Light Fixtures


Nov 18, 2005
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Hi, im tryin create light fixtures that go on the walls of my map.
I've been usin the light_spot entity, but it doesnt have the actual model, just the effect. Does anyone know where i can find the actual light models? and how do i get them to shine the light entity.

(tell me if i dont make sense lol)
Get a prop_static model and find your fixture in one of the folders you are presented with.
Then you just have to creat the light entities like you did before and tweak to perfection.
well i've found my model and created it...but i dont know how to "glue" it to a wall or make it appear in the map. i've clicked "toWorld" but it doesnt appear when i run it.
you've probably edited the fade distances by mistake. the start fade should be -1 and the end fade should be 0.

you don't 'glue' static props. they're static. just stick them where you want them. there are wall lights in props_wasteland iirc
toWorld will break down brush based entities, such as func_detail, to editable parts again.