lighting help needed


Aug 11, 2005
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Hi I need some help with the lighting on my new map. You see in some valve css maps how they have dust floating through the light beams. How do I make that effect. and does any1 know how to make swinging lights. Thankyou.:(
here is whta i wud like to do
Tie a brush to 'func_dustmotes' for the purdy particles. Use the toolsnodraw texture on all sides.
thanks thts great. Can you help me with my swinging light. tht wud be brill.thx sum more :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :D :D :D
So you want a physical entity like a prop_physics for the light, a constraint entity like a phys_ballsocket to hold it in place, and two move_ropes on the ceiling with their corresponding keyframe_ropes on the light, parented to it or logic_measure_movemented to it if in CS:S.
thank you sounds hard but will try tmmrw when i get back from my overnight cycle trip.:afro: :afro:
i have got it to work except witha chair instead of light because i cant find any flourecent lights with properties for prop_physics.:burp:
Prop_physics_override forces the model you use to be physically stimulated.
i just found this out a few mins b4 ur reply. Thx anyway. I have a new problem. The ropes which come from the roof do not attach to the light when it swings. so the light swings but the ropes just dangle from the roof.
I have used dynamic lights for the swinging lights. But they do not seem to be emmiting any light. I have noticed that when u run under one the player goes white. Can any1 help. I have set the big sphere to 600 and the brightness to 200.
Am I the only one that thinks dynamic lights only light the gun and hand models?
Maybe Im not using them right but thats all i can get them to light up.
So like twinsen I messed with all the settings and they still wont like anything but the gun and hands.
They'll do that under a few circumstances, most notably not setting the Maximum Distance high enough. For some reason 0 does not equal infinite.
surely 600 is enuf distance. I will try higher though.:dozey:
Let's see.

Another, more obvious, problem would be checking the "No world light" flag. This would cause the light_dynamic (surprise!) not to light the world.

A third, significantly less obvious, problem is setting the "Light Brightness" ("Light brightness override" in my FGDs) property too high or too low, which may stop the light from lighting up brushes. From the documentation in my FGDs: Used to override the light's brightness. 1-20 make the light brighter. 21-30 or so cut a black circle out of the middle of the light. Less than 0 make the light dimmer. Too high or too low may stop the light from lighting up brushes.
nah im not tht stupid. i dont think anyway i checked tht tht wasnt ticked and changed the brightness and it still dont work. changed the radius as wll still didnt work so im just using spots now and not having the whole swinging light thing unless u can parent a spot to a light mdl using logic_measure_movements.
can u do tht. it was just a guess.;)