Lights not compiling


Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
Ive added some new lights to my map and they are not showing up in game. I cant figure this out on my own.
Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Jan  2 2006)
2 threads
materialPath: c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\*\day of defeat source\dod\materials
Loading C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\*\sourcesdk\bin\HammerAutosave\desert_gloryb1.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
Chop Details...done (0)
Find Visible Detail Sides...
Merged 132 detail faces...done (0)
Merging details...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\*\sourcesdk\bin\HammerAutosave\desert_gloryb1.prt...done (0)
Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.

Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.

Finding displacement neighbors...
Found a displacement edge abutting multiple other edges.
Warning: invalid neighbor connection on displacement near (960.00 -48.00 64.00)
Warning: invalid neighbor connection on displacement near (1064.39 -52.00 64.00)
Warning: invalid neighbor connection on displacement near (1114.80 -48.00 64.00)
Warning: invalid neighbor connection on displacement near (1114.64 -52.00 64.00)
Warning: invalid neighbor connection on displacement near (1052.87 -72.00 128.00)
Warning: invalid neighbor connection on displacement near (1052.87 -72.00 128.00)
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (2) (2057542 bytes)
Emitting linux collision data (use -nolinuxdata to disable).
Building Physics collision data...
done (1) (6591817 bytes)
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_c17/lamp_standard_off01.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_c17/lamp_standard_off01.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_debris/wood_board05a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_debris/wood_board05a.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_debris/wood_board01a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_debris/wood_board01a.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_debris/wood_board06a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_debris/wood_board06a.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_interiors/Radiator01a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_interiors/Radiator01a.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_wasteland/prison_bedframe001a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_wasteland/prison_bedframe001a.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_crates/woodbarrel001.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_crates/woodbarrel001.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_wasteland/prison_heater002a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_wasteland/prison_heater002a.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_urban/wall_lamp2.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_urban/wall_lamp2.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_junk/wood_crate002a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_junk/wood_crate002a.mdl"!
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 615 texinfos to 418
Reduced 266 texdatas to 190 (11423 bytes to 7002)
Writing C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\*\sourcesdk\bin\HammerAutosave\desert_gloryb1.bsp
20 seconds elapsed
Memory leak: mempool blocks left in memory: 25

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Jan  2 2006)
fastvis = true
2 threads
reading c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\*\sourcesdk\bin\hammerautosave\desert_gloryb1.bsp
reading c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\*\sourcesdk\bin\hammerautosave\desert_gloryb1.prt
 655 portalclusters
2364 numportals
BasePortalVis:       0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (2)
Optimized: 7742 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 371797
Average clusters visible: 567
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 654
visdatasize:111083  compressed from 115280
writing c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\*\sourcesdk\bin\hammerautosave\desert_gloryb1.bsp
3 seconds elapsed

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Jan 16 2006)
----- Radiosity Simulator ----
2 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[39 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\*\sourcesdk\bin\hammerautosave\desert_gloryb1.bsp
2014 faces
190797 square feet [27474866.00 square inches]
152 displacements
157324 square feet [22654668.00 square inches]
2014 patches before subdivision
29420 patches after subdivision
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 50.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 50.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
14 direct lights
BuildFacelights:     0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (114)
BuildVisLeafs:       0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (105)
transfers 1333098, max 559
transfer lists:  10.2 megs
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #1 added RGB(97962, 84044, 39657)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
	Bounce #2 added RGB(8143, 6011, 2000)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #3 added RGB(1035, 687, 181)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #4 added RGB(194, 116, 25)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #5 added RGB(46, 25, 4)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #6 added RGB(13, 6, 1)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #7 added RGB(4, 2, 0)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
	Bounce #9 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0348 sec>
FinalLightFace:      0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (5)
FinalLightFace Done
Ready to Finish
Computing detail prop lighting : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
ComputePerLeafAmbientLighting: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10

