Lighting and landscape...?


Dec 5, 2004
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Well, my first question is is there a tutorial somewhere on lighting? Cuz mine really sucks. Like moving around it flickers and they're normal lights, if you step in different areas the light just suddenly changes. It's a really big problem (this is an all inside map). I'd also like to know something about building outdoor lighting.

Also, is there a tutorial somewhere about landscape? I'd like to build a few vehicle levels just for fun now that the vehicle server mod is out. Thx.
For the flickering lighting: have you used a texture that has 'prop' anywhere in the name? That might cause it, those are textures meant only for models (props) and not for brushes.
yeh i do. Damn. I've got like thirty columns on the map (that's the main part of it, a room full of columns) and they all have a prop texture. Thanks.
Pennington said:
yeh i do. Damn. I've got like thirty columns on the map (that's the main part of it, a room full of columns) and they all have a prop texture. Thanks.

Maybe you should use the prop_static that belongs with that texture to do the columns, a lot cheaper to render than brush faces (assuming you used brushes for the columns).