Lightmap Error

Describe anything unusual about your map. Have you been messing with the advanced compile options?

This is really annoying as I'd only just started making it before I came into this roadblock, anyway, there's the map, it's pretty large which might be the problem, oh and whilst you're reading this, do you have any tips on making the textures look less like a pattern when you see them from far away?
I would use a blend texture or something but the only texture that looks like the rocky cliffs from HL! is the one im using.

It happened to me too. It went away when I deleted my displacement maps.

Best thing I can suggest is block an area off, compile, increase the area, compile etc until you find the affected area.
adding hint brushes seems to help but doesn't fix the problem.

As a test, use a completely different texture on each displacement map to see if it happens still