Lightning Bolt

Not bad, would need to listen to a proper recording though. If anything it just makes me love American live music more as I love the way you guys host those tight as hell basement like gigs. The closest we've had is Municipal Waste playing a no stage, no barrier gig in a pub venue which kicked so much ass.
Wow, half those people have no clue how to mosh

edit: and thx for the nice long shot of the man tit
You might like HORSE the Band - it's not quite as abrasive, but those guys' videos reminded me a fairly popular song that HORSE did. They do have some pretty ****ed up stuff, too. Good live band as well. Like I said, our gigs in England are pretty tame compared to what's happening in the LB video, but these guys tore shit up.

Quite liked the two videos btw. /me hunts more.
Huh, i don't really like this but I'd like to know what in god's name of a genre is this
Heh, at 1:45 there is the anarcho-syndicalist flag. Yes, that's great stuff. By the way Antipop, have you checked out Death from Above 1979's album "You're a Woman, I'm a Machine?" That's a pretty incredible mild noise/completely rocking/synth album.

But of course. Jesse Keeler was a great influence for me when I was experimenting with styles whilst learning bass guitar. Or just a generally fething good bassist that was part of a damned awesome, fun and catchy band. Too bad they split up.
It really is. I'm sure you've been following Jesse in MSTRKRFT though? Top-notch remixes (I especially like their "No Wow" one from The Kills). Keeping to ****ed up live sets though, near the end of this performance someone just completely throws himself on the heads of the crowd? I think someone actually gets knocked out from it. Hah, insanity.
Huh, i don't really like this but I'd like to know what in god's name of a genre is this
It's not a genre, it's a load of retards spazzing out on their instruments. People listen to this dogshite?

Also, ROFL'ing at the ppl spazzing out around the drummer. That guy in red having a seizure?
It's not a genre, it's a load of retards spazzing out on their instruments. People listen to this dogshite?

Also, ROFL'ing at the ppl spazzing out around the drummer. That guy in red having a seizure?

Have you let it all out? Good, now continue yourself outside of this thread. I'm not even sure what you're doing in here as you're in one of the lower tiers of awesome. :imu:
It really is. I'm sure you've been following Jesse in MSTRKRFT though? Top-notch remixes (I especially like their "No Wow" one from The Kills). Keeping to ****ed up live sets though, near the end of this performance someone just completely throws himself on the heads of the crowd? I think someone actually gets knocked out from it. Hah, insanity.

Actually, I haven't gotten around to checking out MSTRKRFT yet. I think I was a little put off by Pitchfork's review maybe, but I haven't disregarded it completly - I'm just lazy when it comes to getting music sometimes and/or I'm already aquiring and loving something else.

Will have a gander tomorrow. I should of tonight, really, but I got some more Built to Spill albums instead. :sleep::D
MSTRKRFT remixes = good
MSTRKRFT tracks = not so much

Lightning Bolt are ****ing cool, gotta love some nice noise-rock :)
I'll give you my opinion on the drummer.
It looks like he's trying to sound really complex and awesome, and his bass work is pretty damn good, but he keeps on falling off beat. Perhaps it's just the style of the music, but my idea of a drummer is someone who hold rhythm. Him falling off the beat just totally wrecks it for me. Of all things he's falling off beat with the snare. It makes me want to go hang myself.

EDIT: That second Lightning Bolt Live video posted (5 posts above mine), he was drumming pretty good. That first one was shit in my opinion.
Actually, I haven't gotten around to checking out MSTRKRFT yet. I think I was a little put off by Pitchfork's review maybe, but I haven't disregarded it completly - I'm just lazy when it comes to getting music sometimes and/or I'm already aquiring and loving something else.

Will have a gander tomorrow. I should of tonight, really, but I got some more Built to Spill albums instead. :sleep::D

Well, as Badger implied, you only need to track down their remixes. There is a package online with 2 CDs worth of them. Their D.A.N.C.E one isn't on it, but I think we're all just about sick of that song now anyway (DVNO is still top).