Lighting Help


Nov 11, 2003
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Not so much on how to use lights, no problem there.. but I need help on some new and interesting ways to light a room. And I think that this could help alot of people add some variation to their maps. The current map I'm working on, de_tomb, is based on an ancient tomb in the side of a mountain. I will be posting a WIP thread soon, but I want to get abit more done first.

Anyways, right now I have most of the interior lit up by little torches attached to the wall with little fire sprites. I also used a few of the flood light models and put some point_spotlight on them, and they look really good. However, as you can imagine, its gets kind of repetitive, as the interior is rather large. Since my map is 90% inside, and there isn't really the technology for ceiling lights and stuff like that, I need some innovative ways to light up some of my rooms. So can anyone think on some interesting way that will look cool? Thx for your help. :cheers:
Maybe Flares, dropped lanterns/torches resting on the ground.
oh, that reminds me. I tried making flares before, and someone told me to use env_flare.. but I don't have that? I guess its a HL2 entity and not CS:S ?