Object names       Objects/Maxobjs  Memory / Maxmem  Fullness 
------------       ---------------  ---------------  -------- 
models                  11/1024          528/49152    ( 1.1%) 
brushes                443/8192         5316/98304    ( 5.4%) 
brushsides            2954/65536       23632/524288   ( 4.5%) 
planes                1882/65536       37640/1310720  ( 2.9%) 
vertexes              4989/65536       59868/786432   ( 7.6%) 
nodes                 1233/65536       39456/2097152  ( 1.9%) 
texinfos               418/12288       30096/884736   ( 3.4%) 
texdata                190/2048         6080/65536    ( 9.3%) 
dispinfos              152/0           26752/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_verts           17928/0          358560/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_tris            29824/0           59648/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_lmsamples      374223/0          374223/0        ( 0.0%) 
faces                 2014/65536      112784/3670016  ( 3.1%) 
origfaces             1381/65536       77336/3670016  ( 2.1%) 
leaves                1245/65536       39840/2097152  ( 1.9%) 
leaffaces             2213/65536        4426/131072   ( 3.4%) 
leafbrushes            824/65536        1648/131072   ( 1.3%) 
areas                    2/256            16/2048     ( 0.8%) 
surfedges            15268/512000      61072/2048000  ( 3.0%) 
edges                 9282/256000      37128/1024000  ( 3.6%) 
LDR worldlights         14/8192         1232/720896   ( 0.2%) 
HDR worldlights          0/8192            0/720896   ( 0.0%) 
waterstrips            154/32768        1540/327680   ( 0.5%) 
waterverts               0/65536           0/786432   ( 0.0%) 
waterindices          3030/65536        6060/131072   ( 4.6%) 
cubemapsamples         101/1024         1616/16384    ( 9.9%) 
overlays                 9/512          3168/180224   ( 1.8%) 
LDR lightdata         [variable]     1557740/0        ( 0.0%) 
HDR lightdata         [variable]           0/0        ( 0.0%) 
visdata               [variable]      111083/16777216 ( 0.7%) 
entdata               [variable]       48050/393216   (12.2%) 
LDR leaf ambient      1245/65536       29880/1572864  ( 1.9%) 
HDR leaf ambient         0/65536           0/1572864  ( 0.0%) 
occluders                6/0             240/0        ( 0.0%) 
occluder polygons      138/0            1656/0        ( 0.0%) 
occluder vert ind      580/0            2320/0        ( 0.0%) 
detail props          [variable]           1/1232     ( 0.1%) 
dtl prp lght          [variable]           1/4        (25.0%) 
HDR dtl prp lght      [variable]           1/4        (25.0%) 
static props          [variable]           1/29662    ( 0.0%) 
pakfile               [variable]     8855433/0        ( 0.0%) 

Win32 Specific Data:
physics               [variable]     2057542/4194304  (49.1%) 
==== Total Win32 BSP file data space used: 14033613 bytes ====

Linux Specific Data:
physicssurface        [variable]     6591817/6291456  (104.8%) VERY FULL!
==== Total Linux BSP file data space used: 18567888 bytes ====

Total triangle count: 5624
Writing c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\*\sourcesdk\bin\hammerautosave\desert_gloryb1.bsp
3 minutes, 52 seconds elapsed
Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Jan 16 2006)
----- Radiosity Simulator ----
2 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[39 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\*\sourcesdk\bin\hammerautosave\desert_gloryb1.bsp
2014 faces
190797 square feet [27474866.00 square inches]
152 displacements
157324 square feet [22654668.00 square inches]
2014 patches before subdivision
29420 patches after subdivision
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 50.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
light has _fifty_percent_distance of 50.000000 but no zero_percent_distance
14 direct lights
BuildFacelights:     0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (116)
BuildVisLeafs:       0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (106)
transfers 1333433, max 559
transfer lists:  10.2 megs
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #1 added RGB(71379, 61234, 29161)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #2 added RGB(6070, 4449, 1478)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
	Bounce #3 added RGB(811, 529, 138)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #4 added RGB(160, 94, 20)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #5 added RGB(39, 21, 4)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
	Bounce #6 added RGB(11, 5, 1)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #7 added RGB(3, 1, 0)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
	Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
GatherLight:         0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
	Bounce #9 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0311 sec>
FinalLightFace:      0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (5)
FinalLightFace Done
Ready to Finish
Computing detail prop lighting : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
ComputePerLeafAmbientLighting: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10

