single liger/tiger/lion would get his ass kicked.
Also, if anyone has ever seen a living polar bear in the flesh, at a zoo or something, you'll realise something you can't comprehend on a television, they are bloody massive. Be very afraid :(

at the same time they are majorly cute :thumbs:
Bears are probably the most sexiest beasts in the whole god-damn mother****ing ****er's ****ing world.

Bear wins. End of story.
The bear wasn't fighting, it was just snooping around.

That video doesn't count :P