Object names       Objects/Maxobjs  Memory / Maxmem  Fullness 
------------       ---------------  ---------------  -------- 
models                  11/1024          528/49152    ( 1.1%) 
brushes                443/8192         5316/98304    ( 5.4%) 
brushsides            2954/65536       23632/524288   ( 4.5%) 
planes                1882/65536       37640/1310720  ( 2.9%) 
vertexes              4989/65536       59868/786432   ( 7.6%) 
nodes                 1233/65536       39456/2097152  ( 1.9%) 
texinfos               418/12288       30096/884736   ( 3.4%) 
texdata                190/2048         6080/65536    ( 9.3%) 
dispinfos              152/0           26752/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_verts           17928/0          358560/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_tris            29824/0           59648/0        ( 0.0%) 
disp_lmsamples      374223/0          374223/0        ( 0.0%) 
faces                 2014/65536      112784/3670016  ( 3.1%) 
origfaces             1381/65536       77336/3670016  ( 2.1%) 
leaves                1245/65536       39840/2097152  ( 1.9%) 
leaffaces             2213/65536        4426/131072   ( 3.4%) 
leafbrushes            824/65536        1648/131072   ( 1.3%) 
areas                    2/256            16/2048     ( 0.8%) 
surfedges            15268/512000      61072/2048000  ( 3.0%) 
edges                 9282/256000      37128/1024000  ( 3.6%) 
LDR worldlights         14/8192         1232/720896   ( 0.2%) 
HDR worldlights         14/8192         1232/720896   ( 0.2%) 
waterstrips            154/32768        1540/327680   ( 0.5%) 
waterverts               0/65536           0/786432   ( 0.0%) 
waterindices          3030/65536        6060/131072   ( 4.6%) 
cubemapsamples         101/1024         1616/16384    ( 9.9%) 
overlays                 9/512          3168/180224   ( 1.8%) 
LDR lightdata         [variable]     1557740/0        ( 0.0%) 
HDR lightdata         [variable]     1557740/0        ( 0.0%) 
visdata               [variable]      111083/16777216 ( 0.7%) 
entdata               [variable]       48050/393216   (12.2%) 
LDR leaf ambient      1245/65536       29880/1572864  ( 1.9%) 
HDR leaf ambient      1245/65536       29880/1572864  ( 1.9%) 
occluders                6/0             240/0        ( 0.0%) 
occluder polygons      138/0            1656/0        ( 0.0%) 
occluder vert ind      580/0            2320/0        ( 0.0%) 
detail props          [variable]           1/1232     ( 0.1%) 
dtl prp lght          [variable]           1/4        (25.0%) 
HDR dtl prp lght      [variable]           1/4        (25.0%) 
static props          [variable]           1/29662    ( 0.0%) 
pakfile               [variable]     8855433/0        ( 0.0%)

I am aware of the model problems and the displacement errors. I also would like to know if thoes displacement errors can be left alone.
why does VRAD appear to be running twice in one compile sequence? the second run doesn't appear to end - cut'n'paste error?

can't see anything wrong apart from that. what kind of lights are they? have they been flagged 'initially dark' by mistake?
One is a light_spot and two are regular lights. It is very odd that this is happening, all other lights are compiling and working correctly. Just thoes 3, it seems that it wont add any more lights after a certain point because I had 2 of thoes lights in one compile before the last light was added and compiled. Neither compile actualy compiled them.
not sure about the regular light but the light spots may not be extending far enough to light the surfaces, or they may be flagged 'start off'

other than that, dunno
Well I checked them for any problems they are all configured correctly. Im going to move everything to a new file and see if it helps?

Edit: I just came to the conclusion that only the lights with both 0 percent fall off distance AND max distance set didnt compile. Is there a problem with having both of these set? Even if the same distance?